

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Kỳ huyễn
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As four of them where still figuring out how to save Felix the danger zone, Jelly Spatters the leader of the vampire fraternity and two of his subordinates appeared at the speed of light and surrounded them.

Kevin Moore, bound and determined by his nature as a merman, trusting super natural sea abilities that he possessed from his sea ancestors, confronted Jelly Spatters and said to him in a bitter voice tone;

"Unless you kill me, you're not going to kill anyone!" Kevin angrily spoke loud and clear.

Having lived for more than 200 years on earth more than anybody, Jelly Spatters had a wide knowledge and he had already figured out on how to reduce the powers Kevin Moore based on in fighting.

By applying extraordinary vampire abilities of hyper speed, just like a flash light Jelly Spatters, still in his human form, moved and stubbed Kevin with a small dagger which was smeared with the dangerous 'red venom potion'.

The blue electric-like energy wave which had started building up on Kevin's hands to enhance his power to fight the ruthless vampires blacked out. Slowly by slowly Kevin went down to the ground as Monica, Babara and Tsunami were watching closely.

"What have you done to me?" In a thick fading voice tone kevin questioned innocently as a young man because how he was feeling at the moment, he had never felt before.

So proud of his deed, Jelly Spatters bragged and laughed out loudly;

"Hahaha... you're a cold blood I discovered and that's why no vampire can feed on your blood... What I put on the dagger that I've stabbed you with is a liquid which doesn't tolerate cold blooded creatures like you and us vampires; call it the 'red venom potion' hahaha..."

As Jelly Spatters laughed annoyingly, Pinky from behind his back struck him with a kitchen serving spoon using all her human energy as a young lady, which at any point couldn't cause any harm to a vampire or even a fully grown normal man, as she yelled angrily at him to leave her fiancée alone.

Like nothing had happened, Jelly Spatters turned his face to look at the noise maker behind and here he saw the twin sister to Babara.

"Am not here to be distracted by humans like you who don't know what is good for themselves!" Jelly Spatters told Pinky when all were listening, "the reason your mother is still alive today is because you were in her womb the time I wanted to terminate her life... You managed to save her back then but not this time."

In just a simple swing of the hand, Pinky received a slap from Jelly Spatters which threw her many metres away, where she fell unconscious. Burning like a raging inferno, Monica couldn't stand the action of Jelly Spatters hitting her precious daughter Pinky as weak as she was.

Putting fear aside, together with expectations to receive protection from Kevin Moore who she looked at laying powerless on the ground, Monica Yen attacked the ruthless vampire Jelly Spatters whom she didn't know they had the same Dirty Dracula ancestral background, so different from other vampire bats.

Taking the advantage that Monica Yen was a young blood as a vampire bat at the age of fifty, she was more speedy compared to Jelly Spatters. However as a 200 years old vampire, Jelly Spatters' abilities inherited from their Dirty Dracula ancestors were more developed beyond those of Monica Yen; which were still developing.

As the fight between Jelly Spatters and Monica Yen hyped, the vampire bats at the back yeard, subordinates to Jelly Spatters, recieved a sign and came to engage in the fight. On the same grounds, Babara Yen had already engaged in the fight with the two vampire bats which appeared with Jelly Spatters.

Jonathan and his aunt rushed to where Pinky was and tried to wake her back to conscious state. Calling her name back to back anxiously together with small slaps on the cheeks, Pinky woke up. After confirming the safety of his daughter, Jonathan rushed back to the house and allover a sudden returned with a gun.

At the same time, Tsunami was at the swimming pool helping her boyfriend Felix to come out. Since Felix was a human who got bitten and became a vampire, his abilities were not as amplified as those of born vampires. He could not transform into a vampire bat, although he had speed and canines developed whenever he wanted to feed.

"Pop pop pop...!" rapid bullets fired at vampires, reducing their energy to a lower extent, which gave Babara a room of a few seconds refresh and then flashed back stronger with an attack to fight the vampire rivals.

Determined to kill Babara and her mother Monica, right at the mission, vampires which were shot stood back up and this time round transformed into their original flying bat form and attacked Babara.

Down after a hard blow from Jelly Spatters, Monica Yen crawled painfully upto where Kevin was and checked if he was still alive. Lucky enough Kevin could still open his eyes.

"I know you can do this Kevin," Monica Yen talked to him begging, "try to use your abilities to heal because if you don't, me and Babara are going to die... Only your powers can now save us." "You can do it, please!" she encouraged.

