
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Movies
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112 Chs

Chp. 74 Advanced B*llshit-Illusion-no-jutsu!!

Just like in Rampage, the Wyden siblings thought of using their antenna to send out a low frequency wave that called for the attention of the three mutated animals. Paul looked at the events that happened in the Airplane George was in and how close of a call did Davis Okoye almost died with the Dr. Caldwell as well as saving this Russell.

"Okay, I'll be going now." Paul stood up and went to the hangar where a rectangular spaceship was waiting. This was a 30 meter long, 10 meter tall and ten meter wide spaceship that Paul made out for fun.

It looks like a Bus with four propulsion jets on where the wheels were supposed to be. It is powered by an H3 reactor inside and has a large 8 meter door on its back that could open and show the 8x8x20 space inside like a large garage.

Paul has been making random things like these which would function as RVs when he goes on trips he felt like doing. Now he is going as well since the low frequency sound can also be heard by him since his body is that of a wolf demonic beast.

Annoyed he went to the cockpit and called for the super assassins to arrive in the hanger. There they converged at the tacky looking spaceship that has no design but is full of amenities as well as equipped to house at least 10 people with storage for weapons and a workshop with a fabricator.

"Alright, it seems that I need to go since I can also hear that low frequency sound the antennas at Energyne makes and it is indeed annoying." Paul covered his ears with a thick fluffy earmuff as he said this to lessen his annoyance.

He looked totally unserious as he wore the fluff on his head but nobody laughed since they were professionals and were geared to the teeth. They all wore a body fitting armor suit that also has a Ai system inside that could help them identify targets.

"Okay, plan is take the antidote quick and fast without the feds getting wind of our actions. I'll contact the Primatologist as well as this DR. Caldwell since they can help in communicating with the Ape, I thought of bringing some apes as well of our own but that will take a bit more time. Marcus, Perkins and Koji will go secure some tissue samples of the targets and do not engage…" Paul said as he looked at the assassins.

"…you all might be super soldiers now but a bite from them or a punch will still hurt like hell. Though you are all fast enough to dodge you never know if the pathogen also developed their cognitive functions. This is a quick extraction of samples and to contact this Davis Okoye personally. Let's go…" Paul turned around and went to the cockpit where Sofia acted as his copilot.

"Boss, aren't we going to destroy their research? I this thing gets developed properly then the world will be in chaos." Sofia asked as she looked at Paul.

"This is totally hard to hide Sofia, even if we can delay for now we will still leave. Surely the various governments as well as rich people would try to get their hands on this including the High Table, so if we destroy it then one day someone else will remake the stuff." Paul said as he turned on the ship and looked at the parameters if it is ready to launch.

"So why are you going to the doctor as well as the primatologist?" Sofia asked since she is now curious what Paul's plans were.

"Well even if they will recreate it again, I think it is better for us to delay it much more. If we can get the doctor as well as the brawny guy who seemed to be Army Special Forces and his ape with us then the people wanting this research will have a harder time replicating it. Other than that I'll make contingencies of releasing the antidote to the public so in case some mad dude indeed makes a successful experiment, people can make the antidote themselves." Paul pressed some buttons and the ceiling in the hangar opened bringing light inside the hidden lab.

"And you can at least make some for you as well? Wait, that's wrong. You already have some yourself, a large troop of mutated gorillas." Sofia said as she helped watching over the status of the ship as they slowly ascended.

"Yeah, that too. I am just curious what they did different since the original formula was similar to what I used on the gorillas. Turn on cloaking systems." Paul looked at the sunroof and saw that the ship is now out of the hangar doors.

The place they were going out from is the sea as the whole underground lab was in the Atlantic on a rather unimportant underwater Island that is ten meters below sea level.

The Hangar just slowly goes up a meter above sea level to open and now an invisible Cargo ship flew towards Chicago at Energyne's headquarters.

The ship then covered itself in a force field as it gained speed and reached about mach 4 in speed as it whizzed in the skies.

"Is our trajectory clear of any air traffic?" Paul asked as he looked at the data the ship is showing.

"Yep, all clear. From here we'll reach Chicago in a few minutes, I can take ship for now captain." Sofia smiled as she playfully said captain at the last part looking at Paul.

