

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


"You think I don't know?" In tears she asked him. "Let her die when am doing something to show that I care. I can't sit comfortably and watch in pain... it is more regretful."

Kevin Moore stepped on the bed and knelt with Babara in between his legs. He tore and exposed her whole chest skin while Monica Yen was watching.

"What the hell are you planning to do to my daughter!?" she bitterly attacked and pushed him off thinking he was these bad mannered men who take advantage of others.

"Better let me do this if you still need to see your daughter breathing", Kevin calmly injected a not of caution in his talk.

Monica had no alternative but to trust Kevin and watch him do what he had in mind. What was important at that time was to see Babara alive by all possible means.

While sitting on top of Babara's thighs, Kevin Moore lifted up his two hand palms and placed them in her open chest.

He meditated with his eyes closed. Monica was standing on the side watching curiously, waiting to smack him if he happens to play tricks with her.

Remember late Kevin Moore's mother Meg performed the same magical therapy on his late father Sean Moore the day she rescued him from the bottom of rough sea waters where he had drowned before they knew each other.

His hands started to emit radiant energy in form of blue waves, which entered into Babara's body. Everywhere on Kevin's skin glittered blue colours.

With a shocked steady gaze, Monica Yen stuck her eyes on Kevin Moore's skin, wondering the super natural abilities he possessed. For quite some time, the therapy took place. At this moment the whole room was occupied by a blue light.

After a while, the blue light suddenly disappeared from the room and the gilterings on Kevin Moore's body stopped too.

He took his hands off her chest and then climbed off from top of her. His silence got Monica Yen anxious. She couldn't wait to ask about the condition of her daughter.

"She's not responding! why?" hopelessly Monica Yen spoke.

"Say something Kevin! tell me she's going to be fine... or, tell me anything but I need to know please!" she yearned looking at her laying daughter hopelessly.

"Cough, cough, cough...," Babara Yen coughed out of unconsciousness.

Monica Yen had not noticed it yet but, the terribly looking wounds from blades had also disappeared and Babara's two forelimbs were smooth and kicking.

"Your species is so strong according to what I've noticed. Your bodies have an ability to heal as soon as they get an injury", Kevin Moore told Monica.

"Yes, you're right... but then, why wasn't she healing from the wounds earlier?" With extreme eagerness, Monica Yen asked.

Kevin Moore put a hand in his left pocket and picked a container which had a colorless liquid in it. He put it in Monica Yen's hand.

What is this?" Monica Yen asked.

"It's something I suspect to be more dangerous to your species than anything else." Kevin answered.

"The same liquid I saw a man pouring on the sword he was going to slash your daughter with before I interrupted them", he added.

"And still, the woman who was burning tried to pour it on Babara's wounds before I grabbed it and then smacked her out", he told Monica.

Monica's eyes focused like a lazer beam when she intently looked into the tiny container, wondering what the colourless liquid was!

She covered the container and kept it in the pockets of the over all jacket she was wearing, then rushed back to focusing on her precious daughter Babara.

"You're awake darling," Monica Yen caressed Babara's body like she had been missing in her life for years.

On the side of the bed on top of the chest drawer, were packets of human blood she was intending to drip direct into her daughter's veins.

Monica picked a packet and asked her to nourish the body which was extremely weak with it. She created and opening and put it in her daughter's mouth to feed.

Slowly Babara Yen started sucking blood out of the transparent packet. Her appetite was very low too.

Suddenly Babara experienced nausea during feeding that she had to throw up right there infront of Kevin Moore. Kevin couldn't contain it and asked to leave.

As a mother, Monica Yen had to bare with each of her daughter's messes. She truly loved and cared about her in all possible ways.

Monica Yen started clearing the messed-up floor whereas Babara Yen laid back to rest because she was feeling dizzy and very weak in the body.

Monica quickly stood up and pulled a blanket to cover her daughter's body so that it may gain some warmth, then she went back to cleaning puke off the floor.

While Kevin Moore open the outside door to walk away, Felix was standing infront on the door about to press the bell. They gazed intently into eachother's eyes for a moment.

