

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs


Jelly Spatters and the hunter vampires always waited for the best of opportunity, where they could easily hunt and kill Monica Yen, her daughter Babara Yen and Felix who by bite transformed into a vampire, without harming humans.

That night, they were already in their new powerful black SUV, running on the tarmac roads of Capricon city after a natural alert, responding to an opportunity. As usual each one had a black outfit on with a pair of dark shades.

Monica Yen as a grown up from the Dirty Dracula lineage of vampire bats, carrying the same super natural abilities like those of the leader of the vampire bats Jelly Spatters, got a vision. She envisaged a dangerous attack on vampire bat.

The wine glass she was sipping on fall out of her hand to the tiles and broke, splashing the blood drink which was inside all over her bedroom floor. So quick she hurried to find her daughter Babara in the living room to her room.

She was not anywhere in the hotel suite as she expected.

"How can she leave without my consent?" interrogatively anxious, Monica Yen expressed.

Monica Yen went to meet Felix at the next door, where she knocked and Felix opened.

"Is Babara Yen here?" she asked him.

"No she's not!" he replied.

"I think she's in trouble right now!" she spoke anxiously, "And in my vision I panicked out and lost the location."

"Are you trying to mean that you can visualised danger before it occurs!?" Felix curiously wondered.

"Yes and that's how I managed to protect her the first time she was attacked," Monica Yen clarified.

"That's really incredibly wonderful! Can I possibly help in any way? please tell me!" Felix inquired.

"Not in this matter," Monica sorrowfully told him, "the attackers are a million times stronger and fast than you can be because they are original blood and you're just an infected human, transformed after being bitten."

"Then you have to find her location as soon as possible before she gets in trouble!" Felix cared way too concerned about BabaraYen.

Jelly Spatters had extremely higher abilities to envisage compared to Monica Yen and this was so because, his life on earth was beyond two hundred years whereas Monica Yen was only fifty years old.

This clearly proved the more years a Dirty Dracula vampire lived, the more talent it had.... Which was the very reason why at the moment Monica Yen was able to visualise an attack but failed to located where it was going to happen.

And to a less talented Dirty Dracula vampire bat like Monica Yen, she only got to visualise the location when the danger is already taking place. Yet Jelly Spatters saw the location, the crime and any vampire which was performing it ten minutes before it happened.

It was serious trouble. Jelly Spatters was already on his was to attack Babara Yen wherever she was. Monica Yen concentrated, still in the presence of Felix who barely had an idea, to at least use the hunting ability to trace for her daughter.

It was her duty as a mother to protect her children no matter what.

She got an idea and quietly hurried to the balcony which protruded from the living room. Felix hurried behind her to see what she had in mind. From the hotel suite balcony on a sky scraper building Monica Yen suddenly jumped.

Felix got so terrified to nearly grabbing her blouse from behind to prevent her from falling down the heights of a hotel building. But, to his shock, he saw her transforming suddenly into an enormous bat in air and flapped away.

For all his time as a vampire, it has never even crossed his mind that something like what he just saw existed. It was extra ordinarily crazy in his eyes that he exclaimed," Wow!" in a very big surprise.

Having left Felix stuck and surprised on the suite balcony, Monica Yen the vampire bat went on throwing echoes in the light full city, which it relied on in its movements to avoid obstacles which may hinder its super speed.

From the darkness near Pinky's home there showed up an enormous flying mammal that had wings formed from four elongated digits of the forelimb covered by cutaneous membrane with adequate visual capabilities.

The vampire bat walked on the ground closer to the fence.

From another dark corner, Kevin Moore unexpectedly was around watching. He never went back home by the time he entered his super car to drive away. Him being a merman, he naturally had perfect instincts that never disappointed.

So, when he got suspicious by instinct that something was not right around the area, he decided not to drive away. He instead drove a very little distance where he parked the car and turned back on foot without anyone knowing.

"Oh my goodness! what the hell is this creature?" Kevin wondered when he saw the enormous vampire bat he called a creature. He stood and quietly observed it.

Suddenly, as he was still contemplating, at the speed of wind there showed up a female and male hunter vampires respectively, in their human form and surrounded the bat. It spread its wings to fly away from this surprise attack but it was too late.

