
The Originals AU: Henrik Mikaelson (HIATUS)

"I never wished for any of it, neither will I regret being who I am. I will love, protect, defend and kill for what I have been destined for. This is my creed" -Henrik Mikaelson This is a what if vampire diaries cross world with other movie series. take note I own no characters or movies mentioned in this fanfiction, my goodness, even the mc was resurrected by yours truly. it's my first novel, please support this Padawan. p.s if the pic on display is yours and you want it removed...halla me.

King_Ace_ · Phim ảnh
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31 Chs

Chapter Eighteen - Always and Forever

It has come to the knowledge of the Ancestors that our ranking isn't progressing, sacrifices are needed for a powerful ritual. we need the blood of STONES!!!!!!

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Thanks Maxime_Anne_Louise, Majest, Majorence, Justice Harrison, Cherif Doghri and Eduardo Tolentino for being my pa.treons.

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Chapter Eighteen


#Henrik POV#

It's been a week now since we had our meeting. All through those days, Finn and I have been preparing. We thought of the identity we would like to use during our travels and I thought being a bounty hunter would be nice.

Although supernaturals are still hidden from the eyes of mortals, there are some stray beasts and spirits who still expose themselves out to the world. And I heard that for such reason, people have begun hunting them. These people are known as bounty hunters. Hired hunters for the job of hunting not only beasts but also humans, mostly criminals and individuals that have a huge price on their head.

"So you really are going?" Rebekah says, still not happy with the fact that I had to leave her with the others.

"One way or the other, I would have left. Better early than later. Besides I told you, we both will have our own adventure. Just not now. Plus, I need you to watch those two undead farts and the noble fart too...." I get cut off

"I heard that you fire cracking piss...." Kol retorts.

While we exchanged some 'pleasantries' the rest of our siblings joined us in the living room as well as the new member of the family, sage.

" Seems like you are still appeasing sister" Elijah said, while holding a bottle of scotch and two cups, one of which he gives me one. Sometimes he just knows what can sooth this head ache.

"Sigh, I swear, and if it keeps going like this. I might as well stay" I reply while getting a fill in my cup from Elijah

""I hope so"" Sage and Rebekah coincidentally comments and this brings a smile on their faces knowing they share a sense of camaraderie.

"Hehe...it seems I'm not the only one. Finn, not much convincing too" Finn gives a defeating nod towards my remark, that brings so much from me that another shares in my frustration. I take sip from the drink, savoring the burning taste.

"Well, have you two decided your journey?" Kol changes the topic. And this time it was Finn who spoke up to answer.

"We were thinking of a slow journey towards the North. Rumors have it a lot of tension in the North even with the Normans skirmishes with the kingdoms here. We are also hoping for a hire as mercenaries during this little battles." He says, this time has gotten his own cup of scotch. Apparently everyone has, It seems that they are drinking to our journey.

"I believe it wouldn't be something you can't handle. We're practically unkillable." Elijah says.

"Yes, we are unkillable. But I doubt everything we would be doing will be handled easily" I state as a matter of fact. Nothing can be predictable on a journey like this.

"How so? Heard something?" Klaus finally speaks up.

"No confirmation yet. But it appears the north isn't as normal as it should be. It's like that place is a hub for problem. It's been like that for the past couple of decades now according to the information. So we might as well go check it out" finally finishing my Scotch, looking for a refill. It's a blessing we can hardly get drunk with this kind of body.

We continue our little conversations for a while. Little laughs here and there until I tell them

"By the way, I'll be keeping in touch with you guys. Fantasma!" I call out.

The moment I do, beside me a blue flame reminiscent of my flames begins to conjure to form an eagle. This was a bird I had killed and bound to me.

The others in the room felt intrigued and shocked with my ability, although I had told them a few in the list. The rest they would find out in time.

"This will be the means to which we can communicate. It will be placed with you guys, all you need to do is call its name and it will appear. " I told them.

"I don't think this will ever get old" sage says which gets a nod of agreement from the others.

"Well, you better get used to it" I remind because if I tell them more of my abilities, they might freak out. The world, through my journey will learn soon about this kind of magic, I plan on teaching a selected few. But something makes me feel like, this magic already exist in this world. Which is why I need to explore. I cannot be stuck here for too long.

"So, how long are you two going to be away" Klaus asks

"A century or more" I reply which gets a scowl from Rebekah and Sage.

"That's too long!" Sage speaks up

"Seems like you forget that with the way we are now, time isn't significant anymore, my love. I promise you I'll get back to you" Finn tries to sooth sage as he holds her hands in his.

Seems like Rebekah was hoping her dear brother would appease her too but I am not giving in to that nonsense. I gave her a glare which she calmly takes as a no-no from me.

Sigh, my life, she really needs a boyfriend right now. Another agenda on the list.

"Well, good luck in your adventure. And we hope you return to us, complete." Klaus says this time with a cup raised towards us. We respond to his gesture with ours

"Always and forever"

""""Always and Forever""""