After little while, they finally gave up and Kevin Moore walked on smoothly with his pure white sneakers on the red marble floor of his hotel.

Felix didn't get it why a stranger, and handsome dude nearly equal to him was freely walking out of Babara's apartment. Kevin Moore was more handsome though!

Felix entered the hotel suite real quick and made sure the entrance door was well locked. No one was in the living room that he saw.

"Was he a handsome their?!" deep inside Felix wondered while he looked around.

He knew the home since he had ever been brought in after the prison saga so, he stepped forward to knock on Babara's bedroom door. Unexpectedly, Monica was inside and so she opened.

Monica: "Oh, Felix it's you!"

Felix: "You already found Babara! I was worried."

Monica: "Thanks to heavens, it wasn't easy though."

Felix: "I can see she's resting at this time which is not her style."

Monica: "I picked her from the mouth of the grave."

Felix: "What happened?!"

Monica: "I can't tell why fellow vampires want us dead! Two of which I rescued her from sometime back and now joined by a third one which was ten times more powerful."

Felix: "Which means it's true they were after me if it wasn't for the police to arrest me."

Monica: "I very well believe so... still today, it was the police car alarms they heard that made them run away. They are too powerful trust me you wouldn't have survived."

Felix: "And the dude I met at the entrance door, who is he?"

Monica: "Oh..., you mean Kevin! He is the reason why I still have my Babara with me. It took me sometime to find her and by the time I got to her, he was there standing against them."

Felix: "He could be something else to stand against such powerful vampire. But he doesn't seem to be a vampire, isn't it?"

Monica: "All I can tell you is, he's not a vampire like us... but for us to survive those ruthless killers we need him."

Felix: "Okay!"

Jealous had started eating Felix's mind for he had a big crush on Babara Yen even though he was in a relationship with a human girlfriend Tsunami.

Deep inside he thought whether this dude Kevin was not going to take Babara Yen away from him and he said to himself that he couldn't tolerate it if at all it happens.

"Hey!" Monica Yen distracted his thoughts, "are you alright?"

"Of course I am", Felix abruptly answered like he had just woken up from a dream.

"I was of a decision, instead of hiding away from the vampires which are hunting us, I am going to start hunting them too", Monica Yen told Felix.

"I need to find out where they're from and why are they after our lives, and maybe this will answer as many questions as possible that I had from when I was a child", she talked with an attitude.

"Am definitely with you Monica Yen, it's the only choice I have but, we must lay a better strategy to avoid death because.... I am the only one left in my family", said Felix sorrowfully.

"Don't worry", Monica Yen caressed his arm, "I don't want to die too... I need to see my grandchildren. I have the best strategy." She smiled.

Jelly Spatters and his remaining subordinate the male hunter vampire were so sad and upset after loosing their partner, the female hunter vampire on a mission.

Inside a lonely warehouse where they were staying during the mission to end lives of Monica Yen and her daughter Babara Yen, they both sat heads down in deep sorrow.

Later that very night after it had just clocked midnight, Jelly Spatters sat down on the bare ground with legs crossed and meditated to send a very important message to the vampires back home as a king in the land of ice.

As a means of communication, he linked straight with the superiors back home in the land of ice and communicated to them the loss of a member.

He ordered for ten more skilled hunter vampire to fly right away for the mission was getting tough beyond what he expected as the realm leader.

In the land of ice, immediately after a meeting with Jelly Spatters, vampire bats were seen flying one in the sky towards the castle. They landed one after the other, ten in number.

Here they received immediate instructions which were to fly across the ocean, cross huge forests upto the Capricon city in the far eastern region.

Before they started on such a long journey each of these tough vampire bats equipped itself with the red venom potion, a dangerous vampire destroyer.

On top of that, dagger and blades were fixed in their natural black outfits.

It was now time to fly out of their land and one by one from the ground they shoot and transformed to enormous bats into the dark sky that late night.

After hours of rest after falling asleep, Babara Yen opens her eyes on the bed where she is laying. She sees her mother Monica Yen in a faint sight standing with Felix aside.

