
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

the only "logical" thing

its now the weekend and im heading out with my friends and i asked devika if she wants to go but she said no so i left the house.hours later i can home and i went to devikas door and knocked and she didnt answer and i looked inside and all i saw were plants my parents bought her but no devika.i closed the door and i walked around the house and still nothing i even looked in my room and even asked my parents but nothing now im desperate i need to find her she is missing. so i did the only 'logical' thing i can think of i walked outside and i i did another quick look around the house to see if anyone was watching me and also to see if she was outsde hiding since i didnt see her i knew i had to be an idiot now ans so i walked up to the closest tree and stood in front of it and started talking to it because they can find her right?

"um i dont know how this works,i dont know if i need a password or a special code to talk to you but my name is jax but you probably already know that. but i am your queens stepbrother now an i came home an hour ago and i was looking for devika and i couldnt find her and dinner will be done soon well thanks " i turned around shaking my head i just talked to a tree like it was a person.my life is not normal anymore,well lets see if that works and she comes home.thirty minutes later devika walks through the door like nothing happened i look up at her from the couch and say"where did you go?" she smiles and says" to talk to my friends" i raised an eyebrow when she get friends then it dawned on me " the plants?" i asked.

she nods and i had to ask"so do they have personalities like we do?" she nods and then starys to laugh randomly and i ask what was so funny ans she says " i heard you talked to a tree today"she had a wide smile on her face and mine well mine was red as a sunburn from embarassment and she makes it worse by saying"yah the tree you talked to couldnt stop laughing at you.when the message got to me all the plants were dying laughing at you they said"(he looks like an idiot talking to the tree,the queen has an idiot for a brother). then i reply"ok now i have to stay in my home for eternity" i was so embarrassed ."i was so worried about you next time leave a note before wandering off" i say to her she nods and i immediately leave the room before i melt from embarressment because how was i supposed to know to talk to it like a normal person.