

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


Jonathan: "Truthfully, for twenty years down the road I've never stopped thinking about you... the love we shared was beyond odds and memorably unforgettable!

Monica: "Don't you think love is enough reason to forgive me?"

Jonathan: "I forgave you long time, however, your personality scares me... Everytime I closed my eyes, I see you turning into a mysterious creature in the office. Then goosebumps display allover my skin."

Monica: "Did you get someone else?"

Jonathan: "Yes, but I can't make it official with her until you give me a devorce!"

Monica: "Do you lover her more than you loved me?"

Jonathan: "Even our own children can't replace my love for you."

Monica: "Can I have a kiss?"

On the next row was Michelle, a woman Jonathan spends his love time with lately, so that he forgets about Monica Yen. Uncomfortably, Jonathan turns his eyes and, here is Michelle looking at him with romantic eyes. Michelle had already fallen deep in love with Jonathan.

"Jonathan!" Monica calls him again, "can you please give your wife a kiss?" She insists.

Hesitantly, Jonathan quickly pecks Monica on the cheek, which makes Michelle frown her face inquisitively. Monica having discovered that Jonathan's love for her still floors like a river down the valley, she manipulates him.

"I don't think that's how a husband kisses his wife, especially on such a memorable day when their child is getting married!" Monica stated.

"Now that our daughters are watching us... don't you think this could be the right time to show them that we got them out of love?" Monica told Jonathan who was looking worried.

Since Monica was always more sharp than Jonathan, she succeeded in manipulating him under the watch of his new girlfriend Michelle. With a hesitant hand, Jonathan pulled Monica close and passionately put his lips on hers when their children, his aunt, parents and Kevin were watching, and milked her lips like never before.

Shocking everone watching including Michelle, Jonathan moved his eyes to were Michelle was after the long kiss, but she had already reached the exit of the hall. As soon as Michelle reached outside, she began to shade tears from a broken heart.

Inside the hall, Jonathan and Monica were covered with a heavy round of applause after sharing such a romantic kiss. All family members were happy including guests who had a chance to see Pinky's parents kissing on her wedding.

Coming back to his senses as he was still smiling to loud hand claps, Jonathan tried to turn and perhaps go find Michelle outside but tightly, Monica held his hand in secret and prevented him from leaving.

"Stay focused, don't Make them think their hand claps were in vain," whispered Monica in Jonathan's left ear.

Pretending that all was well, Jonathan stood trembling in the legs and hands. He put a plastic smile on his face to please the family members who were extremely happy even though he was so uncomfortable for his deed. Babara who was holding hands with Felix at the moment and Pinky who was at the altar holding hands with her husband Kevin had their eyes on their parents blissful.

Later in the night after the wedding, still at the towering skyscraper, a well known hotel OCEAN in Kevin's penthouse Pinky and Kevin were busy in the bedroom making love to eachother. At Pinky's home on the balcony, Jonathan sat in a white bedroom gown with a smartphone in his hands.

"I know I hurt you, please forgive me!" was a text message on the phone screen Jonathan typed.

By pressing a send button, successfully a message was delivered to Michelle. From his behind, Monica who was also dressed in a white bedroom gown showed up. Looking so happy, she hugged Jonathan from behind putting her chin on his shoulder. Jonathan smiled warmly when he felt Monica's touch.

Stars shining so bright, together with a light gentle wind proceeding smoothly, Monica moved from Jonathan's back and sat right on a small chair opposite. A smile was warm and constant on her cheeks as she stared at him for some seconds.

Monica: "Thank you for making love to me tonight."

Jonathan: "Come on... stop that!"

Monica: "This is a night to remember... One of the best night in my life."

Jonathan: "Am happy you said that."

Monica: "I will be leaving tomorrow morning with Babara. We're going somewhere far... and if possible we may start up a new life there."

Jonathan: "Where exactly?"

Monica: "The place is called 'Land of ice'... it is said there are many people of my species. My heart tells me it is the real home for me and Babara to stay."

Jonathan: "How about your businesses in Buena?"

Monica: "My secretary Jamila is already there to handle. As for me, I am going to live in shadows. Maybe once in a while me and Babara will come to pay a visit."

Jonathan: "I have started missing you already."

Monica: "I know about Michelle, I am sure she will give you company in my absentia."

Jonathan: "Do you think she can come back to me after we kissed in her eyes?"

Monica: "I already spoke with her."

Jonathan: "What?! You...!!"

Monica: "Of course I did. She accepted to be your second woman."

Jonathan: "Are you kidding me? What exactly did you tell her to accept that?"

Monica: "I told her me and you are married... and if she thinks that am going to divorce you then in her wildest dreams because it won't happen. But then I told her if she loves you so much, then she can be your concubine because I am going away. She accepted."

Jonathan: "Darn! you know you're crazy... right?"

Monica: "That's how much I loved you from day one and no one will ever take you away from me Jonathan!"

