

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


"Babara Yen!" Tsunami called the name in disguise to see the girl's reaction.

"Babara Yen... awesome, It has a beautiful name", Pinky thought that Babara Yen was the name of a pink handbag she was holding when Tsunami mentioned.

Kevin heard Tsunami mentioning the name Babara Yen. He looked at her keenly. Of course Kevin Moore knew Babara very well because, him too had ever mistook her to be his lover Pinky, to the extent of hosting her in his home.

However, it wasn't the right time to put this complication into Pinky's mind. Kevin thought it was going to put their developing relationship at stake, which he never wanted to happen in that period of time.

Using cash, Kevin paid for the five classic handbags and all the services which were given to his lover Pinky. He walked her gently outside upto where the super car was parked, and made sure she comfortably relaxed inside.

"Excuse me", Kevin requested Pinky, "for only one minute."

He left the car doors open up in the sky and walked back in TSUNAMI PARA. Tsunami's friends and everyone in the para were frozen with all their attention on Kevin and Pinky, from the moment the couple turned backs to walked out.

"Why is he coming back?" one of Tsunami's friends asked, which alerted Tsunami to return back to find out from her good customer.

One of Tsunami's employees confronted Kevin. She asked him whether everything was alright, that's when Kevin lifted up his hand decently and pointed at Tsunami, saying he was back to talk to her.

"What!" Tsunami's friends gape-jawed in a shocking surprised when they saw this dude pointing at Tsunami.

They turned and looked at eachother. Still under a shock, they turned faces and looked back at their friend Tsunami who was on her way to meet Kevin. It gave them too much of excitement.

With a bright smile and a vibrant voice, Tsunami confronted Kevin as her customer, "hope everything is alright sir!" she stated. Kevin's face was a serious one, different from the one he held earlier on in the presence of his girlfriend.

Kevin: "You said your name is Tsunami, right?"

Tsunami: "Yes, that's my name."

Kevin: "She's called Pinky not Babara Yen, okay?"

Tsunami: "Okay!"

Kevin: "She has liked your services so, I assure you that she will return oftentimes. Make sure you don't call her Babara Yen again."

Tsunami: "Alright!"

Kevin: "Thank you."

After addressing his issue, Kevin Moore turned around to walk away and as he was about to reach the exist, there was an animal print bag standing alone on the side in the glass display that he saw. He went and looked at it.

It had a price tag of $50,000.

"Can I have this bag please!" politely he requested.

Tsunami panicked to get the bag out of the display and packed it for him. Kevin got a visa card and swiped it in a portable machine and the payment was successfully.

"Call it the reason for my return", he told Tsunami ending with an eye wink and a thank you. All this happened when Tsunami's friends are watching. Kwvin smiled and walked away.

"Darn! he just bought that bag!" exclaimed with shock, the employee.

"I think am bringing the most expensive handbags from today onwards", Tsunami happily respond to her excited employees.

They all stood and watched the hot dude entering into his super car, butterfly doors closed and accelerated smoothly to the main road away. Tsunami walked back to her office where her friends waited at curiously 7to hear from her.

"Be open and tell us he's going to cheat on his celebrity girlfriend with you", a friend stated curiously with great excitement.

"What the hell are your dirty minds thinking?!" Tsunami couldn't believe her friends' kind of reasoning.

"We all can tell it wasn't because of that bag he bought at last! the second friend insisted, "we're your best friends, you have to give us a hint."

"You people need to mind your dirty thoughts... Yes, you're right, Neither was it about the bag nor was it what you're thinking." Tsunami clarified, "better mind your businesses!"

"Put a hand in a dog's mouth it bites you... Remember you don't have a boyfriend, and now a chance is knocking on your door!", stubborn friends made statements, "trust us... we're right at your back ready to fight on your behalf, just incase his girlfriend tries you out."

"Stop it!" Tsunami shyly yelled at her stubborn friends. "Whether you believe me or not, my boyfriend is always at home waiting. He doesn't work because he's got it all and that's why he made this business for me to raise up my status!"

"Okay girl, alright!" they let the argument go but still in doubt, "we're still here watching you.... Time will tell."

When the power couple left TSUNAMI PARA, next branch was at a restaurant. Kevin and Pinky, strikingly impressive walked in shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand with their eyes covered behind a cool pair of shades each.

