
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

the universe hates me

its amazing on what you can get accustomed to in such a short amout of time. devika has been with us for two months now and every night i go to the woods and i talk to the same damn tree that was laughing at me the first time i talked to it.i tell it dinner is almost ready and i walk off and go in the house and thirty mintues later she walks in and we eat and sleep and repeat.of course we shower we arent animals but today will be different so fucking different.if i thought i was going to melt from the trees laughing at me, then when my friends show up and sees me talking to a tree i think i might die right here and right now. oh you thought i would change my routine when i started this part of the story yah no.i do what to know why the universe hates me. what did i do to be the laughing stalk for plants and humans. even though at this very moment i am embarrassed i got ahead of myself alittle sorry about that. dont hate me for the spolier there.

so back on track i hope, so today is the weekend and my friends claim to be busy so we couldnt hang out today. it all started when they refused to hang out i will blame them its never my fault.well mom asked me to get devika she needed to talk to her about something. so i get up and walk to the trees and my life changes forever AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! i walk to the tree and say"mom needs to talk to devika" and before i could turn around i hear my friends behind me. que the embarrassment" what the fuck are you doing" says my friends.my life flashed before my eyes and i mumble the words "oh fuck".i panic and i ask the tree" can you ask devika to hurry?"

im ignoring my friends right now and i talk a deep breath and i turn around and try and sound as normal as i am able to . in a sarcastic tone "i am talking to a tree" i say then i shrug my shoulders and they are looking at me like u have lost my mind,then my savior comes.i have never been so happy to see devika in my life as i am right now."jax you called?" she asks me the next moment i stopped thinking i turned around so damn fast and i hug her so tight i might break her bones. "jax your hurting me" she says then i come to reality and i say"oh fuck i messed up" the next thing i know i am being yanked off of devika but not from the friends in front of me but vines from the trees. as soon as i am away from her they start to wrap themselves around her and i look up and see my friends standing in front of me standing like a statue probably questioning everything they have been told their entire lives.

now i get it i do, who wouldnt question everything?they just saw plants throw a human away from what looks like another human,and now the same plants are wrapping themselves around devika. who would be calm in the situation so i understand why they have terrified experssions on their faces. i immediately think i need to fix this i can worry about my friends later i need to save devika before she is put in a deep sleep for eternity. i get close enough to her so i feel like i am actually talking to them instead of yelling across the yard even though i only took two steps."im sorry i didnt mean to hurt your queen i was just excited that she actually came out quickly" i then turn to my friends and they look like i am now a certified basket case. i just look at them and turn back to the plants and say"my friends startled me when i was talking to you to get devika and i panicked so i said to have her hury so they can see i am not a basket case.because no one here talked to plants like your queen does and if they do they are branded a basket case and i am sorry i didnt want my friends to think i was one so when she arrived i was so relieved that i hugged her to tight so i apologize again for that and to earn your trust back i promise i wont touch her for a week( no naughty brains) just please let her go i beg you."