"Okay, don't do that. It feels a bit off for me, it's your ship now as I'll have to go and meet this David Okoye." Paul stood up and went to the waiting area where John, Marcus, Caine, Perkins, Ares, Akira and Koji waited.

"You know what to do guys, Marcus I'll leave them to you." Paul said as he went to the cargo area.

"Sure do boss." Marcus nodded as he looked at the screen nearby showing where their targets are going to arrive.

"Damn, that croc is getting bigger that the other two." Perkins said as she looked at the satellite image of Lizzie.

"Who's taking a sample from that?" Caine asked as he looked at the thick hide of the crocodile.

"Gills, I see gills." John said as he looked at the croc.

"I see, We can slice of a part of it while it is in the water unsuspecting and confused by the sound." Koji nodded as he looked at the frills on the side of the gigantic lizard.

"I'll get some from the wolf." Ares said as she looked at Ralph as well as the various post on it in social media.

"How lax, these people do not know the danger they are facing and only brought tanks and guns to fight it. The scans indicate they have very tough and thick skin developed, maybe the pathogen is making them have traits from other animals." Akira said as she looked at the results of the scans as well as the research notes Paul hacked.

"I seem to forget which animal has bullet proof skin." Caine said as he smiled playfully.

"If you imagine a twenty feet tall gorilla with skin of an armadillo proportionate to its size as well as heightened regenerative factor then it is possible." Marcus said as he looked at the notes.

The Assassins were in serious conversation as they prepared to do what they were asked to do while Paul is now near the crash site of Davis Okoye in a simple turtle neck long sleeve green shirt and a pair of pants with loafer shoes on.

"Who goes there!?" Davis was alert as he heard the rustle nearby as they just discovered George survived the crash.

"Whoa there brother? Why are you chasing a curious soul away? Don't mind my friend, he's a bit dizzy from the fall. Are you from around here perchance my friend?" Russell calmed Davis down since they have no radio for the meantime and he was just looking for one to fix up.

Now a possible civilian here might just be able to provide them with a phone that they can use to call somebody could just be their way out in this wide corn field.

But even then Davis Okoye was alert as he looked at Paul's rather clean attire, Russell picked up on this as well but they cannot put in their minds what is wrong other than the oddly clean dressed person in the middle of a cornfield.

Paul stopped a bit in front of a large hand print and looked down at it thinking of how he should make them believe him.

He sure would love to add the three mutated beast in his collection as well as these three in front. A talented primatologist who maybe can handle the Kongs he has along with George, A secret Agent that has the know how skills on getting his way solving things that science crapped up and a geneticist that is a genius in decoding DNA programming who also made the Pathogen.

"It seems this world of yours did something that your society cannot handle for the moment." Paul said as he looked at the trio in front.

"You got us confused a bit here my friend, it seems that we are in an impasse at what we are talking at the moment and I suggest we clarify each other's role in the moment. I am Special Agent Harvey Russell and we are in dire need of a mean of communication." Russell patted up his suit to get some creases off it as he looked at Paul's face trying to recognize it but somehow cannot.

"There is no need for introductions, I know who all of you are and what came to be at the moment. Right now I am communicating with those above as this advancement in genetic science is too early for your planet." Paul then has his eyes look like the starry skies as he stared at the faces of the three in front of him.

"Agh!! What is that!?" Dr. Caldwell screamed as she saw Paul's eyes.

"Whoa! That is not normal!" Davis said as he looked alarmed and pulled Dr. Caldwell behind him.

"Not normal indeed, it seems we got into something shittier than what we signed up for." Russell said as he also went on guard but it was then he looked around that he felt the world seemed to be a bit wrong.

"*Sigh* Damn, who would have thought that someone was dumb enough to give out breakthroughs in Genetic science like an idiot like you. Didn't you realize how fishy those Wyden siblings were? Sheesh, now they also sent astronauts in space to make illegal experimentation? Hmmm, it seems the world will be on a shit show if this keeps going on…" Paul talked like a lunatic but the trio was shown an illusion made by Paul.

He linked their minds together to see the scenario he made using his memories of the movie to make up what might happen if they kept on with the plot. But this time he included the way the whole world might react especially when there are other plots of other movies present in this world.

Paul knew that even if it will go according to the movie the people will continue living life which means there are people that will be ambitious to try and replicate the success of this experiment.