They found themselves a beautiful spot where they sat face to face. Playful, Kevin took Pinky's pair of shades off her eyes abruptly. Pinky glared shyly at him. She lifted up her hand and took shades off his eyes too. They both beamed.

A waiter who was smartly dressed in black outfits and a white bow tie stood on the side right at their table to pick their orders. Pinky went through the menu and pronounced her choices which included a refreshment.

"He will have a pizza," Pinky suggested for Kevin Moore.

"Exactly that's my favorite," Kevin Moore supplemented, "with her choice of refreshment please!"

As the waiter was confirming the orders, Pinky raised her face and looked at him to accept as satisfactory, gladly with a live smile. The waiter recognised Pinky's face and he panicked. A pen fall out of his hands.

Kevin bent down to pick it from the ground. When he tried to give it back to him, the waiter was unsteady staring at Pinky with his hands shaking. Sweat started coming out of his face skin pores.

'Is everything alright," Pinky asked the waiter.

As a celebrity, she thought it was normal for people to loose themselves on seeing her physically. But it wasn't the case this time round. The waiter was the young man who lost her brother during the ship massacre.

"Do you know the beast that killed my brother?" the waiter asked Pinky before he recieved his pen from Kevin.

"I don't understand!!" Pinky got confused while she keenly looked at the waiter.

"On that ship, my brother's life was lost among the people who died. I was there... among the survivors... Mr Felix said you were in the private lounge where the killing started. Tell me what killed my brother, please!" politely the young man begged.

Kevin Moore was confused about the whole situation. He quietly gazed at his lover Pinky, as he waited to hear what she had to say about the accusations from the young man.

The young man's strange accusations perturbed Pinky enough that she lose her calm and said to him, "Look, I don't care what your name is", she read it from the name tag, "and your intentions, but you're not qualified to work in the service industry."

On top of her voice Pinky spoke to the extent of standing on her feet, and everyone's attention was drawn, more so the customers. The manager walked in after noticing the misunderstanding between his worker 'Allan Brooke' and a customer.

"Please tell me what killed my brother," Allan Brooke insisted, "you were on that ship... I need to know!"

"Allan!" Called bitterly, the manager who approached behind him.

Allan Brooke kept quiet. His sorrowful face was sweaty and tears continously dripped from his eyes. In confusion, Kevin stood up too. Since he didn't grow up in human societies, it gave him a hard time to figure out people's behaviours most of the times.

"We're so sorry for this misunderstanding," the manager apologized to Pinky and Kevin on behalf of the restaurant and asked Allan Brooke what his problem was."

"Her name is Babara," Allan Brooke stated aggressively, "a visitor who came to the ship where I was working with my brother I told you about who died that day. On that day she visited, many people were killed. She saw what killed them."

"Alright alright, these are our special customers that need to enjoy the atmosphere of our place right from reception and service. Can you apologise to them?" The restaurant manager ordered Allan Brooke.

Although Allan wasn't ready to apologize, he had to for the good of the restaurant. Since Pinky was a ghetto gladiator, she wasn't too arrogant to understand. She instead calmed herself down after being apologized to and sat back down.

"Can you bring our orders now?" Kevin Moore asked and gave Allan Brooke his pen, "we're very hungry."

The manager tapped Allan's hand, commanding him to walk on as he followed from behind. The rest of the customers in the restaurant whose focus was taken had to chill and get back to minding their business.

Kevin Moore followed his lover and sat down too. By the suspicious looks on his face, he had already known that the right person this young man had to confront was not supposed to be Pinky, but her twin sister Babara Yen.

However, Kevin Moore kept quiet about it. He remembered the night he also came to discover that Pinky had a twin sister with whom they look identical. It wasn't his duty to open up this secret to Pinky though. Her parents had to.

"Don't mind the young man sweetheart," Kevin Moore said, "let's concentrate on us and the lunch meals, okay!"

"Babara!" Pinky exclaimed miserably.

"Relax!" Kevin asked her.

She looked at him and said, "Just for my beautiful handbag Babara Yen, I will relax." Pinky smiled.

I want want to ask you something really personal if you don't mind", Kevin Moore told Pinky.

"No problem", Pinky accepted eagerly.

But, as he opened his mouth to speak, two transparent glasses full of a yellow refreshment landed on the table, together with the meals. Kevin had to leave whatever he was about to ask his lover and focus on lunch meals.

Pinky raised her face to see the waiter behind bringing their orders who wasn't Allan Brooke this time. Since both Pinky and her boyfriend Kevin had been waiting hungrily for long, the aroma couldn't allow them to hold on even a single sec.

