

It brought a great relief to her. Until few weeks ago, she couldn't imagine trusting anyone here.

But, she had started to really care for him and considered him a very dear friend of her.

The reason she had started to rely on him and worry about him is unclear to her. It could be because she was all alone and didn't have anyone else she knew here.

Also, he was the first person to approach her in a friendly manner. She felt sometimes that she was being too clingy to him but, she had decided to hold on to him.

The days went by without them being able to find more information but, the disappearance of the kids in the room was still going on. More and more kids didn't return to the room everyday.

Merry and Cole both felt immensely helpless in that situation.

It was more difficult for Cole, as he would most of the times see his roommates regardless of their age training daily and dying due to vigorous physical exercises or due to those chemical shots.

It was very disturbing that the people there didn't take other human beings' life seriously and considered them merely test subjects.

Merry could see the frequent smiles on Cole's face had lessened and she was also depressed.

One afternoon, Merry was alone in the room as always. All the children including Cole had went to their daily trainings.

Usually, the door was locked from outside when she was alone in the day. That day too it was locked but, suddenly some people opened the door with a loud thump and entered the room.

When Merry heard that she immediately stood up from the bed and looked towards the door.

They had come in a group of 3 people, two guards and one doctor. The doctor had a syringe on her hand. Merry saw that and remembered the shots other children were getting so she became very scared.

She took a step back whenever the doctor would take a step towards her.

She took a few steps back then as if they had reached their limits, the two guards grabbed her, she could only scream but to her no avail the doctor gave her the shot.

On receiving the shot, her vision went blur and she slowly lost her consciousness. One of the guard carried her and took her out of the room.

After the training, Cole returned to the room but couldn't see Merry there, so he banged on the door which would be locked from outside when all the children were sent back. The guards heard him and opened the door.

"What do you want?" one of the guard said angrily.

"Where is the girl that always stays in the room?" Cole asked.

"What is that got to do with you? Mind your own business." saying that the guard shoved him inside the room and locked the door.