
The Nullifier

Ajay Varma a college student dies in a car accident and is reborn In an alternate world know As Midgard in a country called Eden as a slave. A world filled with magic with little to no compassion.

Alpha2516 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: Embers of Resilience

Five years had passed since Allen's awakening and his revelation as the reincarnation of Ajay. He remembered being an athletic person who played sports in his old world and how becoming reborn in another world was one of his cherished wishes as an avid light novel reader. However, after becoming a slave in the Great Kingdom of Eden, he endured the hardships and cruelties of his new life, witnessing daily injustices inflicted upon his fellow slaves.

As a child, Allen struggled to comprehend the harsh reality that surrounded him. Anger burned within his heart, and sadness threatened to consume him. However, his time as a slave made him realize his complete powerlessness, with his life and death controlled by the "Masters" who enslaved him.

It had been about six years since he had been taken away and last seen his family, a common occurrence among the slaves. Different jobs were assigned based on gender and race, with human males usually assigned to hard labor and mining, while male and female demons were primarily assigned to such labor as well. Female humans and occasionally female demons were assigned as sex slaves for the royal family and other members of the nobility.

"Please, don't hurt me! I want to go home!" a female demon shouted.

This had become a regular scene for Allen, who had grown numb to the cries that once filled him with despair. The friends he made had either ended their lives or died due to torture. Despite his rage, he was powerless to act. Any attempt by a slave to attack the guards would result in certain death due to the obedience spell cast upon them.

"Get in line!" one of the guards shouted as they distributed the weekly ration. Although it was called a ration, the food provided was nothing more than pig feed. Nonetheless, everyone lined up since it was their only chance for sustenance each week.

As Allen's turn approached, he noticed the demon girl he had seen earlier standing in front of him. Despite her pretty face, it was shocking to see her subjected to hard labor instead of being used as a sex slave. Anger and sadness filled her eyes, but the guard hadn't noticed, though he did take notice of her appearance.

"Huh?! Even though you're a filthy demon, you still have a pretty face," the guard remarked, about to touch the demon girl. However, Allen tripped and accidentally fell on the guard. In a blank voice, he apologized, "I am so sorry."

Irritated by Allen's clumsiness, the guard beat him severely, nearly killing him. The guard would likely have killed him if not for the spell that prevented the guards from outright killing the slaves. They were only allowed to inflict precautionary harm and were prohibited from engaging in sexual relations with the slaves unless they had purchased them.

After the day ended, the demon girl, named Lilith, paid a visit to Allen. She asked, "Why did you help me? Don't humans hate demons?"

With a blank smile, Allen replied, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Lilith continued to question him, but Allen always gave the same response. In reality, Allen had lost many people he befriended, making him hesitant to engage with Lilith. He feared the same fate would befall her. He didn't want to befriend her; he just wanted her to survive. At times, he even questioned the purpose of his own life.

Despite Allen's reservations, Lilith persistently followed him, which annoyed him since he believed her proximity would only hasten her demise. However, nothing went wrong for a few days, and Allen's injuries gradually healed. Reluctantly, he began to open up to Lilith. She told him that her father had been a farmer in the Kingdom of Niflheim, ruled by the demon king Asmodeus. Unlike humans who were divided into many countries, the demons were united under one king. Lilith explained that the demon king was a formidable being, but the humans had defeated him by breaking a peace pact that had been active for around 500 years. In the name of "Cleansing," they destroyed and killed many demons, leaving the survivors enslaved. Lilith had lost her father due to the war.

It became clear to Allen why a pretty demon like Lilith had managed to avoid becoming a sex slave. As an Archdemon, only individuals possessing demon blood could have sexual relations with her, as her bodily fluids were acidic to humans. Archdemons were typically royalty in the demon kingdom or esteemed warriors. This meant that Lilith's father must have been a high-ranking army general or at least a retired one. However, their current status as slaves erased any significance of their backgrounds.

Allen knew that his connection with Lilith would likely lead to misery, but he couldn't avoid her. In some way, she was helping him maintain his sanity amidst the harsh reality of their lives.

The following day, a guard announced that all workers of Sector-95 were required to witness the punishment of two members of their community at the "Mana Crystal" mine at 4:00 pm. Allen understood that two slaves who had attempted to escape were about to be tortured in front of everyone. However, he had no idea who they were.

To be continued...