

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
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42 Chs


"How comes me and father are different from you and Babara?" Pinky asked her mother a very crucial question.

Freeing her minds from the fear of being abandoned by her daughter as well just like her husband Jonathan did, a long sigh followed by a cool smile came as the initial reaction to her daughter's question. To Monica the question appeared as proof that her daughter was not going to abandon her after seeing her freaking monstrosity side.

Down on the coach waiting for her mother to provide the required answers to the question, Pinky sat attentively. Before a single word came out of her mouth, Monica sat down calmly. Babara sat and Kevin also sat down to listen to the untold story Monica was about to narrate from A to Z.

Quietly listening for quite some time, at certain intervals tears were shade, smiles brightened faces followed by laughter respectively. Monica's story was so touching. She took enough time to explain in detail of how, why, what, when, where and who, in her tale to both her daughter's, and they clearly understood her.

In concluding the story, Monica told Babara who inherited vampire bat genes from her that they had to visit the land of ice which Jelly Spatters talked about during the attack he made on her on the highway. With hope she said that if it all ends well, the land of ice seemed to be the only home where they belong as vampire Bats.

When Kevin Moore heard Monica's story, as a merman who also came from the sea and joined human societies on his quest to find his father, he felt so touched. Looking direct at Monica, Kevin assured committedly that he was going to fight besides her against the vampires which wanted to kill them (Monica and her daughter Babara).

"And I suggest," Kevin added fearlessly, "let's take the war to those vampires instead of waiting for them to attack you unprepared."

"Kevin is right mom," Pinky contributed in support of her beloved fiancée.

The smile on Monica's face was so warm that it was not at all comparable after hearing the word 'mom' from Pinky for the first time unexpectedly, one thing she had ever wished from twenty years ago, to nearly loosing hope as a mother. It was such a passionate experience.

Ears tearing, mouth trembling and voice stuttering, "You- you called me mom! Monica Yen stood up from the coach, "please come into my arms my beloved daughter." Monica opened her arms for Pinky to come in.

With no shilly-shally, Pinky stood up bounteously and walked into her mother's open arms where she was held tight in a warm hug. Monica dripped emotional tears at the moment when her second daughter was finally in her chest.

"You really can't fight fate," that's what Kevin said while looking at them.

When Babara experienced the love between her mother and her twin sister Pinky, she never waited to be called upon to join. She too unfolded her arms out of comfort and stood up. Taking small steps towards them, Babara walked and joined in a detailed threesome hug.

At the back yard, Jonathan and his parents were gathered around a campfire, where Jonathan played a string guitar for both of them as one thing he had ever loved in his life. His guitar sounded so attractive to listen to whereby his parents romantically followed the melodies as they moved their bodies side to side.

Amidst playing a guitar, Pinky came through from inside the main house.

"Dad, grandparents, we have visitors," she told them.

"Visitors!" grandmother exclaimed in surprise, "I thought you told us your boyfriend today is coming to have dinner with us!"

A shy smile which no one minded much about beamed on Pinky's face. Jonathan stood up and went to assist them to stand up. As he was helping his father up, Pinky hurried to assist her grandmother up as well. Just as most of the old people, with small careful steps they walked upto inside the mansion.

"Monica!" exclaimed excitedly on top of her voice was Jonathan's mother.

Shocked to nearly run back to where he was coming from, Jonathan abruptly landed his eyes on the woman he ran away from twenty year ago. His daughter Pinky grabbed his hand so fast immediately he made a U turn. Looking at his daughter Pinky with a worriedly scared face,

"Please, Jonathan!" a very passionate voice came from his wife Monica, a voice he last heard of its tone from twenty years ago while he was in the window watching her call him down outside from the house compound.

"Father!" another voice from Babara came through calling him, which was not any different from Pinky's voice.

With too much passion displaying all over his face, Jonathan was forced to turn his face to look at her second twin, a baby he left laying on the sofa with her eyes open, still twenty years ago. Trembling in a shock, Jonathan's eyes got stuck on Babara in a process, he turned his eyes and looked at Pinky who was holding his hand so tight

"Please stay!" in a very soft convincing voice accompanied by a sorrowful face, Pinky begged her father.

"Please son," his father emphasized.

"Please!" his mother too expressed politeness, requesting on behalf of everyone else.