As Jonathan continued to shoot at the vampire bats which were now enormous in their original form, Jelly Spatters saw him. Faster than a bullet he appeared infront of him and rudely struck him with a single blow. Jonathan and his gun fell apart.

Looking around the area, Monica was down defeated and Kevin too. Sorrounded by eight aggressive vampire bats, all Babara's hope was lost and worst was the situation. In a climactic showdown, Jelly Spatters walked gently while he delved into his black leather gown where he pulled out a small bottle containing the colorless red venom potion.

When Monica set her eyes on the bottle and Jelly Spatters headed towards her daughter Babara, she let out a frightful scream, "No.....!" and began to cry. By this time all family members were watch hopelessly anxious; including Tsunami and Felix. One if the eight vampire bats smacked Babara down and held her helplessly on the ground.

Posing unbothered, Jelly Spatters reached where Babara was and removed the lid off the bottle. Aiming at Babara's open wounds, Jelly Spatters bent the bottle and poured the red venom potion to make sure Babara Yen dissolves out of existence in pain as it was whenever the red venom potion contacted a wound of any cold blood creature.

Nearly to a zero distance, as the colourless liquid was almost close to hit Babara's wound on her shoulder, there appeared Felix right on time who put his palms in which the liquid poured and partially saved Babara. It was not over yet though. Ruthlessly, Jelly Spatters kicked Felix a mile away for sabotaging his mission.

Rolling in space uncontrollable until when his body hit the wall and dismantled it down. Allover a sudden Jonathan was back with his gun spitting bullets within the vampires. Caught off guard the vampire bats, Kevin Moore was back in action with all his sea powers restored.

Just one super powerful strike by Kevin, a vampire bat fell metres away and burned in flames to dark ashes. A deep sigh of relief was given of by Monica Yen, down on ground where she was laying on her abdomen. Pink's Grandaunt together with grandmother and grandfather raised their necks up in bliss, looking at Kevin bringing their hope back.

Looking at his subordinates vanishing, Jelly Spatters shook with rage, but Kevin was fully reloaded to be defeated by any vampire bat at the moment. Reading a letter in it envelope, Jelly Spatters discovered that his super natural powers couldn't work on the young man so, he decided to change into a vampire bat.

Immediately Monica visualised Jelly Spatters flying away, and not attacking Kevin to fight. So fast, Monica together with her daughter Babara transformed and collided with him as he had just gained momentum to flap away, which led the three of them to land noxiously on the ground.

Standing bravely as the only man after all the vampires which wanted to kill Monica Yen and her daughter Babara Yen were battled down, Kevin Moore screamed so loud facing up in the skies with hands widely spread like a war hero. Slowly his super natural powers began disappearing as he calmed himself down.

Sluggishly, one by one got up, beginning with Felix who had his vampire body healing magically from heavy injuries got on colliding with wall. Next was Pinky, who stood up and ran so fast to meet her fiancée Kevin, giving him a very warm hug. As for Mr. Jonathan, right there after confirming stability, he threw the guy down expressing relief.

Down on the ground, Monica Yen and her daughter Babara Yen were already back in their human forms. However, both of them were laying unconscious next to Jelly Spatters who was trying so hard to stand up but his health condition at the moment couldn't let him. He finally gave up and stayed down.

The following morning, somewhere in at the edge of Capricon city happens to be an isolated house. Inside the house are rooms and in the rooms happens to be dim lights minimizing darkness. Going further more in one of the rooms happen to be strong chains, and on the chains Jelly Spatters was tightly cuffed.

Within the same lone house was another safe room right next to Jelly Spatters' and in here was a lady who was among Jelly Spatters' subordinates, a vampire Kevin and Monica abducted when vampires attacked Monica on the highway.

In the heart of a bustling city, amidst towering skyscrapers and bustling streets that same day, a beautiful towering hotel called OCEAN was in a good view. All around the main entrance of hotel OCEAN were beautiful decorations indicating the day was very special from all other days. It was indeed a fateful day whereby melodies filled the air.

Fancy cars started showing up one after the other. Handsome men of value and beautiful women of honour stepped out well dressed in adorable outfits and walked gently into the hotel through the attractive decorations at the entrance.

Among the many SUVs and sedans that came through, was a Santorini black precious long wheel base SUV which parked next to the entrance. From inside the car stepped out the most admirable family members namely Pinky's grandaunt whose face posed so tough, grandfather and grandmother who were assisted out by non other than Babara Yen and Monica Yen very happy and dressed to kill.

