
The Nullifier

Ajay Varma a college student dies in a car accident and is reborn In an alternate world know As Midgard in a country called Eden as a slave. A world filled with magic with little to no compassion.

Alpha2516 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Shattered Reflections

The echoes of tragedy reverberated through the air, their weight crushing Allen's spirit. A day had passed since the brutal execution of his beloved parents, Thomas and Eliza. The flames that had enveloped his parents and the screams that had been engraved in Allen's mind were torturing him nonstop.

Allen wandered through the slave sector, his gaze empty, his steps devoid of purpose. The vibrant world of Midgard had dimmed to shades of gray, its magic and wonder fading into a distant memory. Grief clung to him like a heavy cloak, weighing him down with its suffocating embrace.

Every corner of the slave sector whispered reminders of his loss. The shackles that bound his wrists felt like chains of sorrow, trapping him in a cycle of despair. The once defiant faces of his fellow slaves now mirrored his own anguish, their hopes dashed by the cruel hand of fate.

As he trudged along the dirt path, his mind a tumultuous storm of emotions, he saw a women right in front of. His vision was blurry which made the women in front of him look like Eliza. He embraced her from the back and cried.

The girl he had held onto was Lilith. At first she was confused as to who had embraced so tightly yet so gently from the back but when she heard the voice, it was Allen.

"I am so sorry! I couldn't save you! I am so sorry, I couldn't save father!"

Allen cried

Lilith knew that the 2 people that were executed the day before were Allen's parents. Luckily the guards weren't around because if they had seen the two of them they would have beaten both of them up miserably.

Lilith felt Allen's pain after all she had lost her own family as well but she was relieved that she didn't had to see the horrible execution of her own father like Allen did. She wondered how could someone berate their own kind to such a level. The demon's that were considered evil by the humans had abolished the practice of slavery a long time ago. Even prisoners of war would be kept with dignity.

"Allen, I am not your mother, we need to get out of here otherwise that guards would beat us up"

Lilith said

When Allen looked at Lilith's face he sighed and said

"Of course not! She was killed in the most miserable way possible and my father had to witness it"

Allen said in anger

"Why am I so weak?! Why was I born like this?! Why, WHY!!"

Lilith with a hint of sympathy gently caressed Allen's face and said

"We can't control our birth but we can control our life, we can fight back."

"Even our life is controlled by others and so is our death."

Allen replied

"I am broken Lilith"

Allen whispered, his voice laden with the weight of his anguish.

"I failed them. I failed to protect them. How can I ever find the strength to rise again?"

Allen put his hand on Lilith's hand and removed it from his cheek and started to walk away. Jus as he was leaving Lilith said

"You are speaking like a deadman. As long as we are alive we can achieve our goals, our dreams."

Allen's eyes widened and the lines hit his soul because of the shocking resemblance it had to his mother's beliefs.

"All the slaves are here by told to be present at the Mana crystal mine as of right now!"

An announcement was heard from the floating speakers spread around the sector. Both Lilith and Allen thought

"Is it an another execution?"

After reaching at the Mana crystal mine they saw a group of guards who were all geared up, they called upon some slaves and Lilith and Allen were a part of it as well. A total of 5 slaves were selected by them. Slave q, Slave er, Slave qw, Slave t and Slave p. Slave t and Slave p were Lilith and Allen.

It turned out that these guards needed luggage carriers for their Dungeon exploration. Lilith had a little burst of happiness inside her because she thought that this was the perfect opportunity to escape, but Allen knew that this was as good as a death sentence since the dungeon contained monsters who were neither loyal to humans or demons.

The only thing those beasts cared about was about their man supply which came from eating humans and demons. Allen also knew that if things went south they would most likely be sacrificed by the other guards.

Just a while ago Allen had almost broken but now even he saw this as a very slim but still the most likely chance for his freedom.

If he was going to be free and a life of his own on his own terms it was by this and now not only was he filled with the feeling of freeing himself and living his parents dreams but also by the flames of Vengeance.

He wanted vengeance on the people that enslaved him and his family. He wanted to take Vengeance from the Duke that killed his parents in the berating way possible, he wanted to take revenge on the kingdom that took away his dignity as a person even if it meant to destroy the world itself.

"I will not be a pawn in your game"

"I am not your baggage to be discarded at will. I will forge my own path and reclaim my freedom."

"I will avenge my Parents. Even if it meant burning down this goddamn world itself."

Allen declared to himself in his mind

To Be Continued…