Each of the hunter vampires thrashed a rope like whip which firmly grasped it by the fore and hind limbs. Kevin more kept watching in the dark where he was hiding not to be seen, to see what was going to happen.

"No way!" Kevin Moore spoke at the lowest of his voice when he saw the enormous creature which he thought to be so powerful being defeated by what he still thought were just ordinary humans.

"How possible! just two humans!" looking so surprised, he wondered.

While Kevin was still relaxed, not really concerned about people's business, two small blades were thrown from an unknown direction and hit into the creature forelimbs. This made Kevin more attentive.

The creature began making echoes in pain as a dark oily substance began to flow out of the injured areas. Another man, who was non other than Jelly Spatters appeared with a sharp double edged sword in his hands.

Hunter vampires were holding the enormous bat strongly down with rope like whips. On his pace without panicking, Jelly Spatters picked out a small bottle which contained a colorless chemical well known to the dangerous 'red venom potion' and poured it on the sword he was holding.

"No....!" Kevin Moore jumped of the darkness and yelled at them immediately Jelly Spatters raised up the blade to whip off the bat's head.

"You can't kill such an innocent mysterious creature! Not when am alive!" he told them aggressively.

"How comes we were not able to detect the presence of a human in the area?!" Jelly Spatters wondered aloud.

"For how long have you been watching?" Jelly Spatters relaxed the blade down and asked Kevin Moore as he walked gently closer to him.

"It doesn't matter.... what matters is, that creature deserves to live for its innocent", Kevin Moore replied.

"You're just a human being with no idea beyond people's understanding," Jelly Spatters said to him softly, "I suggest you go back home and consider this as a movie you've watched in cinemas tonight."

"What can you do if I don't?" Kevin Moore challenged Jelly Spatters' words.

Jelly Spatters beamed slightly when he felt undermined by who he thought was just a boy. In an abrupt flash he was right infront of Kevin Moore. He started to rotate around him as he spoke scaring words.

"Young man," Jelly Spatters spoke, "I can see how brave you're, trying to defend what you don't understand." "I've liked you for that and I want to give you a second chance to live. In the human world, those who fear live longer."

"So, better you be wise and choose your path before I change my mind to feed on your blood... because the man standing infront of you feeds on human blood to survive. I don't think you're ready to trade that for this creature."

After Jelly Spatters spoke the above words, Kevin Moore told him; "You and your colleagues are just a weak living things living under the shadows of fear pretending to be strong. I am not scared of either of you."

"I protect humans but you're a stubborn one," on these words Jelly Spatters raised the sword he was holding and whipped it to finish Kevin Moore's life.

Monica Yen suddenly in another surprise attack appeared and knocked Jelly Spatters a distance backwards. Fact that she was a young blood compared to Jelly Spatters, Monica Yen was more energetic and faster though her abilities to visualise were still developing.

Faster and energetic than any vampire around, Monica Yen whipped both the male and female hunter vampires which had her daughter held down on rope like whips and fell several metres away. So fast she untied and released Babara Yen, still in her vampire bat form.

Kevin was a dude who never showed fear on his eyes and nothing ever happened in human societies that scared him as a merman. He always held a calm appearance on his face while he took time to observe and consider the incidents attentively.

Monica Yen fought so hard in a bid to rescue her daughter from the hands of the merciless vampires while Kevin was watching attentively. On the side, the enormous bat turned into Babara Yen in her human form with mortal injuries of the blades.

Kevin Moore slowly walked and got to where Babara's body was laying nearly lifeless, down on the ground. He fixed his gaze on her for quite sometime.

Busy in a fight, Monica stroke a female hunter vampire and it fall almost near her daughter. It observed Babara could not even move her body and what was left for it to do was to open a container containing RED VENOM POTION and pour in her wounds destroy her completely.

In just a flash, the female hunter vampire stood up and was already standing next to Babara Yen opening a container in its hands. Kevin Moore turned his eyes and saw it. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked but since he was seen as a human the vampire underestimated him.

The female hunter vampire looked at him carelessly and it lifted its hand to pour the liquid on Babara's wounds. Kevin threw a punch which formed a blue lightening that stroke this vampire dangerously. In a long distance away it fall and started burning seriously.