Abruptly as she turns her head, accidentally Monica's eyes land on her daughter back to sight. Monica's attention is pulled away and Felix realizes it.

He also turns partially his eyes to see what she is looking at. Felix sees Babara awake from sleeping. This brings joy to his face that he steps close to have a word.

"Did Kevin see me in that wild form?" was the first question that Babara asked her mother Monica Yen.

Monica Yen nodded her head to say yes.

"He's been so much in my dreams saving my life," she told her mother.

"My daughter," Monica Yen sat closer, held her hand in a palm and said, "you're alive right now because of him. I think later on you'll have to thank him."

Babara Yen felt really embarrassed to know. The last thing she had ever wanted Kevin Moore to know about her was her side of being a vampire, instead he came to know it this soon.

Felix noticed Babara Yen's reaction which was not favorable to him at all because he was already crushing on her. He turned his face to look away.

Monica Yen as a grown up saw Felix's reaction and it came to her notice that he has developed feelings for Babara Yen. It didn't shock her because any man couldn't stand the beauty her daughters carried.

She stretched her right arm and picked a packet of human blood which was left on top of the bedside drawer which she served to her daughter to make sure she drinks and regains back her energy.

"How am I going to look him in the face?" Before she took the packet of blood to the mouth, Babara worriedly asked herself. "Do you think he will accept this side of me mom?"

Monica Yen sighing loud about the question her daughter asked she said to her, "a man who loves you will always love you nomatter what because... love is blind. And if at all he doesn't, another man will."

On making this last statement, Monica Yen turned her eyes from Babara and looked at Felix with a beam, then back to Babara and said, "Just open your heart to be free."

Fact that Monica Yen knew Kevin Moore is in love with the second twin Pinky, her intentions were to keep Babara Yen away from Kevin so that the two twins don't crash over a man.

However, she had no clear way of fulfilling it and the only path was to keep a close watch on Babara, and creating diversions whenever she got a chance as a mother.

A moment later, Monica Yen held a private conversation with Felix aside, where they sat with a chasrbord In the middle.

Monica: "I see how you look at my daughter... it's obvious you like her."

Felix: "Oh! Uh... I'm sorry if I passed boundaries ma."

Monica: "Don't you think you're just being unfair to your lover Tsunami?"

Felix: "My late brother's addiction was women... he slept with all sorts he wanted. Among the women was Tsunami, young and innocent. She used to be too lonely at the ship most of the times."

Monica: "You mean you cheated with Tsunami behind your brother's back...! just because she was lonely!"

Felix: "I was the closest friend of hers and we were nearly the same age. she trusted on that ship, shared her personal life secrets with me and only me gave her hope. As a young lady, she fell in love with me."

"When we met again at the club, I so the happiness in her eyes. By her appearance I could tell she was struggling with life. I thought to myself that, maybe my duty to better her life and that's why we've met again."

"I proved to her that I kill people and drink their blood to survive, thinking it will make her change her minds towards me but she didn't care."

"Instead she prepared me to go out there and kill and even protected me wisely when the police came at home! I mean, who really does that... if not Tsunami?!"

"I had no guts to reject when she gave herself to me with too much affection... I never wanted to hurt her feelings at anyone point."

"Am telling you all this Ms Monica to let you know that I don't have feelings for Tsunami but, destiny brought us together and as opposite sexes, it was hard to resist."

"I care about Tsunami, I've managed to give her a good life but I need a woman I have feelings for not an woman I feel sorry for."

Monica: "I you trying to tell me indirectly that you love my daughter?"

Felix: "Am sorry to say but that's the truth. I love Babara Yen deep inside my heart, and now that me and her share something in common, It gives me took much hope."

Monica: "sighing loud."

The door opened and Babara walked into the living room where Felix and her mother were. She had started to recover steadly after completing a packet full of human blood.

Both of them stood up and paid attention to her, whereby Monica Yen came and supported her down on the coach, to sit right next to her.

"Hope you feeling much better now," Felix inquired with a very bright face.

"Too much better with a lot of strength," Babara replied.

"I knew a blood diet wouldn't do you wrong", said Monica Yen who was so happy after seeing her daughter back to life.


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