Together, Monica and Jonathan embarked on a thrilling moment of making love to eachother in extreme happiness that late night under the sky full of bright stars and a gentle breeze which cooled down their grown-up bodies.

In an iced environment full of snow and cold winds, from a distance five people came foward, not clearly identified by their faces. On the watch, one of the citizens in the area, a young girl noticed. Suddenly after seeing, she transformed into a flying bat as she flew away to report.

As the five people walked closer, their faces became clearly identified. Among them was Jelly Spatters and his woman subordinate walking on the front line, held together on strong chains which kept them controlled. Coming from behind them was Monica Yen, Babara Yen and Felix.

Within Monica's hands was a syringe filled with a colourless liquid, 'red venom potion' which was a threat to all vampire bats. As the five walked foward, suddenly the three superiors in the kingdom, who were also known to be Jelly Spatters' mistresses appeared and faced them, wrathful on the faces.

"Supreme!" one of Jelly Spatters' three mistresses asked him aggressively preparing to attack.

"And who are you humans to step into our kingdom with our supreme on chains?" Another lady of the three asked inquisitively.

Silently, through his ancestral gift, Jelly Spatters entered into the minds of his three mistresses to order them to kill Monica, her daughter Babara and Felix. Using the syringe she was holding, Monica Yen peirced Jelly Spatters in the back and injected the red venom potion in his body all over a sudden before the message was conveyed.

As Jelly Spatters began breaking down in pain, "What have you done to him?" Asked one of his three mistresses while they quickly gathered down on him to check what had happened to him.

Looking around, hundreds of vampires had already began gathering in the area to watch curiously everything that was going on. Monica Yen delved into the bag and got out another syringe. A few more syringes filled with red venom potion were still in a bag she was holding.

"In my hands I am holding red venom potion. We all know what it is capable of doing. As you all know the rules, any vampire bat that happens to kill humans to feed on their blood serves a penalty of dying by the red venom potion!" Monica communicated on top of her voice for all vampires in place to hear.

"Who the hell do you think you're you darn human to interpret our rules!" One of the three mistresses of Jelly Spatters stood up fast and shouted at Monica Yen rudely.

"If I was you, I wouldn't dare transform," Monica Yen gave them a warning before they transformed into vampire bats.

Looking shocked on their pale faces, "how the hell did you know we were going to transform?!" One of Jelly Spatters' mistresses wondered, curiously in her voice.

Flashing a smile on her face, Monica whispered at her daughter Babara and Felix, "They will accept us just keep calm."

At a speed of light and by flying as bats, more vampires continued to arrive at the scene where they gathered in big numbers. Seeing their supreme Jelly Spatters, who they worshiped, struggling in pain down on the ground shocked many.

"Our supreme here Jelly Spatters is a vampire which kills innocent humans to feed on their blood yet he knows the rules, and this is why I've injected the red venom potion in his body," Monica clarified.

Hard to believe in the stranger's words, vampires in one voice opposed Monica's information. Besides, they strongly believed in Jelly Spatters as their own supreme who could perfectly see the past, present and the future, a gift held by only the Dirty Dracula lineage.

Down on the ground, Jelly Spatters was struggling in pain, showing signs of a terrible chemical reaction which was taking place inside his body system due to the effects of red venom potion injected in his body.

Through Jelly Spatters' eyes and nose, a dark oil like substance was coming out slowly and he was biting his teeth seeming to feel too much pain within. Felix and Babara were right by Monica's side on standby, watching in circumference.

"How could you hurt the supreme?!" among the three superiors (Jelly Spatters' mistresses) a blonde yelled with rage and ordered, "Let's kill them!"

"Am your new leader starting from today!" Monica Yen announced to thousands of vampires, females and males which had gathered, watching curiously with pale faces in rage.

"That's total nonsense! Where on earth had a human ever been the leader of vampires?" Vampires of the land of ice oppossed Monica who was a stranger in their eyes, thinking she and her two colleagues were humans.

"We are not different from all of you here," Monica said, "my name is Monica Yen and this is Babara Yen my daughter, and her boyfriend Felix."

"She's Monica Yen...!" Immediately the vampires heard the names especially Monica Yen and Babara Yen they murmured on surprised faces.

"The supreme came to put an end on both you and your daughter's lives because you were killing human beings to feed on their blood, which is against our rules!" Vampires accused her frankly.

"That's not true!" Roughly, Babara responded to the vampires in defense.

"It's alright Babara!" Her mother calmed her down.

"I've lived with humans as a vampire since I was five years old... all on my own without anyone of my species to guide me. Humans raised me, in their societies I grew, took me through their schools upto when I graduated." Monica said.

Monica Yen continued to inform them, "Struggling with the weight of my insatiable thirst for blood and fear to loose control due to my nature as a vampire, I resorted to hunting stray animals in the streets to feed. That's how I managed to grow up."

