
The Necromancer Book 1: The Awakening Of A King

Emily_Knudsen · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Breakfast with a Vampire

As Annora climbed into bed she had to remind herself that she would be leaving in the morning. She sank into the warm, soft bed and was almost instantly asleep. She would get no rest that night. She tossed and turned on the bed. Her dreams plauged with wild disconjointed images of what had happened here.

A small brown haired girl ran through the halls laughing as she chased a fluffy ginger colored cat. A man dragged a young burnet woman down the dark hall, his cold grey eyes flashing with annoyance. The burnet laid naked on a bed with velvet crimson drapes. A man pulled her close and kissed her neck. She began to moan as she squirmed against him. The same man that had held the burnet cradled her in his arms as he sat on the window sill.

"Where will we go?" She asked looking worried.

"Somewhere far away from here." He assured her and leapt out the window into the dark night. The same silver haired man dragged a much older brown haired woman down the same hall.

"You won't get away with this!" She hissed angrily at him. "He will come for me! And when he does he will put a stop to what you have been doing here!"

"You assume that I will let you live long enough to see him again." The man laughed sadisticly. "You will die tonight. But first the newest vampire is in need of feeding." The woman lay sprawled on the floor, her neck bent at a strange unnatural angle, her eyes wide and unseeing as she stared into space. Her long brown hair a wild halo all around her. Tears still streaming down her beautiful pale cheeks. There was a tragic beauty in her death. Some hidden secret that no one could have guessed. The haunting notes of a lullaby drifted in the still air. The woman had been pregnant when she died.

Her lover held her in his arms as he wailed. Rocking her body back and forth and refusing to let go. His grief a corporeal entity in the room. "HOW COULD YOU! YOU FUCKING BASTARD! SHE WAS YOUR DAUGHTER! HOW COULD YOU KILL YOUR OWN CHILD!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS!!!! EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!!!!!" He roared between wails. The silver haired man stood over a marble sarcophacus, the twisted glee on his face a sickening reminder of the monster with in. In the tomb lay the man that had grieved for the woman he had loved so much.

"Please! Save me from my prison! I beg of you!" The black haired man sobbed as he curled in on himself. "Wake me that I may avenge my Rose!" He continued to beg.

"How am I to do that?" She asked. Suddenly she was standing in front of the marble sarcophacus. The room was dimly lit by a small fire in the hearth on the far wall. the orange glow flickering and dancing, casting shadows all around her.

"Sing the song and wake me from my prison." His voice was pleading but strong.

"What song?" Annora asked.

"He is pulling me away. I can hold no longer!" It sounded as if he were fighting some oppressive force. "Go to the crypt and wake me!"

"What do I sing?" She called out to him desperately, but he was gone. A pale hand reached out of the darkness and grabbed her throat.

"What have we here? A young necromancer with ambitious plans to wake the king!" She would never forget that sadistic voice.

Annora jerked awake suddenly. She was drenched in a cold sweat. Her breaths came in desperate pants and dread filled her whole person. She leapt from the bed and sprinted into the bathroom. She had to see for herself. She had to know that it was just a dream. There on her neck, standing out against her pale skin, was a series of bruises. If she didn't know any better she would say that something had tried to crush her neck. Or perhaps he was trying to strangle her in her sleep.

"JAMES!!" She didn't know why she needed him. Just that she did.

"Yes madam?" James said as he entered the bathroom.

"Take me to the crypt!" She comanded in a cold voice. As she turned her eyes sideways she saw a tall and powerfully built man standing in the door way. He wore a pair of black pants and a white shirt with a black suit over it. He had ebony colored skin and his wavy black hair was neatly combed. His shoes gleamed in the light. His hands were folded neatly behind his back. He was the perfect picture of a sophisticated butler. A look of confusion flashed across his handsome face but vanished almost immediately.

"Yes madam. As you wish." He turned and she followed him through the halls once again. Down a back stair way that must be for servants. Down through the kitchen where she could smell and hear bacon frying on the stove. Some one was whistling a tune as they worked.

"Morning." A bright voice called as the bacon was moved onto a plate. As good as it smelled Annora could not bring herself to even look at it. She passed by and was led down another flight of stairs into a basement hall way. Is this the crypt? She drew breath to ask but stopped when she saw a heavy iron door swing open with a loud shriek of hinges. A white marble staircase led down into the darkness. The air was heavy, almost stale. She collapsed in on herself as she felt an earth shattering pain of heartbreak overcome her.

"Perhaps it is too soon." She felt James arms wrap around her in a fatherly embrace. It was comforting in its own way. She raised her hand and rested it where she could feel his arm.

"I have to do this. I won't survive without him." She whispered quietly as she forced herself to her feet. She descended into the dark. As she pushed the heavy yew door open the weight of grieve threatened to suffocate her.

Annora stepped into the room as a small fire ignited in the large hearth, the warm orange light dancing as it cast shadows all around her. What looked like a large marble alter stood in the middle of the room. As she drew closer she saw ornate carvings on the side but could not make them out. She gave a hard push on the lip of what might be a lid and it swung open.