There Davis, Russel and Kate watched how the three beasts are going to arrive in Chicago and wreak havoc. The many attempts of the military to stop them failed on the way.

Paul even added how Davis and Kate will leave using a landed Med-evac chopper with the help of Russell as they watched. Russell and Davis somewhat noticed the environment around them seemed to have stopped.

The plants that waved in the air were like in a pause button making the two stare at each other while Kate was in a baffling moment of her life as her views of the world was over turned.

The two men looked up to the images they are seeing and saw other scenes being shown that was not about them, rather it was the reaction of various leaders of various nations of having their people get DNA samples of the animals.

Then they saw how Lizzie appeared in Chicago making Russell and Davis frown at the larger beast. Then they saw how they were being called to Energyne and climbed the building while Davis and Kate can be seen looking for the anti-dote C-19.

But Claire found them and brought Kate to the roof after shooting Davis, who was lucky to have been hit in a non-vital part of the stomach.

There they saw how Kate fed Claire Wyden to George with the C-19 she pocketed and how Davis used the chopper with broken tail rotor to crash down as the building fell from the destruction the Croc did to the structure.

Then the plot continues into how the three monsters still live and Kate taking jeep back to stop the air strike that is about to drop a MOAB on the city of Chicago.

Russell also appeared again after he had taken the laptop from the brother of Claire who died as debris fell on the guy that made the three watching flinch at the blood splatter.

Then they saw George getting his thoughts together and with the ehlp of Davis fight against the two mutated beasts.

Ralph died first after Davis tricked the wolf into charging towards him getting itself killed by the death roll of Lizzie. Then it was Davis and George vs the 100 ton crocodile which awed the three observers.

Davis looked worried for George who gained more and more wounds while Davis was trying his best to distract and even wound the crocodile when he threw grenades on the gills of the croc.

Though it ended happily with George triumphant after fooling Davis by acting dead. Paul did not stop the vision as he showed how the world might react after this event, he went full pessimistic as he showed a worst result after this.

Many Countries tried replicating and thus created more monsters and put the whole world in danger. The three that watched were stunned, they saw Davis reassigned again in Special forces with Russell leading the special squads with George as their main character.

They went on place to place trying to kill more monsters popping out left and right but it ended with George tired and bruised from the unending battles since he was the one the US relied on.

Then it showed the deaths of many in the squad including a part where Davis dies and George going feral at his death.

It then skipped to a part where a field fought with mutated Rats, Wolves, Lizards and many other beasts while the world burned and lived in fear.

It was then a mad man released the pathogen all over the world mutating even humans while those that cannot handle the change died and the whole world forever changed as the civilizations brought back into the stone age as many others went on scorched earth tactics by detonating dozens of nukes to kill the beasts.

Then the whole world churned and the three were brought back to reality in a room where they sat and Paul was on the front sitting as well reading a file.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems this world is going to the dumps now." Paul said sounding pessimistic.

"Wh-what was that? What did we just witness?" Kate asked as she recovered a bit but she was hyperventilating and a paper bag magically appeared in front of her.

"That Dr. Caldwell is the future, a future that happened because you were too gullible to be fooled by Claire Wyden. Should you have not gone to such lengths in you research the world would have developed as is where the advancements would have been discovered all the same 20 years later." Paul licked his thumb and then changed the page of the folder he was looking on.

"So does that mean we hasten the end of the world?" Russell asked as he looked seriously at Paul.

"Yes and No, that early discovery is going to destroy the world but if it was discovered at a time when other branches of technology has also advanced then the world would have made use of the findings in a better way. Like Cure cancer, not make mutated animals." Paul shrugged his shoulders as he stood up and the wall beside them opened.

There the three people saw that they were now in the deep part of the ocean where schools of fishes can be seen swimming.

"But why are we here? Can't we just go and find the cure to stop them like in what you just saw?" Davis said as he looked a bit in a hurry when he knew that George might be in danger if he was not there.

"To be honest I can interfere and make it like it all never happened. But that would mean a lot of things need to disappear, I can make you all forget but I see something within the three of you that interest me. So I will offer you three a deal, would you like to hear them?" Paul looked behind him and smiled while a few screens turned on behind the three confused people.