
The Nullifier

Ajay Varma a college student dies in a car accident and is reborn In an alternate world know As Midgard in a country called Eden as a slave. A world filled with magic with little to no compassion.

Alpha2516 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Tears of blood

The sun hung high in the sky, casting its golden rays over the vast expanse of the Great Kingdom of Eden. Within the confines of the slave sector, Allen moved alongside the other slaves, their feet filled with injuries and some even bearing borderline infected wounds. Despite their pain, they pressed forward, their minds fixed on the sole purpose of survival.

Whispers of rebellion had spread throughout the sector, carrying the news of something ominous awaiting the slaves at the Mana Crystal mine. The guards, known for their sadistic pleasures, had issued a command for all slaves to gather—an ominous decree that sent a ripple of unease through the hearts of the oppressed.

As the slaves assembled, their eyes cast downward, Allen's heart pounded with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. What new cruelty awaited them this time? What fresh torment did their merciless captors have in store?

The guards, towering figures of brute strength and cruelty, positioned themselves at the forefront, their menacing glares casting shadows across the crowd. A hush fell over the slaves as the guards' leader, a man with a twisted smile, stepped forward.

Beside him stood a nobleman, his chubby face adorned with a long mustache and a round stomach. Clad in white and golden layered clothes, he masked his true character behind an insidious smile, exuding an air of sadistic lust.

"Today, we have a special event planned for you lot," the guard sneered, relishing in the fear that permeated the air. "Two slaves who not only attempted to escape but also hurt the Duke of the Agnar region. We believe they were possessed by evil spirits, and therefore, today we shall cleanse them."

The crowd was filled with disbelief at the physical condition of the two slaves being dragged forward. Thomas and Eliza, bruised and bloodied, their eyes still filled with horror, were none other than Allen's parents.

A surge of rage and grief welled up within Allen, threatening to consume him. His nails dug into his palms, a physical anchor to reality as his mind swirled with a tumultuous mix of emotions. This couldn't be happening. Not to his parents, the ones who had loved and nurtured him amidst the harshness of their existence.

Lilith, standing near Allen, whispered in anger and frustration, "These bastards! Look at them. They don't even have the guts to call this what it is—an execution."

In response, Allen asked in a soft voice, "You're still behind me?"

Lilith, irritated and filled with disbelief, retorted, "How can you be so relaxed? Do you humans have no heart? I guess you have no spine anymore."

Allen's blank expression remained unchanged, but deep down, he was on the verge of breaking. His heart ached, and his mind screamed for justice. Yet, he knew that any action would only lead to his own demise and leave Lilith exposed to the same horrors.

"Bring them!" the guard shouted, and the guards forcefully dragged the two slaves forward.

As the Duke of Agnar arrogantly claimed that the slaves had attempted to harm him, Thomas began laughing like a maniac, unable to contain his bitterness and anger. Eliza, barely able to keep her eyes open, called out to her husband, but before Thomas could finish his sentence, the guard used fire magic to set him ablaze.

"Nooo!" Eliza shouted, her voice filled with anguish. Ignoring her cries, the Duke expressed his sadistic pleasure and proceeded to brutally rape her right in front of all the slaves.

Horror gripped Lilith as she witnessed the despicable act. "This is so horrible. How can one even be so cruel?" she murmured, her spirit almost broken by the sight unfolding before her.

Meanwhile, Allen stood firmly, his fists clenched so tightly that his palms began to bleed. His face displayed a complex mix of anger, misery, and helplessness. Tears of blood streamed down his cheeks, a manifestation of his overwhelming emotions. The obedience spell placed upon him and the other slaves prevented them from looking away, further intensifying their torment.

Despite the anguish consuming him, Allen couldn't tear his eyes away from the horrifying scene. However, in that moment, his mother, Eliza, locked eyes with him. It was as if she conveyed a message through her gaze, a plea for him to hold back, to endure this unbearable pain. His mind flashed back to the words Eliza had spoken to him before.

"Listen, Allen, our lives are tough, but the only way to make it easier or achieve anything is to keep living. We must stay alive to pursue our goals," she had said.

Those words echoed in Allen's mind, breaking through the darkness threatening to consume him. He realized that succumbing to his rage and impulsiveness would only lead to his own downfall. He had to survive, not only for himself but also for the memory of his parents and the hope of a better future.

Lilith, sensing Allen's turmoil, instinctively grabbed his wrist, providing a small but meaningful anchor of support. She didn't fully comprehend the depth of his pain, but she could feel his anger and misery radiating from him.

As the Duke mercilessly violated Eliza and the flames of the fire consumed Thomas, they embraced death, their bodies forever marked by the brutality they endured. The guards, in the guise of cleansing, disposed of their lifeless remains, leaving a haunting void in the hearts of those who witnessed their tragic end.

As the day turned into night, the guards departed, leaving only silence and the pale moonlight in their wake. Lilith noticed Allen still standing there, lost in his thoughts and grief. She approached him and gently asked, "Why are you still here? Did you know those slaves?"

Allen, his voice broken and filled with pain, replied, "They were my parents."

Lilith's heart sank as she realized the magnitude of Allen's loss. Her hatred for humans momentarily wavered, replaced by a profound understanding of his suffering. She understood his desire to escape this wretched place, to cling to life even in the face of unimaginable cruelty.

"If you continue to stand here, the guards will surely kill you. Let's go," Lilith said, her voice soft but resolute.

Allen, torn between grief and a flicker of newfound companionship, finally nodded. Together, they turned their backs on the haunting scene, walking away from the horrors they had witnessed, bound by the shared goal of survival and escape.

To Be Continued...