
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

140. Smiley

Brownbeard suddenly asked Jon to let him out. He say that he want to save his crewmates that still didn't know the truth about Caesar.

"Sure, but go after we eat."-Jon


"I'll go with you too, there might be more enemies there."-Jon

"Oioioi, how if enemies start to come here?"-Usopp got scared

"My clones are enough, and this barrier is very strong, so don't worry."-Jon

They cook the fishes for sometime with simple seasoning. Jon also add some herbs that have high nutrition. The kids start to wake up from the smell, and they don't look for any candies. Even so, their body seem very weak because of the drug symptoms.

"Come on kids, let's eat, so you can get warm."-Nami


The kids eat with gutso, and they finish the meals very fast. Jon even need to cook more meats for them. At least they have strong appetite, and will gain energy. Jon cook some of their food supplies, but it's not a problem.

The kids seem to get better, but Jon know it's only temporary. They still need the antidote, so Chopper need to be fast. For now, the kids seem good, so they are relief. But Jon know the weakness of the genjutsu hypnosis he put on them, pain. So he need to make sure they don't feel any pain.


Suddenly they hear a loud explosion from outside. Jon decide to get out and check it alone. When he see what happen outside, he is very surprised. He see many red jelly like things spreading all around the place.

"It's like slime, what's that thing?"-Jon

Jon use his sharingan and realize that the slimes are something with devil fruit power. He try to attack the slime with flying attack, but it's just separated and merge again. They don't seem to have real body, that even haki & chakra can't kill them.

Jon then try to use his elemental attacks on the slimes. When he try fire attack, the slime suddenly explode. Now Jon know the source of the previous explosion. Then when he use water, the slime suddenly dissolve and die.

"So it's explode when it's burnt, and it died when get in contact with water. But, where did all these things come from?"-Jon

Jon look at the slimes and realize they fall from the sky. Then Jon use geppo to find the source of these slimes. When he reach high altitude, he see the source. It's a very big size red slime that located on the hot zone.

"That thing is very big. Damn, if that's explode, it will destruct big part of this island. We need to get away from here, i can't assure that my barrier will hold against the explosion from that thing."-Jon

Jon come back to the barrier and inform what he find to the others. They panicked, but Jon calm them down. They can't run on ground with the kids here, so they will go underground.

"Doton: Tunneling Jutsu"-Jon

Jon make a big & deep tunnel to underground, which is big enough for the biggest kid to stand in there. They a enter the tunnel, and then Jon make 2 more wood clones outside and left a scroll. Then he enter the tunnel and close it with a thick stone wall.

The 2 clones outside open the scroll and it was filled with words. This scroll contain a seal that Jon made before. The clones activate the seal and the seal spread on the stone wall.

The seal looks like Naka Shrine secret entrance seal, because it is. Jon try to recreate this seal because only someone with sharingan can open it, which is himself. This seal is also very durable that it can protect the secret entrance after the Naka shrine itself got destroyed.

The 2 clones then leave the Four Violet Flame Formation. The 4 clones are still maintaining the barrier there. So with the Flame barrier and entrance seal, the tunnel will be very safe.

Jon take all these precaution because if that slime explode in cold zone, it will be very dangerous. That's also why Jon will destroy it while it's still in hot zone. So he send 2 clones for that job, because even if that slime explode, then they will be fine.

While the clones go to exterminate that slime, Jon keep digging the tunnel. He dig toward the facility, because it can be the only place that strong enough to withstand the explosion. That place have survived Aokiji & Akainu's battle, so it must be very durable.

"You guys, don't make too many noise alright? We will hide under the facility, because it's the safest place for now. If that slime explode, then that building will protect us."-Jon

"How about the other big brothers and sisters?"-Mocha, a big girl ask

"They will be fine, they're very strong."-Usopp

"Yeah, no need to worry about them."-Nami

"Brownbeard, don't be too worried, your crewmates must've realized the situation and go to the facility."-Jon

"Yes, i trust them, and they will be fine."-Brownbeard

Jon then take out his denden mushi and call the others. He inform them to get inside the facility fast to get shelter. Jon explain the situation shortly, and they understand. After that, Jon keep going with the kids to the facility.

While Jon is tunneling to the facility, his 2 clones are running toward the slime. When they get closer, they realize the slime have the shape of Axolotl. The jelly like giant Axolotl keep shooting the slimes to cold zone and get smaller.

"Is that a zoan type devil fruit?"-Clone A

"It can be, but it can be a paramecia too."-Clone B

"Maybe it's a jelly with Axolotl fruit, or axolotl with jelly fruit."-Clone A

"Yeah it's possible, we've saw a sword and canon with devil fruit, so it can be jelly or animal like Chopper."-Clone B

"No matter what that is, we need to kill that thing."-Clone A

The clones go toward the giant Axolotl and they also see some people try to run from that thing. They also see Zoro, Sanji (in Nami's body), Brook, and a guy that must be the samurai run to the facility. The clones let them be and run to the Axolotl.

