
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Tranh châm biếm
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282 Chs

139. Alliance

Law suddenly ask Luffy to make an alliance between Straw Hat Pirate and Heart Pirate crew.

"In New World, big pirates have their own territory. The biggest of them are the Four Emperors. To survive in this sea, pirate crews have 2 choice. Wether to join one of the Emperor or defeating them. I assume that you are not someone that want to bow to other people."-Law

"Yeah, i want to be my own crew's captain."-Luffy

"That's why i offer you to create an alliance with me. I have a plan to defeat an Emperor, and i have the key for that."-Law

"Who is your target?"-Jon

"The Strongest Creature, King of The Beasts, Kaido."-Law

""KAIDO?""-Straw Hats

"Kaido is it? Aren't you aiming too high?"-Jon

"It could be seen like that, but Kaido's crew is the most open about their business. Other Emperors are more secretive in their business than him. More importantly, i have the key that can make turmoil in New World and it will affect Kaido more than the others."-Law

"Hmm, so you have the key to provoke Kaido, but not the others. I agree that his crew is not really secretive compared to other Emperors, but that didn't mean we can fight them easier than the other Emperors."-Jon

"Yeah, but we can cut their source of power. We can make them stop getting stronger."-Law

Jon think it's not a bad idea, because information is everything before war. The one with most information spreading is Beasts Pirate.

"Alliance huh, i ag-"-Luffy

"Wait Luffy! I don't mind if you agree and i will follow your decission. But Alliance between pirates are often ended in betrayal."-Robin

"Will you betray me?"-Luffy


Luffy just smile proudly, make the crew mad at him. Jon & Robin just giggle at Luffy, but Jon still thinking of this plan. The others try to persuade Luffy to refuse, but he just say that he believe in them who trained for 2 years. This compliment make them fly to the sky, and make Jon sweatdrop at them.

"Then, we have become an ally with Heart Pirate now."-Luffy

"YOSHA, Emperor or not, leave it to this Usopp-sama! If Zoro & Sanji are chickening out, i will put them in their place."-Usopp

"That's right, that's right."-Chopper

"Sigh, whatever, i don't have any problem and i've prepared for any problem in the future. But Law, are you sure about this?"-Jon

"What do you mean?"-Law

"Just informing you, but Luffy's definition of alliance must be different from you."-Jon


"Luffy, do you know what an alliance means?"-Robin

"It means we are friends right?"-Luffy

Jon look at Law who have cold sweats on his face. It seem he start to regret his choice for alliance partner. Well, it's not like he have any choice now. The only one he can ask is Straw Hat, as the other crews has made an alliance, join an Emperor, or their locations are unknown.

"I hope you've steel your heart for the future."-Jon

Jon didn't say anything else and just tap Law's shoulder. Then Jon go to check the kids which are still sleeping. The others are talking with Law about Luffy's mind, make Law have more sweats.

Sometime later, Law return Franky & Chopper to their body. Nami is in Sanji's body because her body is not here. Then Law & Chopper go to examine the drug of the children and make the cure.

Before leaving, Law ask Luffy to kidnap Caesar. He need Caesar alive for their plan after this. Luffy didn't have any problem and agree. Luffy, Robin & Franky leave to kidnap Caesar, while Jon, Usopp & Nami will stay with the kids.

Law also explained that Caesar is a devil fruit user. He is a logia, he ate Gas Gas fruit, so only Haki user can fight him. Jon give Franky a cloth with seastone ornaments. He tied it on Franky's finger so he can help the fight. Then they all leave Jon, Usopp, Nami & the kids.

"Are you sure you didn't go with Luffy?"-Nami

"Are you sure you can protect these kids if some people attack again?"-Jon

Jon answer with a question, so Usopp & Nami shake their head. If they're alone when someone attack, then they're not sure they can protect the kids and themselves. With Jon here, they won't be worried of anything.

Jon is observing the kids, when he remember that he haven't contact his Zetsu spies. He ask #1 about the situation, and it seem the Zetsus haven't covered the whole island. Jon then ask them to get every detail of Caesar's experiment and copy them.

"Did you want to use the data, Boss?"-Zetsu #1

"I don't know, it can be useful for the future, but it's also a dangerous data. A weapon can be a life saver for someone, but also a nightmare for other. Beside, it's just my hobby to collect information."-Jon

"I understand, then we will focus on finding those datas."-Zetsu #1

Zetsu #1 leave and give Jon's order to other Zetsus that have spread. Now Jon just need to wait for them to get the datas. If he can't use it, maybe the RA can use it.

Some time later, the kids start to wake up. Jon observe them and they don't ask for any candy anymore. His genjutsu is effective and they won't have desire for candy now. But this is just an illusion he gave to their mind, so they still need the real cure.

"Usopp, put them in sleep again! Even if they're under my genjutsu, but their mind are not stable. They can suddenly have an outburst, and it's better to make them sleep. They also need to rest."-Jon


Usopp use his sleeping gas again, but it's not working on the bigger kids. Jon then throw gas mask to Nami & Usopp. Then he use his sleeping gas that have higher dose than Usopp's.

All kids are now sleeping, and they're relief. Suddenly, Jon feel someone come, then he look back and see someone fly on the air. The guy have horns like a sheep, lame yellow outfit, and purplish coat with Gas Gas words. Jon recognize this guy, and didn't seem happy.

