
Chapter eight:

Everything was peaceful as the sunset on a beach. Jeremiah grabbed Athena's hand. He kneeled on one knee and pulled out a ring. Everyone turned their heads. Then he said "Athena will you marry me?" His one cousin Andre said out loud "you can't marry her she's not even turned yet it's not okay!" She looked confused, and was about to ask about the announce the pregnancy, but Jeremiah stopped her. "Yes, she isn't turned yet BUT for good reason." The family began to whisper among each other. "Athena is pregnant!" Everyone's jaw dropped including Eddie's he thought she was joking. "So will you marry me Athena?" Jeremiah asked again. "NO" a distant voice cried out it was Eddie's "I have cared and loved for you, for years! I took you to every dance! I was going to propose to you after graduation! BUT NO YOU MET HIM AND YOUR FAMILY IS DEAD AND YOUR A HIGH SCHOOL DROP OUT!" Athena's eyes begin to tear up, and she nodded yes to answer Jeremiah's question. Eddie begin to charge at Jeremiah, and called him everything name in the book.

Luka screamed "Stranger danger!!!" As a man picked him up he did not recognize. Jeremiah went running and it was Shonder, he had a twisted smile on his face. "Oh pretty baby I dear say." Athena came running "PUT HIM DOWN!" He snapped his fingers and Athena begun to spit up blood. "Step any closer, or you'll lose everything brother." Then with a snap Shandor, Luca, and Athena disappeared in thin air. "How did he know! WHO told him!!" he looked at Eddie, and rage boiled in him. He pointed his finger and shouted at him. "How dare you risk the life OF MY CHILDREN, and MY FUTURE WIFE! I even said you could of been the god father." Eddie just stood there in silence.

She traveled about twenty miles away in the woods, where there was an cabin. "where are we!" he demanded. "You are safe that is all that matters, my brother has a bit of temper when his emotions are off." She opened the door for him. "Turned off his emotions, how is that possible!" She simply laughed, "I like you Eddie, you are cute and clueless. Vampires are a remarkable creatures that are capable of many things Eddie." He begged her to tell him where he is. "Please Marie Please tell me, where are we!" "Fine I perhaps I can spare your worry. This is where my love and I grew up together, and where he was later slaughtered by my evil twin brother Damon. It was said that Michael my love would not be able to be saved, but one day I will reunite with his soul again that is in his doppelganger. He would have the same soul, the same body, and same spirit but will have a different name." "Why are you telling me this? Why did you bring me here?" he said getting up off the couch away from her. "Do you not get it! You are mine Michael, my soulmate. You are meant to be with me." and she grabbed him and kissed him. He pushed her away quickly "Get off of me! I do not know, what you are talking about Marie!" She grabbed his arm "Please spend some time with and you will feel like you have known me for centuries. I knew we were destined to be together soon as you stepped foot through that door." "I am in love with Athena, I can't this is too crazy let me leave!" "No please Edison, please give a chance I can not wait any longer for this connection." she said sobbing and falling to the floor. He slowly walked over to her, and pushed her hair out of her face. "No need to cry, I suppose we can try an relationship." and he wiped her tears away. She just hung onto him for dear life, as if it was their last day on earth. "But please tell what do you mean I am a doppelganger of your soulmate." She just looked at him "let me just lay here, and I will explain it later my love." He layed back on the couch, and brushed her hair with his fingers. Nothing could disrupt this moment.

There was a knock on the cabin door, and whoever it was was not stopping knocking. Marie finally opened the door to find her sister Amber her cousin. "Please come back and help us find Athena and Luca before Jeremiah resorts to something crazy." "I will, but give me some time Amber." "Who are you here with I can smell a human. Who is it?' "It is Edison." "The one who got us all in the situation in the first place with Shandor!?" Edison walked up toward the door "Oh bloody hell he looks just like Michael!" Amber screamed.