To a greater extent, Monica got down on her knees to ask him to forgive her for not being a good wife to him. Tears couldn't wait to drip from Monica's eyes down on the floor where she was kneeling. All house members where silent, not because they enjoyed it but because it was Jonathan now to make a brave move.

On small steps Jonathan turned. Pinky released his arm as he slowly, though in fear walked, upto where his daughter Babara was. He held both his daughter's hands and asked her what her name was. Bold and free, Babara told her dad both her names. Jonathan smiled right in Babara's face and said,

"You're as beautiful as the rising sun," and he pulled her into his chest.

"Pinky!" Jonathan called, "please come here."

Gently Pinky walked to where her father and sister were standing. She looked at her father, a sympathetic gesture, same as everyone around was looking, waiting to see what exactly what he was driving at next apart from Kevin who never minded much about human behaviours that he kept a normal gesture.

Releasing one of Babara's hands, Jonathan held Pinky's hand as well in his left hand and Babara's hand in his right and brought both their hands together. He made sure they held firmly in eachother's hand and before he released them he spoke the following words.

"I separated you the day both of you were born and today I take the greatest opportunity to bring you back together. It was a big mistake in my life and I apologise to you my beautiful daughters. Whatever that I need to go through to pay for my mistakes, I am ready with a free will... I am truly sorry, please!" Jonathan apologized.

Passionate in his speech to his twin daughters, Jonathan released their hands, leaving them hand in hand with one another. He then took small steps and stood right infront of his wife. Bending down aiming at her hands, Jonathan picked Monica up off her knees. He gazed lovingly at her for some time and afterwards brought her into his chest.

In a big round of applause, Pinky's mansion was filled with joy. Continous smiles rained on everyone's cheeks that time Monica was all up in Jonathan's chest. Not only parents but also the twins took an advantage of the moment and fell in eachother's chests to show love, peace and unity between themselves.

As the whole family bonded in a climactic meet and greet inside the mansion, there happened a glass window break. Babara and Monica where the only ones who heard about it due to their amplified sense of hearing as vampires. Allover a sudden the smile on Babara's cheeks faded away. Amidst a conversation, Monica stopped talking.

"Is everything alright?" Pinky asked her sister Babara after noticing her sudden reaction.

"Did you here that?" Babara asked Pinky.

"Hear what?!" Pinky wondered.

Babara turned eyes to her mother whom she saw holding a suspicious glance as her, just at a short distance with one another. Suddenly a phone rung. While everyone's attention was pulled by the ringtone, Babara delved into her handbag and pulled it out.

"Hello!" she answered it.

"Is everything okay?" Pinky asked looking straight in Babara's face.

"Yeah," Babara replied, "Just my friend saying he has arrived outside. I need to go and pick them."

"Them!" Pinky wondered, "you said friend, why them?"

"I thought he's going to come alone but he came with his girlfriend," Babara explained to Pinky.

"I think you fond of him, right?" Pinky became thoughtful considering her sister's gesture.

"Just accompany me outside to get them okay?" Babara diverted from Pinky's curiosity to a different course.

As Pinky and Babara stood up to go out, Kevin asked to come along, which Babara was very okay with except his fiancée Pinky who asked him to stay behind. Insisting that he couldn't stay behind without a company, Kevin went ahead to follow them outside to fetch Babara's friends.

"Are you alright?" grandmother asked Monica Yen who was now absent minded, delving deep attentively into hearing.

"Supper is ready!" excitedly came grandaunt and Jonathan calling upon the family members to join the dinning table which was richly set up with a variety of comestibles.

Glasses upstairs broke more and Monica heard them breaking once again. She stood up and asked all of them to listen to what she was about to tell them. When Pinky stretched her arm to grab the front door so she can open to get out, Babara grabbed her hand before it reached the door and ordered her not to.

"What is wrong?" Pinky asked Babara who looked so much troubled on the face.

"Kevin," Babara turned her worriedly looking eyes to him and said, "they are here."

As soon as Babara communicated to Kevin, and since he was the only one who understood the toughness of the battle, he quickly held both Babara and Pinky back, away from the door. Looking through the nearby window, outside was nothing dangerous to see.

Curiously puzzled, Pinky was looking; trying to understand what exactly was going on. Kevin walked with them back to join other family members. So fast, Babara hurried to meet her mother Monica. Anxiously looking, the two separated themselves from other family members, getting everyone else wondering why.