"Caesar Clown, what are you doing here?"-Jon

"Shurorororo, i've come to take those kids back. It seem you've put them in sleep, but that will not solve their problem. Now, give those kids back!"-Caesar

"Try it!"-Jon

"Shurorororo, i've defeated your Captain & the Marines, what can you even do?"-Caesar

"Luffy is defeated?!"-Usopp

"Calm down! It's Luffy, he won't get defeated easily, it must be a trick or Luffy is underestimating this gas bastard. I need to give him some piece of mind later."-Jon

"Hmph, so stubborn. Well fine, i'll show you what i can do by defeating you."-Caesar

"Master, will you save these kids?"-Brownbeard

"Save? They're my experimental subjects. You also failed in your mission, so i need to kill you, shurorororo."-Caesar

"Eh!?"-Brownbeard is shocked

Usopp suddenly shoot his old technique that has been upgraded, Firebird Star. It seem Usopp want to use surprise attack, but it didn't work. The firebird suddenly disappeared, and Caesar even kindly explain that he erased the Oxygen around him.

'So he can manipulate gas, even choosing different type of gas to manipulate.'-Jon

Jon flicker and appear right in front of Caesar. Caesar get surprised, but Jon is not Luffy that like to play around. Jon punch and kick Caesar with his Haki covered hands and legs.

Caesar turn his body into gas and try to run away. Jon just use geppo to maneouver on the air and chase Caesar. Caesar got annoyed and erase all the gass around Jon.

Jon got choked and can't breathe, but his brain still work fast. Jon draw Kusanagi and extend it toward Caesar. He didn't use haki or chakra because he's short on time. Luckily, his attack make Caesar lost concentration and the oxygen is back.

Jon breath for air and look at the others. They are fine, and didn't seen to be low on oxygen just now. So Jon realize that the previous attack's range is short. Caesar also need high concentration to remove oxygen in vicinity.

Jon grin and draw Inari too, then he flow his lightning chakra & haki on both of his swords. Then he flicker at Caesar while holding his breath. Caesar get surprised when Jon suddenly appear right in front of him.

"Feel some pain!"-Jon



Jon stab Kusanagi & Inari at Caesar's legs, hurting the scientist. The lightning chakra electrocute him, and Jon let him feel it for sometime. It's just a little punishment for what he did to the kids.

Suddenly Caesar extend his right hand, and there are red plate and blue plate. Caesar clap them and an explosion happen. Jon is surprised and he is blown away by that explosion.

Even so, Jon is tough, he has train his durability while training his Armament Haki. So he is still fine, he is just pushed back by that explosion and fall to the ground. He look up again and find Caesar has gone, he ran away.

Jon clicked his tongue and go back to the others. He see Brownbeard is still shocked with the fact that his saviour is just using him. Jon left him and go to Nami & Usopp that stay with the kids.

"Where's he?"-Usopp

"He ran away. He can use his gas power pretty well. No wonder Luffy can't defeat him in one try. His knowledge really help his usage of his gas fruit power."-Jon

"Will it be fine if he ran away like that?"-Nami

"No need to worry, Luffy can find a way to defeat him. Luffy is careless and reckless in fight, but he will know what to do after he understand his enemy."-Jon

"You're right."-Usopp

"What should we do now?"-Nami

"We need a closed place to stay, these kids can't keep staying in open place with low temperature like this."-Jon

"You're right, but how will we transport them? Even Brownbeard is too small to bring all of us."-Nami

"Transport? Where do you want to go?"-Jon

"Where? To the facility right? That's the only warm place."-Nami

"We can just stay here, i can make this place separated from the outside. The kids didn't want to be in that facility right? Then it's better if we don't go there."-Jon

Jon then make 4 wood clones, and they spread to 4 directions. The clones stop in 4 places, then make some hand seals.

""Ninpo: Shishienjin (Four Violet Flames Formation)""-Wood Clones

A square violet barrier generate, and close the space. The wind didn't get inside, so it's not cold anymore, and the flames actually create some heat that make them warm. This barrier is made from fire chakra, so it's hot.

Jon choose to use this so he can see outside, unlike earth or wood jutsu. This barrier also prevent outside attacks, because it can burn the attackers. With this, he won't need to worry of attacks from outside.

This barrier also have roof, so it's safe from every directions. Furthermore, it didn't use a lot of chakra, and even if it does, Jon's chakra reserve is high enough for it. This is the barrier that used by the Sound Four when Orochimaru fight 3rd Hokage.

"Don't touch the barrier, or you will get burnt to ashes."-Jon

"Oi, isn't that dangerous?"-Usopp

"I'm joking, it will only burn the one that touch it from outside."-Jon

"That's still dangerous."-Usopp

"Anyway, we are save in here, and it's warm. For now, we need to prepare some food. They might be hungry, and it's better to give them food to distract them from the candies."-Jon

"You're right."-Nami

Jon then take out the sharks that he killed earlier. He also take out woods, and kitchenware. Usopp is preparing the fire, Nami prepare the seasoning, and Jon is cutting the sharks. Suddenly, a big foot steps approach Jon, so he look up.

"Ca-can you let me out?"-Brownbeard