
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Tales of the Lost Village

After Yosef went out, Jason received a call from Damian.

"How have you been?" Jason asked after receiving the call.

"Can we meet?" Damian asked in a frightened tone.

"Tell me the location," said Jason without asking anything further.

"I am in front of our university."

"Alright, stay there. I will be there in half an hour."

While Jason was leaving, Sara and Racheal returned from Germany. They meet at the entrance of the villa.

"So you two are back," said Jason.

"Where are you rushing to?" Sara asked.

"To meet a friend."

"Is dad here?"

"Uncle Greg is at the campsite with Yosef. You two should also go there."

"Alright, We will see," said Sara.

Jason then got in his car. Julia was driving. They reached the university within their given time. Jason saw Damian in front of the university gate. By the look on Damian's face, Jason realized that something had happened.

"Get in," said Jason lowering the front door glass.

Damian didn't ask anything and got in the backseat. Then they stopped at a nearby cafe. Julia got out and returned with three cups of coffee. Then they drove to a nearby park. After getting out of the car, Jason and Damian sat on a nearby bench. Julia remained inside the car.

"So tell me, what's got you so worried?" Jason asked.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone," said Damian.

"That depends on what you are going to tell me."

"Alright, don't freak out. Look," said Damian and clenched his fist.

As he was opening his fist, there was a faint green aura and a small sapling in the middle of Damian's palm. But the very next moment, the sapling disappeared.

Damian looked at Jason.

"Wait, why don't you look surprised?"

"Oh, I am surprised. But a bit too much that I actually froze. Anyways, since when did you notice that you can do something like this?"

"A few days ago. Actually I am from a village in a mountain forest. Many people in my village don't usually come in contact with people from the outside. I was one of the few who wanted to explore the world. So, I went out despite their opposition when I was 12. When I went outside, I met an old couple who took me in. And that's how my life in the outside world started."

"That's an interesting story. I wish you had told us sooner. But you still didn't answer my first question."

"I wasn't very surprised after finding out that I can do something like this after seeing those things at the campsite. And in my village, there was a legend about a man who could control the trees. It's said that that man was the one who established that village. So, I went back to my village in hope to find information related to this ability. I searched for a whole day but didn't find the entrance to my village. I know it's kept hidden. But as a member of the village we know where its exact location is. It felt as if the village never existed. I know all of these are sounding silly to you. But I am telling the truth."

"I know."

"Wait, you are believing me like that? You aren't going to ask me anything?"

"Well, there's no reason for you to lie after showing your abilities. It's true no one will eventually believe you if they were told the same. But seeing is believing... By the way, have you told anyone else about it?"

"No, you are the first one."

"Good. Then come with me."

"Where to?"

"My house."

Both of them got in the car. Then they went straight to the villa.

"Wait, you live here? Since when?"

"Well, yes."

After they went inside, Jason took Damian to the underground base. Damian was so shocked to see the base that he lost his words.

"Now I realized why you didn't get surprised when I showed you my ability." It was the only thing Damian said when they were inside the elevator.

As Greg wasn't at the base at that time, Jason took Damian to Fredrick and Thomas.

"Now that makes everyone," said Fredrick when they saw Damian.

"What are you guys doing here?" Damian asked.

"See that's what you call a normal reaction," said Fredrick to Thomas.

"Alright, so someone has to explain everything to him from the start. That's why you brought him to us, right?" Thomas asked.

"It's nice to work with smart people. Saves a lot of time," Jason replied.

"I also knew the reason why Jason brought Damian here to us as well," said Fredrick.

"Yeah, sure," said Thomas as if he was denying Fredrick's claim.

"Alright, you two entertain our guest here. I have some work to do. And by the way, it seems he has already awakened so make it quick. I will send him to Uncle Greg after he's filled in on the necessary information," said Jason.

Jason left Damian with Fredrick and Thomas who would explain everything to Damian. They were also looking forward to it as the awakener in front of them was one of their friends.

Jason went to pay Sam a visit. He knocked on the door.

"Is that you, big brother?" Samantha asked as she opened the door.

"How's our little girl doing?" Jason asked with a smile as he entered the room and sat beside Samantha on the bed.

"I am not a little girl." Samantha pouted.

"Wait what's that? Have you already awakened?" Jason asked as he saw Samantha was controlling a small piece of ground.

"SURPRISE!" Samantha shouted, "I also have actual powers now. I am no longer a little girl."

"You haven't told uncle Greg yet?"

"No, I want to give dad a surprise as well."

"I am sure he would be delighted to know. But Sam, do you remember the promises?"

"Yes, I remember. Never to use the powers to hurt anyone, always use it to protect others."

"Good. So how about we go out to have some fun to celebrate?"

"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere you want to."

"Then I want to go to the park and have some ice cream."

"Then I will call Julia to get you ready then the three of us will go to the park."

"Ok, big brother."

Jason left the room and called Julia. After Julia arrived, Jason told her what to do. Julia followed as she was told.

After their preparations, the three of them went to the park. They were enjoying ice creams sitting on a bench. Jason sat in the middle while Samantha and Julia sat beside him. While Samantha and Jason were talking about what rides they were going to ride, Julia whispered in Jason's ears.

"Sir, our men have spotted twelve guys with guns around us," Julia reported.

Jason didn't immediately reply to Julia's report. He continued his discussion with Samantha about the rides.

"Why don't you want to ride the rollercoaster?" Jason asked Sam.

"Because it's too scary and people shout and scream. I don't like it," Sam replied.

"Alright, then let's pick one where people don't shout and scream then," said Jason.

Julia received her orders and informed her men that instant.


Character Profile : Julia

(Information so far)

Name : Julia

Current Age : 20

Element : Not Yet Awakened.

Height : 5'7'

Hair Color : Blonde

Eye Color : Blue

Affiliation : Jason's personal bodyguard, Yosef's cousin.

Relics : The Durandal (changed appearance)

Abilities : Not Yet Awakened

Special Traits : Highly faithful to Jason, ...

The only daughter of the younger brother of Yosef's father. The reason behind her job as Jason's personal bodyguard is still unknown. But none can doubt her loyalty to Jason. Usually dresses up as a maid when inside the villa.