"I believe all of you are aware of the Dirty Draculas vampire bats which dangerously fed on only human blood to survive, just like your supreme laying down here, I and my daughter are from the same ancestral background." Monica continued to surprise them.

"It can't be true! Stories say the supreme is the only Dirty Dracula vampire that exists from one hundred years ago!" the vampires doubtfully gazed at Monica and Babara as they murmured.

"Prove it!" shouted one of the male vampires in the crowd on top of its voice.

"How are you going to do it mom!" Babara worriedly asked.

"Prove it! Prove it! Prove it....!" all vampires in the territory shouted continously with the same voice.

"Stop!" rudely Monica commanded. "How do you think I got to know that these three mistresses were going to transform from their human shapes to bats to attack me and my company? It's a gift from only the Dirty Dracula lineage!" Monica Yen told them.

"That's nonsense! if you don't prove it to all of us, we shall have you and your three colleagues killed using the same red venom potion for impersonation!" A stubborn male vampire on the front from the crowd stated.

On the ground, Jelly Spatters body pores started to release an oily substance. Squeezing and stretching himself in pain, the body started melting. All of his subordinates were watching with faces frowned in fear, how the mysterious red venom potion destroy vampires.

Generating bubbles of vapour like the body is heated with strong fire, Jelly Spatters completely melted into dark oily substance, leaving no part of his body visibly identified. Jelly Spatters the supreme of the vampire bat fraternity vanished while thousands of vampires were watching closely.

With rage, many of the vampires which worshiped Jelly Spatters aimed to attack Monica and Babara but as they were about to strike, the female vampire which came on heavy chains just like Jelly Spatters, ordered them to stop, and stood in protection of them.

"Samantha!" one of the three mistresses and the superiors in the territory shouted the female vampire name wondering why she was protecting them.

Since Samantha was well known in the kingdom, also chosen among the team that went to hunt Monica and Babara in the human societies, all vampires had to stand back and first listen to whatever she had to tell them that initiated her immediate reaction to protect the strangers who had killed the supreme.

"Monica and her daughter Babara are not dangerous to the vampire bat fraternity as our former supreme portrayed," Samantha, determined and concerned spoke out loud to fellow vampires.

"They have just killed the supreme... what are you talking about?" The angry vampires responded to Samantha.

Left with no better option except to explain, Samantha said, "It was out of selfishness that Jelly Spatters targeted Monica Yen and her daughter Babara Yen.

"What is she talking about?!" Wondering murmurs raised from the crowd of vampires.

Samantha continued to say, "After discovering that Monica and Babara carried the same ancestral genes and talents like his, he resorted to marking them as a threat to the vampire bat kingdom to avoid competition. Due to Dirty Dracula ancestral talents he possessed, Jelly Spatters had already seen that in future Monica Yen here was to take his position of leadership."

"At the lone warehouse, where we based to go out and hunt for Monica and Babara," Samantha calmly narrated after confirming that she had got the crowd's attention, "during the assembly time at night, our supreme usually left us for some minutes and then came back more energetic than ever before."

"One night," Samantha continued with the narration, "I personally sneaked off the parade and followed him, to see where he always went to." "With my eyes I watched Jelly Spatters in the alleyway tucked away in a forgotten dark corner with his canines on a human's neck!"

"Besides," Monica Yen supplemented on Samantha's report, "under his chembers is a basement are humans from which the blood he drinks here is extracted."

"Oh! so, you didn't know about it, right?" Monica posed a teasing question, "I knew he had to keep you blind in order to rule! But, the good news is, these mistresses of his knew about it and also kept it a secret, yes!"

"Generously, they have done a very wonderful job of extracting blood out those humans for decades, killing and burying ones who are nolonger capable, and bringing in innocent children they kidnap from human societies, and raise them down in the basement for the same purpose!" Monica Yen exposed their vicious behavior.

As vital as the information was, only known to the supreme Jelly Spatters and his three mistresses he appointed to be superiors above all other vampire bats in the kingdom.

In a short while, humans hidden in the basement were brought out as proof for thousands of vampires to see what exactly Monica Yen was talking about. Murmuring with shocked looking faces, vampires couldn't believe the wickedness of their former supreme Jelly Spatters and his three mistresses when they set their eyes on humans who were secretly kept in the kingdom.

These humans who had spent almost their life time in the basement were able to see the outside world and breath in fresh air. As for the three superiors in the vampire kingdom, a suitable punishment had to be served and Monica had to choose new superiors, five of them this time, who were to serve under her for the good of the vampire bats fraternity.

On the sea showers, with in the ancient cave, Kevin Moore had brought Pinky to visit the tomb of his beloved mother. Kevin and Pinky placed a wreath on the tomb, added more small sized rocks and rocky pieces of art Kevin modelled when his mother Meg was still alive. Afterwards, Kevin and Pinky walked on sand along the showers hand in hand.