
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Movies
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115 Chs

Chp. 75 We'll feed it to them...



Paul's clone was doing many things all over the world including things that ensures there will be fewer victims for natural disasters.


One clone goes around using his telekinetic powers to identify places where soil erosion has been rampant and possibilities of landslides or sinkholes happening are going to be prevented.


Another clone was on solving many unsolved crimes using a penname of Herlock Sholmes as a bit of satire with the famous detective character name.


Many crimes unsolved and people involved getting justice that it baffles a lot of people up top thinking that this might be Karma catching up to them.


People were also happy and sad as well learning truths of various secrets that are surging in the news.


Fury knew that this was Paul's doing since he learned from Natasha and Yelena that he has clones all over the world.


Natasha also seemed to have made a lot of headway in gaining a close relation with Paul using many ways of using her head by pleasing another 'head'.


Yelena bugged her sister since she was a totally curious soul, but Natasha said that if she wants to walk straight then don't because she said she had to recover for a few hours to correct her posture post-session with Paul.


She did meet Shanna who she also deemed to be weird but somehow she understood as well, with that stamina Paul has and his massage techniques that even her training in the Red Room did not prepare her made her sympathize with Shanna.


Shanna did not totally mind, since she has arrived to Africa her adventurous wild-self blossomed making her thoughts align to rather simple barbaric nature of the wild.


No competent male of a pack is tied down to a sole female, though that may be what she thinks, she still claimed her position as Paul's main woman.


Paul did not even retort since he totally liked this wild side of Shanna who always seeks the thrill of the world.


He did not even mind that Fury knew of his actions, it was not like he was doing bad stuff anyways.


But what most of his idle clones were handling were the human trafficking business in the underworld as he tracked down people that were being exploited and almost lost their organs to black market dealings.


But he did not forget his public companies like Monarch which is now globally famous for its acts of repopulating endangered species of animals.


Yet the top of the headlines is that Tony Stark returning from his trip with the Ten Rings, and as Paul planned Yinsen was also saved.


He was now in an intensive care pod within the Man-Cave, a rather private place where Paul is working on various projects.


While his Badger Clone is still in New York taking care of minor stuff as well as making things hard for the gangs and mafia to take root deeper into the neighborhood.


Kingpin was frustrated as many of his plans were trashed by the left and right reveal of files and evidences that were supposed to be hidden in various caches that he only knew of.


Right now the underworld situation of New York is in tatters as rather young groups are showing up to take territories from the roughed up old gangs.


Paul also discovered the return of the heir of the Rand Industries, the current Iron Fist which made him look into his mind to know where the entrance to Kun-lun is.


Badger Paul then followed the bread crumbs and found it still open for the moment and was able to peer inside the dimension.


There he found the secret realm as well as the monks that live by the ancient code of the Iron Fist.


Paul found the dragon Shuo Lao and did not try to peer in its mind, maybe it can detect him so he only looked into the minds of the monks.


There he found that they were practicing techniques to use Chi/Qi like how the cultivators practice Chi/Qi as well. Their thoughts on the power made Paul contemplative as he returned to New York and think about what this Qi really is since it indeed exists in every living being.


But as this clone of his returned to the Gym it just sat down at the counter where a rather calm Coulson is handling the guest arriving.


"Got something on you mind?" Coulson asked the contemplative Paul who he just learned to be a clone yet is still controlled by the real one.


"Nothing much, just thinking about various energies that exist in nature that select humans can only sense." Paul leaned back to the sofa as he looked dazed but still answered the Son of Coul.


"Is that so, I looked at the findings of the extraction team. It seems that the captain will have a long time thawing out for now as the Ice still seemed thick in the Valkyrie. The Director already placed a gag order for those that know of this and wanted to make sure no HYDRA agents snuck in. We can't have them sabotaging the thick Ice as it might agitate the Captain." Coulson said as he gave a young man back his card.


"Already did it, they are all clean. They are also like you, big fans of the star spangled man." Paul took a book them covered his face as he wanted to hide the smile he has in his face.


Currently right now the trio of Davis Okoye, Doctor Kate Caldwell and Special Agent Harvey Russell had agreed on 'selling' their souls to him. And he did make true of his promise, John Wick and his team were able to do their mission and help in the subsequent events that transpired.


[Troll World]


"I'm in position John, I have got eyes on a high level researcher that has a card with enough authority to get you to the target." Marcus said as he was now in a building far away from Energyne yet his scope is locked on to the building.


"Perkins." John said as he and Sofia stood at a back entrance.


"I'm on it John." Perkins stood up from her seat on a coffee shop wearing rather revealing elegant clothes like she was a rich lady and walked towards Energyne where she acted like she tripped.


