
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Merchant and His Brothers

Meanwhile, on Abbey's side, all of a sudden a group of armed men surrounded the warehouse Abbey was at. Among those men, there were two people, nicely dressed, who entered the warehouse first.

"So this is where the rat was hiding," said one of them.

Abbey was sitting on a chair right in the middle of the open space.

"If I am a rat that makes you guys rats as well. Don't you think so, my dear brothers?" said Abbey.

"Quite a sharp tongue you have got there," said the other one.

"Don't know how you manage to escape from the guys before, but now you have got nowhere to hide," said one of them.

"I didn't know it was my dear brother Martin & Drake, who sent those men. You should have told me sooner. If I had known I would have gone with them without a second thought," said Abbey while acting surprised.

"Enough with your act. Just sign these papers and we will leave you be," said Martin.

"The part of the company I own is given to me by our father before he died. I am not going to hand it over to the very people who killed him," said Abbey.

"That old man died from heart failure. What's that got to do with us?" said Drake.

"Not even calling him father? Just how low can you two get!" said Abbey.

"Stop wasting our time. You might not care about your life. But we have seen the company you keep. The six people you went on a trip with, we have got their details. Though we didn't find the exact location of five of them, but that white haired orphan, my men just located him at the amusement park. It seems he's with his girlfriend and her little sister. Don't know how someone like him can get a rich girlfriend like that," said Martin.

"What did you just say?" Abbey asked. This time he was really surprised.

Seeing Abbey's change in expression put a smile on Martin and Drake's face.

"You heard me, didn't you? If you don't sign the papers and give up on your shares, my men might accidentally kill your friend and the people with him. Think quickly," said Martin.

"No no... That's not what I asked. Did you just say 'little sister'?" Abbey asked.

"Yeah, so what? The mercenaries we hired won't show any kindness just because she is a little girl," said Drake.

"YOU FOOLS," Abby shouted.

The two of them were caught off guard because of Abbey's sudden change in his tone.


"Trying to scare us by acting so mysterious? Unfortunately, that won't work," said Drake.

"Idiots," said Abbey, "Killed them all except these two right now."

"Who are you talking to?" Martin asked.

Suddenly there was a huge commotion outside the warehouse. But it didn't take long for it to quiet down. After that fifteen men in black outfits with their faces covered with masks entered the warehouse through the front gate while dragging the blood covered dead bodies of the mercenaries hired by Martin and Drake who were standing guard outside.

The sudden change in the scenery frightened Martin and Drake.

"Who... who are they? Aren't those the men we hired? Are they all dead..?" said Drake.

"What's this? What kind of game were you playing Abbey this all time? Were you pretending to be the pig to eat the tiger?" asked Martin.

"No, I had no such intentions. With what I am capable of, as you can see, killing you two is like stepping on ants. But have you ever considered why I never did anything to you even after all these times you kept sending your men to kidnap me one after another?" asked Abbey.

Martin and Drake were too nervous to speak at that moment.

"Do you know, I visited father at the hospital before he died. Of course you don't. Father told me right before he died that he doesn't want us three brothers to fight each other. I tried my best till now to listen to what father said. But you guys have done something you can never undo."

"What are you talking about?" said Martin as he was reaching for his gun in his pocket.

"Don't. If you even try to reach the gun in your pocket you will just lose your hand before you can even grab the gun," said Abbey.

"Do you know what you guys have done? Everything was alright. You surrounding me with your men, trying to threaten me, even the part of using my friends as leverage was alright," said Abbey.

"What do you mean?" asked Martin.

"Do you even know who that person you called a white haired orphan is? He is the most terrifying person one can ever meet in his life. And the fact that you went after him wasn't that much of a big deal. You and hired men can never even touch a single hair on his body. It was, you going after him when he was accompanying the most precious person in his life, the biggest mistake you could ever make."

"Stop with your blabbering. We know you won't kill us cause if you do our shares will go to the trusts. That was also the reason we didn't kill you. So don't act so high and mighty," said Martin.

Abbey started to laugh to the point that drops of tears started to roll from his eyes.

"You guys still don't get it, do you? If I kill you now, it will be me showing you guys mercy because you are my brothers. And the company shares? I couldn't care less about that stuff," said Abbey.

"Take these two away and keep them locked up and wait for Jason's orders," Abbey instructed those men after taking a deep breath.

They did as they were told and took Martin and Drake away. Some of them stayed behind to clean up the scene.

Abbey sat on the chair he was previously sitting on.

"My poor dear brothers, let's hope God will be merciful enough to grant you a quick death cause that guy sure won't," said Abbey with his hand on his forehead.


Character Profile : Samantha

(Information so far)

Name : Samantha Lester

Current Age : 8

Element : Earth (Beginner)

Height : 4'2"

Hair Color : Dark Brown

Eye Color : Black

Affiliation : Greg's youngest daughter, Jason's cousin.

Relics : None (yet)

Abilities : None (yet)

Special Traits : Very fond of Jason, ...

The youngest daughter of Greg. Jason's cousin. One of the few awakeners who awakened at a very young age. Highly fond of her older brother Jason. It turns out she is the person who Jason treasures the most.