Since kevin was so familiar to all the three sides, he was the only one who could explain to the members of the household about the situation at hand and they believe. Briefly without waisting minutes Kevin addressed them frankly about the vampires bats which had tried so hard to kill Monica and Babara.

Extremely frightened, especially Jonathan who had ever seen how a vampire bat looks like twenty years ago when he accidentally landed on his wife Monica on the day she was going to give birth, after hearing that the deadly vampires seem to have attacked the house in numbers and 're enormous when transform, he tried to find where to hide as soon as possible.

"The good news is," Kevin clarified to the family, "these vampires don't kill humans so, you just need a safe place to stay here at the dining enjoying calmly as Monica, Babara and I deal with them."

"Mom, I am worried about Felix!" communicated to the mother, Babara.

"Who's Felix?" Kevin asked.

"Our family friend... I didn't know Babara called him to come here. She says he is out there with his lover Tsunami," Monica Yen made it clear to Kevin.

"You mean Tsunami of TSUNAMI PARA?!" curiously Pinky inquired.

"You mean you know her?" Babara and Monica asked at the same time.

"Of course I and Kevin are her good customers. I do my makeup at her shop and most of my handbags she sells them to me!" Evidently Pinky proved.

"Wow! and she never mentioned me or even mistake you to be me, honestly!!" Babara wondered.

"Truth is she mentioned the name Babara Yen... I-I'm truly sorry to say but, I thought it was a name of a beautiful handbag she was selling to me!" Pinky got so involved trying to explain.

"Am the one to be apologizing," Kevin stated and all turned eyes on him, "I mean," he said, "I knew it very well Tsunami wasn't meaning a handbag but, by then I had convinced myself that your parents were to tell you about your sister and not me. Thats why I kept it secret."

"And...," Kevin added to his first submission, "that time I left you in the car and went back in TSUNAMI PARA, then walked back with an expensive handbag in my hands..! I was from warning her never again to mention the name Babara just incase you returned to her shop."

As they still wasted time over issues that didn't matter, grandaunt had her eyes upstairs. Looking at grandmother and grandfather, both too had their faces up. One by one, from Pinky who saw them first to Kevin as he was ending his explanation, then Monica and Babara respectively, faced up to see.

The creature up touching the ceiling above the stairs which was also watching them was so enormous that those who had no idea about what exactly Kevin was talking about earlier on, witnessed with their naked eyes. Even Pinky who had a crew got shocked after seeing the full version of the creatures.

"That's exactly how my Monica looks like," Jonathan confirmed to his parents who where all stuck, gazing stupidly in an open-mouthed shock at the vampire bat.

"We need to get on move!" Kevin yelled, "Not that way! This was...!" directing Monica Yen and Babara towards the entrance to get out of the house.

When the vampire bat saw the three rushing to the exit, quickly it jumped off its grips and chased them. Quickly Monica opened the door and shut it as soon as they got out. In a blink of an eye the vampire bat, after having been locked behind, it transformed into a human while Jonathan, his aunty, daughter Pinky, and parents were watching.

With all its eyes black, it tuned the head slowly and looked at them, then pulled the door open to follow the targets. In one of the dark corners of the house, their came a female voice calling 'Babara Yen'. Kevin, Monica and Babara herself heard the voice. The lady calling was Tsunami filled with fear.

"Where is Felix?" Monica Yen asked immediately they got to where she was.

"At the backyard in the swimming pool is where Felix is hiding," Tsunami told them.

"How is that possible?! Babara questioned in doubt.

"Is Felix a merman?" Kevin Moore was surprised on hearing about someone hiding in water.

"Felix is just skilled when it comes to water life since he spent most of his time on his brother's ship," Tsunami explained it better for them to understand.

"And in all places to hide he chose water!!" Monica couldn't understand why in her statement.

Tsunami made it clear to her that, "He said vampires can't get his scent under water thats why.

Quickly Tsunami joined them to go meet Felix but to their surprise, as they watched from a distance, all around the swimming pool were vampires in their bat form hungrily loitering the whole swimming pool and the back yard at large.

"Darn!" Babara Yen exclaimed worriedly and asked, "how're we going to get him out of the swarm?"


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