
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

earth dont have magic

a few days have now passed and devika starts school today, i am a little nervous maybe more thsn everyone else because the only school she has ever been to was on her world and they have magic and well earth dont have magic.upon entering the school i take her to the office and get her schedule and walk her to her first class.everyone is staring at us and i can tell it is making her nervous i pull her closer to me and i bend my head down alittle and whisper"no magic remember that" she just nods i also add"dont pay attention to them you are new and they want to look at you and your also on the arm of the school bad boy and i never walk with girls to there classes.on top of thst i have been next to you since we got out of the car and since my arm is around you they might think we are lovers" she nods and says"if they start to bully me icant promise i can keep my powers at bay and to solve the problem at hand jsut tell them we are siblings"

i sigh" i was just trying to help you. just try as hard as you can i dont know how they would react to you and i dont want the government to come and take you away who knows what they would do to you" then she laughs and says"they can try but the palnts will wrap themselves around me and protect me if that happens so all they could do is take a ball of plants with them." then i ask"what about food and water and going to the bathroom dont you need that?" she shakes her head "no not if im in a plant cocoon since i lived in the world of plants for thousands of years before being born in the world i came from the plants will keep me safe by putting me to sleep until its safe for me to wake up again. and if for some reason i did die then the i would return to the world of the plants and return to being the queen of nature."

i just nod like i just understad what she is talking about but in reality i am lost.world of palnts? what the fuck is that? the plants can put her to sleep like in a coma or some curse that only the plants can reverse? if she dies she will return to the world of plants so does that mean she really cant be killed or she xant be killed unless she is in the world of plants? she keeps my head spinning all logic is out the window when it comes to her. but thank god nothing happened today and it was a normal school day for her. i really thought that she would get bullied by my fan girls but i guess they are waiting for later.we went to class and then went to eat lunch and i was hanging out with my friends i tried ot get her to talk to them but she just stood there.she stood two feet behind me looking around probably listening to the plants,i mentally shook my head.i told my friends that my parents adopted her and didnt tell me( i was lying i cant really tell them she is my adoptive alien sister now can i) after school we went home.the next day the whole school knew she was my adoptive sister because news travels fast which also means my fan girls have calmed doen and thats when all the boys started to flirt with her and ask her out since now they now i was not dating her and we are just siblings and my popualarity went up just because she was my sister isnt that crazy