With his huge appetite, Kevin grabbed a piece from a large pizza infront of him and took a very heavy bite that his jaws chewed, which induced a yummy smile on his cheeks. Kevin couldn't wait to take another moderately heavy bite.

As Kevin grinded thoroughly not to choke, Pinky was also busy with a table knife in her right hand and a folk in the left hand, focused on cutting a beef piece on a plate into small chunks she chewed, one at a time with great taste.

Both of the love birds stared at eachother while their jaws moved up and down and side to side respectively with their mouths close. They smiled at eachother in the process and continued with their eating activity, which was the order of the moment all around the whole restaurant.

The day closed and the night came by. As usual, every after a date it's a man's responsibility to drives a woman back to wherever she stays. This was the same case between Kevin Moore and his lover Pinky.

Kevin had to make sure his super car, parks right infront of Pinky's gate. It was a moment to let Pinky go inside and meets her relatives. But, in the dark it seemed something was clearly observing both of them. They didn't know.

Due to the fact that Kevin Moore gave a gentle treatment to his woman, he did what he usually do, getting outside the car first and walks around to the other side to open a door for her. Gently Pinky held on Kevin's hand to step out.

He made sure she presses the gate bell button when he is standing right beside her. On the house security cameras, Pinky's grandaunt inside the house saw her granddaughter standing together with her boyfriend at the gate.

"Hey Jonathan, it's your daughter at the gate. can you please go and open for her?" Grandaunt communicated on top of her voice.

Jonathan who was with his friend, a woman he was now dating, with whom they met the other day his family was entering into this house during the course of Jonathan putting a hip of chicken drumsticks on a plate greedily, heard his auntie's call.

"My daughter Pinky is home", Jonathan said to the woman as he stood up to go and get the gate.

"I think I have to be on my way too", the woman responded respectively while she stood up too from her comfort.

They quickly walked downstairs upto outside the house. Jonathan hurried and opened to open the small gate so that her daughter enters. He was very happy to see Kevin Moore standing on the side. Kevin smiled on seeing his in-law too.

Kevin: "Hello Mr Jonathan!"

Jonathan: "Hey Kevin, how're you? and still today you're not coming inside!"

Kevin: "I promise next time I will and even spend a night."

Jonathan: "Alright, I will be waiting on you.... thanks for taking good care of my daughter."

Kevin Moore smiled instead. Pinky happily waved at him and ran inside the house fence. Jonathan started opening the whole gate wide for his woman to drive out.

"Dad," Pinky called, "why didn't you tell me Michelle was visiting today? I would have come back earlier!"

"Don't worry yourself, as soon as I marry her, she's going to become your mother officially and you'll be seeing her anytime you need," Jonathan assured her daughter Pinky.

Kevin Moore was watching and hearing everything. He seemed unhappy by the pity looks on his face because he knew some vital information about Pinky and her father Jonathan from Monica Yen, Pinky's mother and Jonathan's engaged wife.

Pinky asked Michelle, who was her father's fiance at the moment, to come and visit oftentimes on behalf of her father, stating that Michelle was a source of maximum joy in her father's life, she as Jonathan's daughter had never seen him experiencing.

"He's even growing more stronger and healthier each and every day than before," Pinky complimented, "all because of you Michelle!"

Michelle smiled inside the car where she was, sitting in the rear talking to Pinky who was standing outside. She said to her, "your dad is a very wonderful man, I love him and I am willing to stand by his side anytime he needs me."

This statement alone raised Pinky's excitement. From the joy she had after spending time with her boyfriend Kevin Moore, another joy filled up her heart from a woman she wished her father to start a new love life with.

There after, Michelle's drivers who was patiently waiting stepped on gas and the car slowly reversed outside the gate. Jonathan went closer to the car window, to wish Michelle a very good night. The red luxurious sedan accelerated away.

Kevin's instincts told him that something was not right around that area. Since he had natural abilities beyond human levels just like his late mother Meg, he sensed the presence of danger and began rolling his eyes around.

"Hey son," spoke Jonathan while the main gate closed on a remote control, "as you're so alert like a security guard is everything alright!?"

Kevin Moore got distracted by his father-in-law. They had to say bye bye to eachother. Kevin Moore got into his super car to drive to hotel OCEAN, and Jonathan got back inside the fence.

All along in the dark was an enormous bat.


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