"Aghh!" Perkins screamed as she fell but she was directly beside the Scientist who caught her subconsciously.


"Oh my god are you okay!?" the middle aged man was blushing as he looked at the beautiful woman that fell on his arms.


"Ow! My ankle!" Perkins acted hurt as she held on the shoulder of the man while her hand nicked the card and placed it on a pocket where it got scanned so John could have a copy.


{It seems we have company guys.} Akira's voice sounded out in their intercoms as their eye contacts showed a video of a group of former colleagues appearing.


Akira was the one on watch of the cameras while the others extract the C-19 on the building. She got a computer Rig just for her in the now camouflaged space ship.


{It seems the High Table also wanted a piece of this tech.} Koji said as he and Caine appeared on other sides of the building.


{Is the scan complete Perkins?} John asked as he looked at Sofia who nodded to him and she left towards the exit of the alley way they were in to guard from the other groups that are appearing.


{Hoohoo! Even the Triads sent some of their men, I know these guys.} Caine said as he saw some familiar faces of the Triad members that came out of a Van.


{Yakuza as well.} Koji said as he looked at the few Japanese assassins, good thing they were not the close ones that he knows of.


{Better hurry up fast, Italians, Russians and even some from the Camorra are arriving. They seem to have found a trail back to Energyne.} Akira sounded urgent as she saw many other cars going towards the building.


{I'll have them a few flat tires for a bit, they'll never see where it is coming from anyways hehehe…} Marcus smiled as he shot the gas powered sniper harpoon rifle, there was no bang as the harpoons flew at a quick speed that the cars of various groups were suddenly hit.


It ensued chaos but it is not so obvious when the army seemed to have made the decision to evacuate Chicago. Paul had left the three back in the crash site while giving Russell a working radio so they were also brought back to the base of the commander of the operation in killing the mutated beasts.


There the plot continued but it was all gonna go differently, Russell followed the two in the Med-evac chopper as they went to the coordinates Paul said they should go.


It was near Energyne and they would likely arrive before George, Ralph and Lizzie arrive in Chicago.


{Got it.} Perkins said as she acted thankful to the blushing middle aged scientist as she had returned the card. But her eyes were still on the guy as her view was given to John.


Then he timed his swipe right on time with the guy making the system a bit confused but also opened the door for John.


Paul had told them to be as discrete as possible and hide their faces so all of them wore mask including Perkins who wore a skin mask to change her pretty face.


{Rats at the south, I'll take care of them} Ares said as she saw spies of other countries also try to infiltrate the building.


{We'll be taking care of ours.} Koji said as he drew a small sized Harpoon pistol and a modified Katana.


{I'll see what I can do, hehe.}  Caine said as he giggled at his words.


{You really like your new eyes Caine?} John asked as he weaved through the corridors of the company unseen and undetected.


{You know he has a bit of dad humor in him John.} Marcus laughed a bit as he kept shooting confused groups who are now clogging the streets with their flat tired cars.


{FBI is here, better pick up the pace John.} Perkins said as she saw various agents appear in the front of the company.


{The Wyden siblings are hiding one server, who will erase their research data?} Akira asked as she saw Claire Wyden realize that the FBI is on their company.


{I'll go.} Perkins said as she moved to the corner and pressed a button of her dress making it change into a tight fitting suit and she slowly turned invisible.


{A lot are getting through Marcus.} Ares said as she found many spies and people interested in the research of Rampage coming from various places.


{Some are here already, John where are you on the C-19?} Sofia asked as she disarmed more people and this was not the end.


{Security have realized that the cameras on your side are on a feedback loop, we have ten minutes for them to get their systems back and rebooted.} Akira said as she sat on the computer helping others realize who got through.


{I'm in the lab, I got ten vials with me.} John said as he went back to the way he passed quickly.


{Got in the servers too, Akira got the link?} Perkins asked as she connected a USB antenna, Paul could have done this himself but that'll make things easier for his new lackeys, he at least give his super assassins a job before they leave this world.


{I am in, found the research files. Deleting the about 70% of the relevant Data so FBI will still have evidences to put these siblings to court.} Akira said as they all thought that Paul was going to have these two Wyden siblings go to jail not knowing they will die anyways.


{Hoohoo! It seems we are done, quite having fun you four. I know you are just happy to test out our improvements.} Marcus smiled as he packed up seeing Koji, Caine, Ares and Sofia smiling under their mask since they felt the difference from what they were before and what they are now clearly.


Their actions stirred a lot of questions in the heads of the High Table that just learned of this and thought that maybe some strong hidden organization is protecting Energyne in the dark.