When Jelly Spatters turned his eyes, he saw a subordinate on fire flames burning to ashes. Jelly Spatters left fighting Monica and flashed to where the female hunter vampire was, but it was too late for him to save his subordinate's life.

This imparted a lot of pain on Jelly Spatters to the extent that he screamed out so loud, falling down on his knees and both his hands folded in fists. He continued to cry out loud in pain and veins cross marked everywhere on his face.

The deadly fight between the vampires came to a standstill that time. Neither Jelly Spatters nor Monica Yen his rival, or even the male hunter vampire knew what happened to the female hunter vampire to burn to ashes.

Jelly Spatters stood up weakly from his knees. He looked at Monica Yen angrily and in a wrathful voice he demanded to know what she has done to his humble subordinate that caused burning. Monica gazed proudly quiet and posed like she killed her.

Jelly Spatters couldn't imagine it anyhow that the young man he underestimated, who was standing right on the side looking at Babara Yen's body down, was behind his subordinate's painful death. Jelly Spatters had no idea.

While he demanded to know, allover a sudden loud police alarms were heard coming their way from a distance. Jelly Spatters and the remaining male hunter vampire couldn't wait to get exposed, they fled immediately.

Monica Yen walked in quickly and stood besides Kevin who was looking so easy on the face. She bent down to pick her daughter and lifted her up bridle-style.

"Am so sorry to appear to you in this shameful state", Monica Yen shyly said to Kevin Moore.

"According to what you just saw earlier, I don't have a single right to even open my mouth and talk to you, for it's really embarrassing. I politely request you to at least once again come and visit us in our hotel suite", Monica begged Kevin humbly.

"Of course I'm coming," positively replied.

Since Monica Yen had nothing more to hide away from Kevin, she transformed openly into a vampire bat and flew away with her daughter when Kevin was watching.

And Before Kevin took a step to walk away from the area, he took enough time watching Monica in the air flapping until she disappeared with in the skies that night.

Kevin Moore started running upto where he parked his super car and drove past the police patrols which were on the road heading to where her was coming from. They did not turn to chase him though.

Monica Yen landed on the balcony that entered inside her daughter's bedroom at one the highest levels of the sky scraper. With her daughter Babara unconscious in the hands, she hurried inside and laid her on the bed.

She tore off the black leather tight outfit that naturally formed on the vampire's body to cover it whenever there was change from bat to human form, and displayed the skin with sharp blades in it. Monica pulled out the blades.

The wounds were much terrible on her fragile human skin.

"Why aren't the wounds healing now?" With an anxious look on her face, Monica Yen wondered wondered in mind.

She expected her daughter's wounds to have been covered automatically at that moment after removing the blades but it wasn't the case. Monica picked up one of the blades from the floor and observed it closely careful.

"It can't be!" She exclaimed aloud after noticing the blade was not different from any other blade.

Monica put two fingers on Babara's neck vessel to check for the impulse. Worriedly she discovered that life was going out of Babara's body slowly by slowly each second that passed.

"No....!" Monica screamed with too much pain deep inside.

She rushed out of Babara's bedroom upto her bedroom and collected a few packets of human blood and two drip tubes to maybe put her on direct nutrition because she couldn't feed in her vegetable state.

While she hurried through the living room, a suite door bell sounded.

"I don't remember calling for room service!" Monica stated.

She put the blood packets down on the coach and went to respond to the bell. She took a long inhale and exhaled to relax her tension, then after got the door handle gently and opened partially.

"Can I please come in?" requested Kevin Moore who had arrived.

Since there was nothing to hide away from him anymore, Monica Yen widely opened the door for him to enter. Kevin Moore inquired about Babara's health at the moment and Monica sorrowfully informed him how bad she was doing.

"Where is she now?" Kevin asked.

Monica Yen, without saying a word picked up the packets of blood from the coach and walked to the room where Babara Yen's was, laying unconscious upwards on the bed.

Monica started to organise so that she can possibly put her daughter on blood drips.

"Wait," Kevin Moore asked.

"I need to do something to save my daughter's life before it's too late!" she yelled and cried aloud with serious tears.

"Even though you do that, she is going to die", Kevin told her point blank.

It was obvious to Monica Yen as well but she just wanted to try at least do something as a mother who loves her daughter.


Chapter 34 loading.....