
The Necromancer Book 1: The Awakening Of A King

Emily_Knudsen · Fantasy
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A home for the night

Annora stepped out of the tree line and into the clearing. The heavy rain that had fallen all day was not showing any sign of stopping anytime soon. She had been walking all day and looked more like a drowned rat than a person. Her clothes had soaked through, restricting her movements. As she trudged through the clearing she hoped that the large dark shape she saw from on the cliff three hours ago was at least a house. It was starting to get dark and she was sure the sun had set. It did no good to be out after dark.

She was relieved when she saw that it was indeed a house. It was huge. Looking at it close up it looked more like a small palace. She was astounded that it was intact. Based on the outside she would say it was built in the early 1800's.

"Amazing." She murmured to herself. "Over 400 years old and you're still standing." Suddenly a chill ran through her that had nothing to do with the driving rain. She sighed and went inside to find a room to claim as home, at least for tonight. For some unfathomable reason this place seemed familiar to her.

Upon entering the building she drew in a deep breath and, cupping her hands around her mouth, shouted at the top of her lungs. "I'M HOOOOME!!" She looked around the dusty entry way as she shut the door behind her.

"Welcome home madam. We missed you so terribly while you were away." A stuffy male voice sounded behind her and she whipped around in search of the voice. Annora wasn't sure if she was elated or afraid of finding another human outside the villages, especially a man. When she saw no one she shurged.

"I've been alone to long." She sighed as she thought back to what had led her here. She almost cried when she remembered her older sister being dragged out of the nursery house by three men as they tore at her clothes. 'NEVER LET THEM HAVE YOU ANNORA! NEVER LET THEM HAVE YOU!' The words echoed in her head every time she closed her eyes. Her sister, Wenafred, had gotten her period. She had managed to hide it from everybody for three months. But then one night the nurse maid did bath checks and she saw the blood running down Wenafreds' leg. The next day Wenafred had been dragged out of their room by three burly men. They stripped her and forced her into the CHC house. Two days later she was found with a bed sheet around her throat and a suicide note in her hand.

Annora sighed again. "I don't suppose my room is ready, is it?" She asked the cold empty house at large.

"But of course, madam. Right this way. Gertrude has readied a bath for you and the cook has made your favorite soup." Annora froze as the voice sounded again. She could hear foot steps on the stairs and quickly snapped out of it. She was used to ghosts and the like but none of them had ever interacted with her so fully before. "Terrible night. Would you like a fire in your room, madam?" She had to admit that a warm fire sounded so nice tonight.

"Yes please, James. I think that would be nice." She wasn't sure how she knew his name but she did.

"Did you conclude your business madam?" James asked as she followed the muffled sound of his foot steps through the hall. Was this an echo? Perhaps something that had happened in the past? Perhaps she should wait and see if the spector continued his conversation. "If you do not wish to discuss it madam, that is fine."

"No business James, but I am glad to be home." She smiled gently in the direction that his voice came from. They arrived at a set of double doors and one side opened.

"Of course madam, and we are glad to have you safely home. Is there anything else you require, madam?"

"No, thank you James. You are dismissed." Annora said as she stepped into the large well lit room. It was clean and done in shades of deep crimson with mahogany trim and furnishings. A large four poster bed with thick crimson velvet curtains sat close to the large bay window, also draped with thick velvet curtains of the same shade. In front of the large fire place was a large over stuffed arm chair with a high back. She heard the door click shut as she examined her surroundings.

A bright flash of lightning lit the rapidly darkening sky and she was glad she had found a place to call home, at least for tonight. To the right of the double doors was another door that opened quietly. "Your bath is ready ma'am." Said a cheerfully bright woman's voice. "I also got you some clean towels and there is a fresh bar of soap in the tray for you. Now get out of those wet clothes before you catch your death of cold." This woman must have been a mother. Based on how she spoke Annora would say she had been in her mid fifties when she passed away. Gertrude must have had a nice plump motherly figure and warm gently eyes. Her hair was probably graying too.

"Yes Gertrude." She said smiling gently. She stripped off her clothes and stepped into the large bathroom. This bathroom was done in black and white marble. An over sized black marble claw footed tub stood against the wall to the left of the door with thick steam rising from it. The whole wall opposite was paneled in reflective glass.

Annora trailed her hand on the surface of the water, enjoying the feel of the heat against her skin. "Only one night!" She snapped at herself as she jerked her hand back and shook her head. She heaved a sigh and stepped into the bath. "But fuck if I couldn't get used to this." She moaned in pleasure as she laid back in the hot water. "Just a home for the night and I will move on tomorrow."