But it was totally far from the truth as the ones that stopped them were past Aces of their community.


Meanwhile Davis Okoye and the other two were silent in the chopper as they flew towards where Paul directed them to be.


"Are we going to really do this?" Kate Caldwell looked at Davis as they knew what they saw was out of this world.


"I prefer you talk with the ear pieces our new Boss has given us." Harvey Russell said as he looked at Kate feeling uncomfortable in the back.


"These mics are still connected to the chopper and people might be able to listen to our conversation." Davis said through the ear piece Paul gave them.


"Okay, but are we really going through with this?" Kate was unsure and scared as she looked at the two on the pilot seats.


"You've seen what we've seen doctor, if our lives are a price to pay to ensure our world is safe then it is a ransom I am willing to give out. Besides our Boss promised that this world will not go into flames as the one that we just saw. Trust me, even as an Asshole we have the guts to tell things like people trying to lie to us. I felt no lie one bit in all that exchange we have." Harvey said in a somber voice as his cowboy accent became deep and apparent.


"Kate, I know a difference between an animal and a human. That man we met is neither of those, he is much more dangerous. But Russell is right, he did not tell one lie to us. With that thing of his, he has no need to." Davis said as he seemed worried for George.


Back at the Assassin group, they now all converged in the hidden ship where John showed the C-19 that was taken by him. There Akira brought out a cooling box to place the antidotes and it was then a Medevac arrived near where they are.


"Do not shoot, Paul sent word that they are newly 'hired'." John said as he looked at the three people arriving.


"Really? Seems we will have more company following Boss Paul then." Caine smiled as he looked at the large figure of Davis.


"I know you." Sofia said as she looked at Davis. "Special Forces I remember, you were also in a group tasked in anti-poaching all over Africa."


"I just got his file here." Akira said as she sent the file to their contacts making them read a bit.


"Wow, a lot of redacted here and there." Perkins said as she seemed impressed by the burly man.


"Uh-uhmm, I am Dr. Kate Caldwell. We were told that you know how to get access to the systems of the Energyne Company?" Kate seemed uncomfortable since she was the only one who has no experience killing a person.


"It is here, follow me." Akira then pulled her making the three new comers realize that there was an invisible ship behind the group.


They left the Medevac while the ship flew away and finally live feed of where the three monsters were appeared on the screens.


"Oh would you look at that, there's a third one, how quaint." Russell said as he looked at the screens.


"George." Davis said as he looked at the Gorilla running with the wolf.


"Okay, so he told me that to copy the low frequency sound emitted by the antennas and to have it uploaded to your own so you could lead the three away from the city. Is that right?" Kate asked as she was shown by Akira where she could access the data for the low frequency signal.


"That is right, then we will administer the antidote we just extracted in the company to the animals." Koji said as he placed back the pistols on the weapons rack where the others were also changing their gear to heavier weaponry.


"You got the antidote already?" Davis asked surprised while Kate and Russell were also impressed.


"Yes, but it seems the mutation undergone will not vanish and thus permanent." Marcus said as he held a larger caliber Gas Rifle.


"Go on which one here is the study for the signal?" Akira urged Kate who was distracted a bit.


"O-okay…" Kate nodded and went to work as she searched for the specific frequency to attract the mutated animals.


Meanwhile Russell and Davis were also browsing the weapon's rack and got some large grenade launchers. It was different from what they know of but it is fundamentally the same to operate.


"Crazy day huh?" Russell said as he looked at the mini gun on the rack as he thought about what they had just learned.


"Crazy indeed, but it seems we fit in nicely." Davis said as he looked at the people that already worked for this devil that they sold their souls to.


"I found some suits for your size, this'll just fit in nicely for the two of you." Marcus said as he handed them full body suits.


"What now Goldilocks? Do we have a mission guide to follow?" Russell said as he looked at the blonde Marcus.


"Goldilocks huh? Hehe, gee thanks. Well plan is that we'll shoot down the Antenna of Energyne and we'll play a tune of our own. We'll have these creatures lured away from the city since it might be nasty business for them to run around with that size." Marcus said as he guided the two newly hired colleagues with him to the living room of the shuttle where the others were looking at the failed attempt of the army to even slow down the monsters.


"Seems good, but what will we do about the army? I know our Boss said that he'll make it that no one could remake this incident until the world is somewhat ready to handle these things without the need of MOABs. Also how can we administer the antidote when even Tank rounds can't pierce through their hide." Davis said as he looked at the two beasts still fine after all that heavy fire.


"Simple, we'll have to feed them the antidote."