The clone start to shoot at the small slimes that fly to the cold zone. They use fire bullet, which is an combination of fire chakra and Shigan. However, the Axolotl shoot it's smaller parts faster.

"Shit, that thing's parts have start to gather in cold zone."-Clone B

"Let's go there, the ones in hot zone too far."-Clone A

The clones run to the gathered small slimes. Then they see a giant candy between them and the Axolotl. They don't know what the giant candy is, but then they remember about the kids.

They start to assume that the candy also have some kind of stimulant. Then they look at the giant Axolotl and widen their eyes. This candy might be a stimulant for that thing, and it can make it berserk or stronger.

They run faster and use Soru flicker to reach the candy. They can't let it eat that candy, it can be a disaster. Suddenly they hear Caesar's voice from a loud speaker.

"Smiley, you've finally arrived. I have prepared a food for you, but you can't eat it just yet."-Caesar

"Caesar? As i thought, this thing must be his creation."-Clone A

"That candy must have something in it, let's stop it!"-Clone B

The clones keep flickering and sometime later, they finally arrive. They arrive just when the Axolotl, Smiley is about to grab the candy. The clones take the candy and flicker away.

"IT'S YOU AGAIN!?"-Caesar

"Hooh, he can see us, so the denden mushi must be close."-Clone A

"Doesn't matter, let's destroy this thing."-Clone B

Clone A store the candy in a big scroll, because it might have a use in the future. Then they separated into 2 different sides of Smiley. Then they make some hand seals and adamantine chains come out from their back.

The chains make a dome and Jon's clones use it to trap Smiley inside. Now it can't run away, and can't shoot it's smaller parts out. People from outside also can't intervere with what happen inside.

Clone A try to search the denden mushi and finally find it. He throw sleeping gas to it and cut the surveilance. Clone B is preparing a jutsu, then after the surveilance being cut, he activate it and create a thick mist surrounding the dome.

After their preparation ready, the clones finally ready to exterminate Smiley. Smiley suddenly shoot a small part to Clone A. He's about to defend, when suddenly the slime explode.

Clone A use armament haki to guard himself from the explosion. Now the clones are on guard, and Smiley start to shoot a lot of it's small parts. The clones now need to finish this Axolotl fast before the mist dispersed.

The clones concentrate and red chakra start to appear. Their eyes and nails also change to Kurama's trait, but they didn't transform. They need high amount of chakra for this jutsu afterall, and Kurama's chakra can be transferred to the clones everytime they need it.

""Suiton: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave""-Clone A & B

The clones spew out a massive amount of water from their mouth. This is also why they want to hide it from any surveilance. Jon didn't want to reveal too much of his power to the world right now. They still have a long way to go in New World, it's not wise to reveal too much.

Water start to fill the dome, and the clones go up with the water. Smiley try to get away, but it can't, as the water weakened it. Jon's clones start to get elated when suddenly they have a bad feeling. Clone A see all of Smiley's chakra gathered in a spot.


"The explosion will get bigger in a confined space, we need to redirect it."-Clone B

They think of a way, and then clone B suggest they blow it to the sky. Both of them reshape the adamantine chains seal to be cylindrical. The upper side is open, and both of them get out from the dome.

Before they finish though, Smiley explode it's big body. Luckily they already make a hole on the seal, so the fire come out from there. Also, Smiley has been weakened, so the explosion is not too big. However, the impact is very big in a closed space.

The clones are destroyed because they're still inside. When the clones gone, the seal also gone, so the explosion spread. But, because the clones have made a hole, the power reduced a little.

Still, even if it's reduced, the explosion is close with the facility. The shockwave is big and push everything in it's path. Jon's Violet Flame Formation also start to crack, but it can hold on because the clones keep pouring chakra on it.

In the tunnel, everyone feel the quake from the big explosion. Jon receive the memory of his destroyed clones. He still can feel his 4 clones, so the barrier is still intact, and it make him relief.

"What's that?"-Nami

"The big slime explode, luckily my clones can reduce the impact. I guess everyone is already in the facility, we need to go there."-Jon

They keep moving and sometime later they arrive under the facility. Jon then cancel all of his clones, because their job is done. Then Jon call Zetsu to check the situation above. Even his sharingan and Haki can't really see the situation inside the facility.

"Boss, the Marines and your other crewmates are there already. They've escaped from the explosion just in time, and the wall is strong enough to withstand it."-Zetsu #1

"Alright, good job. Continue your previous task."-Jon

Then they go up and arrive in the facility, surprising everyone there.

"Uhh, hi?"-Jon say awkwardly