It was the marble sarcophacus she had seen in her dream. In side was a man with jet black hair and ivory skin. He was still as a statue. His eyes were closed but she could still see the pain on his perfect features. He wore a white button down shirt that stretched tight over his thick chest and tucked into his black dress pants. A thick black leather belt and polished black shoes completed the look. he was tall and like James he was powerfully built.

"You told me to wake you but how do I do that? What song do I sing? Does it matter?" Annora asked as she reached in and gently caressed his cheek. She knelt on the floor beside his resting place and ran her hand over the ornate carvings. She wasn't sure what she was looking for but realized that was fancy script.

Annora rushed to the wall where she had seen a torch in a cast iron bracket. Stretching up on tip toe she was barely able to push it out. It clattered down and rolled across the floor. She snatched it up and lit it in the fire place. Going around the sarcophacus she fond a hole in the floor that would easily hold the lit torch.

Finally able to see the writing she read aloud. "Here lies my king, in tombed in time. Eternal slumber keep and shadows find. Open the gate and death defy. Brake the chain and darken the sky. My king arise heed my comand. Sent forth by my hand. Arise awake that once was damned. The blood you take reprimand. Is this the song you intended for me to sing?" She stood and put her hand over his chest fingers splayed out for dramatic effect. "Very well. Here goes nothing." She took a deep breath and began to sing.

"Here lies my king, in tombed in time.

Eternal slumber keep and shadows find.

Open the gate and death defy.

Brake the chain and darken the sky.

My king arise heed my comand.

Sent forth by my hand.

Arise awake that once was damned.

The blood you take reprimand." The last note died out and someone clapped slowly, the sound echoing off the walls. She turned to see a disgustingly filthy man standing in the doorway. He was leering at her as his eyes traveled over her body. Her thin cotton night dress giving him a good view of her curves as the torch was behind her.

"Beautiful." He said as he slowly stepped towards her in a predatory way. "And I wouldn't mind an encore. When I'm done fucking you senseless." Suddenly a shadowy figure stepped into the doorway and raised a long weapon. A loud bang echoed of the walls accompanied by Annora's scream of terror and the man's howl of pain.

"James you always were best with a twelve gage." A deep horse voice croacked from behind her.

"High praise from you, your grace." James said and inclined his head as if bowing.

"Lock him and any friends he may have in the cellar. I will dispatch them at my leisure. And close the door behind you. I must feast of my misstress and do not wish to be disturbed." He was giving the orders as he began tugging on the satin ribbon that held the top of her borrowed night dress closed.

"As you command, your grace." with that the man and James were gone, the door slamming shut to leave them in peace.

Annora began to tremble as he began to bunch the skirt of her night dress at her waist and kiss her neck. "Relax. This will be enjoyable." He said as he pushed his hand between her legs and began to rub her pussy. she closed her eyes and whimpered softly. Suddenly she was on her back, her night gown fluttering to the floor a short distance away. "Very well. I shall feed from here." He breathed as his lips ran along the inside of her thigh.

Annora had heard that feedings were intensely sexual but had never really saw the appeal in it for the food. She felt his tongue slide over her skin and shuttered in pleasure. "What is your name, misstress?" He asked.

"A-Annora." She panted and moaned when he licked her again. "Ohhhhh." She spread her legs wider and relaxed into the new sensation he was causing in her. She felt her panties grow wet and wondered if she had pissed herself. She flinched and yelped when he sunk his teeth into her thigh but all the pain was forgotten when he began to suck on the wound he had caused. Annora squirmed as the need to pee began to build inside her. Should she tell him? Would he be upset if she did tell him? Perhaps a little longer and she would. For now she was enjoying what was happening far too much.

With out warning he licked her one last time and pulled away. She sat up and blinked at him in confusion. "I won't take your virginity here. besides, I am certain your breakfast is done and Herald is an exallant cook. Come." He licked the blood from his lips and slipped her night gown over her head and scooped her up in his arms.

"What about the poachers?" She asked meekly.

"Like I told James, I will dispatch them at my leisure. They will be great feeders. Well, once they've been scrubbed from head to toe. Gods know when the last time they bathed was. I know you bathed just last night." He smiled and winked at her. She couldn't help but giggle as he carried her back to the kitchen. He sat her at the scrubbed wooden table that was now set for two. Annora watched as he took a bite of bacon. "What?" He asked around a mouthful of bacon.

"Sorry." She looked at her fingers in he lap. "I just thought that vampires only survived off of blood."

"No. That is a myth. As is the sunlight and bursting into flames thing. Although our eyes are far too sensitive for sunlight and we tend to sunburn far easier then humans."

"What about the home thing?"

"That is true. But garlic is not. Although my brother did have a sever garlic allergy." He looked lost in thought for a second before an amused grin spread over his face. "Which, now that I think about it, might be where that one came from." He chuckled as he shook his head.

"I guess I should ask for your name."

"Thenrus." He said. They spent the rest of breakfast in comfortable silence. Once their food was eaten and Annora yawned, Thenrus lifted her in his arms once again and carried her off to bed.