All over a sudden, paparazzi flocked infront of Pinky's extended family. Gently in such a glorious way they walked through the attractive decorations surrounding the hotel entrance and headed inside.

In big numbers, well wishers had already filled up the large hall within the hotel for the wedding reception. Beautiful people sat comfortably happy while musical instruments sang wedding melodies.

In-between the middle of balloons and flower decorations arranged at the altar, here stood the gloom of honour, in a three piece pink designer suit... Kevin Moore, as he happily waited for his bride.

All the guests in their seats turned heads behind as soon as they recieved a signal. Arriving was the bride of honor Pinky, well dressed in a pink wedding dress with her face covered by a pink veil. On her right hand side was her father Jonathan holding her hand, slowly walking her to the altar to hand her over to the gloom.

As the Jonathan and his daughter Pinky walked through the alleyway, people excitedly applauded her arrival as piano melodies filled the air. At the altar, Jonathan and Pinky approached in great honor. Kevin who was so happy lifted his hand to receive his bride near to him.

Standing face to face on the altar, Pinky and Kevin started to make their vows to eachother by the guidance of the priest right besides them. Pinky's grandaunt, her twin sister Babara and her mother Monica on every vow that Pinky made, smiles quirked corners of their mouth, as though they were intrigued and delighted that Pinky had made it.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest happily put the last nail in the coffin.

Kevin uncovered now his wife's face off the veil, took one step closer, slowly brought his lips to meet Pinky's and passionately kissed her infront of a big crowd in the hall. The audience stood up and applauded Pinky and Kevin as they shared their first kiss in marriage. On the same pace, piano melodies played at full volume.

Within the applauding crowd, Suxes and his daughter together with his wife Brittany were watching, shouting uncontrollably in delight on top of their voices, cheering Kevin and Pinky for getting married at last. Jonathan's father and mother looked at each other and shared a kiss too.

As for Felix, all his eyes attention was on Babara Yen, who was standing in between her father Jonathan and mother Monica. Tsunami, who was standing right next to Felix, as his girlfriend she noticed the way Felix's eyes were drawn to Babara and sparks that flew between both of them whenever Babara stared back at him.

"Felix!" Tapping him on the shoulder, his girlfriend Tsunami distracted him to her attention and said, "I've always seen it."

Felix: "seen what?"

Tsunami: "How you look at Babara."

Felix: "Am sorry if it offends you in anyway."

Tsunami: "You don't have to apologise for loving someone."

Felix: "I-Iam...."

Tsunami: "It's alright Felix, your happiness is very important to me. If you truly love her, please go and tell her before it gets too late."

Felix: "Are you serious!"

Tsunami: "Am more than serious."

Felix: "Really!"

Tsunami: "Don't loose a chance. Her mother likes you too. Besides, both you and Babara have something in common, she is a vampire just like you."

Peaceful, Tsunami gave up Felix to Babara, allowing him to go and meet her. Immediately after having been granted permission, Felix went to the front line where Babara was standing while her family members were watching.

"I want our wedding to come next!" Felix spoke out loud infront of Babara.

Felix lifted his hand and asked Babara to accept him. With a hesitant hand, Babara accepted and held his hand happily as though it is what she has been waiting for.

"Yes!" Monica Yen cheered excitedly since she has always wished her daughter Babara to forget about her sister's fiancée Kevin and get her own man.

One this fateful day, Pinky the human and Kevin Moore the merman successfully got married to spend the rest of their lives together as one. Monica Yen the vampire bat and her husband Jonathan were now shoulder to shoulder with eachother after Felix picked Babara from their middle.

As the rest of the crowd happily rejoiced over the wedding ceremony, Jonathan and Monica Yen humbly began to talk about their differences as grown-ups, a conversation they never had twenty years ago.

Monica: "Am truly sorry for everything."

Jonathan: "Am not forgiving you Monica."

Monica: "You have all the right to hate me Jonathan, I was scared to loose you as my friend and husband by then."

Jonathan: "Best friends keep no secrets! you kept that many away from me. And as husband and wife no one is supposed to lie to eachother. You told me a lot of lies in our marriage Monica!

Monica: "I was also scared of myself. How would you have taken it easy on me knowing the demon I was transforming into!"

Jonathan: "Even though Monica, as your husband and best friend, you had to tell me everything. It was stupid of you to think that I was not going to find out!"

Monica: "deep and nervous sighs."

Jonathan: "Truthfully, for twenty years down the road I've never stopped thinking about you as my wife.