
The Necromancer Book 1: The Awakening Of A King

Emily_Knudsen · Fantasy
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blood and lust

Thenrus pulled Annora's nightgown off for the second time that day. She shifted in her sleep but didn't wake up. He looked her over critically. She had large breasts and a tiny waist. Her hips were perfectly rounded and her legs were toned from years of exercise. She had long silver hair as all necromancers do. Her features were small, giving her a delicate look. She had, what his mother would call a pixie look. She could not be more than 4 foot 10. While she was not unattractive, no one could compare to Rose Vanderbolt when it came to looks.

He sighed and drew the curtain around the bed. "May as well send for doctor Drayman, Gertrude." He whispered as he left the room.

"Yes sire." Heralds mother curtsied and rushed off.

"Now to deal with the rats in the cellar." He growled, allowing his primal beast off the leash.

"Are they ready for feeding, Herald?" He asked as Herald existed the cellar door.

"Yes Sire. Might I suggest the rat with the bullet in his back. I would hate for him to go to waste."

"How long?" He asked.

"With in the hour at best."

"May as well drain him if he is beyond saving." Thenrus sighed, shedding his white dress shirt as he entered the room. 8 men were chained to the wall to his left and straight in front of him were two cots, each occupied by an injured man. All 10 men had not a scrap of clothing. They were flushed from being scrubbed from head to toe. That was exactly how Thenrus liked his meals, clean.

Looking at the men he had to wonder if one would be enough to satisfy his thirst. Surely not. He moved to the man lying on his stomach and straddled him. He flinch but made no other indication that he noticed his impending demise. Thenrus leaned forward and sank his fangs into the man's jugular and drank deeply. It would be a much more pleasurable way for the poor bastard to go. As it were he knew that this poor mother fucker was drowning in his own fluids.

Once he had drained what little blood he could from the man he stood and moved over to the other cot. His cock was fully errect and in need of release.

"Please! Don't kill me!" The man begged.

"I will kill you, when I'm done fucking you senseless." He smirked as he removed his pants, freeing his swollen member from its confines. He moved in a predatory fashion towards the man whose arms were chained above his head. He straddled him and began to rub his ass. "So nice." He moaned and parted his cheeks to see his puckered anus.

With no hesitation he pressed his hard cock into it as the man screamed in pain. It was tight and untouched. "Obviously you have never been fucked in the ass before." Thenrus growled. He pulled out and thrust back in hard as he laid down his next victim, wrapping his arms the man's waist. "So fucking tight! Ohhhhhh! You feel so good!" He soon released into the man's ass and kept thrusting as he reached over and unhooked the chain from the wall.

Thenrus pulled out and flipped the man onto his back. He wailed in pain as Thenrus pushed his knees to his chest and entered his ass again, his cum providing the lubrication needed for easy penitration. "Now I'm going to kill you." He panted and sunk his teeth into the man's carotid artery. Soon the man went limp. Soon after he had no more blood to give.

Thenrus pulled his now flacid cock out of the man and shoved the man to the floor in disgust. "400 years in a confined marble box. That wasn't enough to quench my thirst!" He snarled as he turned to the other eight men in the room. He felt his cock harden as his eyes landed on the youngest in the group.

He could not have been more than 23 and his body had yet to fall victim to the ravages of malnutrition and exposure. Not to mention the ecsessive physical exercise of life in the wilds. The physical demands alone of such a life was enough to make a man wirey and thin. But this man was perfectly formed and had muscle to spare.

His ass would be a very tight fit and the thought made Thenrus want to fuck him more than drink him. He was contemplating keeping him till he stopped being pleasurable when he heard Annora's voice calling him. "Damn it! What does that bitch want now!" He snarled furiously as he jerked on his pants and shirt. His cock was far to swollen to zip into his pants so he left it out, his shirt unbuttoned. Maybe he would trick Annora into spreading her legs. The thought amused him as he made his way back to her room.

Once there he walked in without knocking. What was the point when she had called him here? She gasped when she saw his massive cock standing against his chest. He said nothing and walked into the bathroom. This had always been his favorite room in the mansion. The furnishings did not show the blood that often adorned them and the mirror wall across from the massive tub was perfect for watching live porn in. He stripped down as he half smiled at the memory of stolen moments with Rose in that large tub. She had loved watching his cock slide in and out of her perfect pussy.

But by far his favorite feature was the waterfall shower that was done in natural stone with an unrefined slab of marble as a bench. He walked down the five steps into the stall and turned on the hot water. Soon steam filled the enclosed space. He sat on the bench and lowered his head, his elbows resting on his knees as he stared pensively at the floor.

He wasn't sure how long he sat in the hot shower staring at a memory of the woman he had loved beyond all reason. The night she had wept and told him that there was no future for them here. Suddenly he tensed as a small hand caressed his shoulder.

"A baby for a thought." Annora said. He knew it was a term that had replaced 'a penny for your thoughts.'

"Rose was wrong." He said without looking up from the floor.

"Wrong about what?"

"There was no future for us at all." He sighed heavily. "There is no place for love in this world. Why bother trying?" He stood and left Annora in the shower. He was no longer in the mood for company of any kind.