
chapter nine

***Shandor's place****

It was dark cold and wet and smelled like wet dog and dead animals. Athena was in a bedroom with Luca and instead of a door, there were bars. "You are a fucking coward!" she screamed and it only echoed through the abandoned palace. She paced bath and forth thinking, and freaking out. "If I am the Lunar Maiden the means I have all this power, I can get us to put baby," she explained to Luca. Then she heard a deep voice laughing at her. "You can not escape, you don't even know what you were in the first place." He jingled the keys to the bars in front of them and laughed and walked away.

"What do you want from me, Shandor?" He turned around and smirked. "Do you realize you are the most powerful creature known on this planet? You possess the Powers and abilities of both Vampire and wolf, you even have the powers of the witches. You are considered a god to the fay folk."

She glared at him " I know but you did not answer my question!"

"Oh it is simple I want to be the king of the realms."

"So why do you need me?"

"Well, you can only be king if you're married to the Lunar Maiden. Jeremiah does not deserve that spot. "

"Why does he not deserve it, Shandor?'

"He is not from our bloodline, he is an adopted and a serial killer. I was trying to protect you from him."

"No, you are a liar!" "No please read my mind and watch my memories you need to know the truth, Athena."

"I do not know how to do that."

"Give me your hand I will show you." He grabbed her hand and placed it on his forehead and he silently said "repeat after me 'I seek the knowledge I seek the past, and future I seek opening the third eye to seek what I am looking for.'" She was surprised that it actually worked. It was as if she was there.

**** 16 years ago in Shandor's memory***

"Shandor I want to be king of all the realms like dad," Jeremiah said and clapped. His mother looked at him and said

"I am sorry Jeremiah but you can not be king because you are adopted remember?" He angrily said

"Well that is a bogus rule it is not fair, you should change it!"

"I can not baby, it is the goddess Hecate rule since the beginning from time. If it does change you need to show that you can be king."

Jeremiah walked angrily slamming his bedroom doors. Shandor quietly followed his shadows. "What is the matter, my brother?"

"Our mother is a Whore."

"What could you possibly mean?"

"I can not be king because I am not blood! I am just a forgotten fairy orphan and I mean nothing in life!"

"No, you're my brother no matter what Jeremiah! And you are a powerful fairy if that a mind fairy!"

"It doesn't matter, I will be king no matter what. I will make the lunar maiden fall in love with me!"

"You can't make anyone fall in love with you Jer"

"YES I can!"

"You can't you know the consequences, the goddess of Hecate will not like that."

"Screw Hecate. I WANT TO BE KING OF ALL THE RELMS. I do not care what it takes!"

Athena slowly took her hands away from Shandor's head and fell to her knees. She began to realize the truth about everything. Shandor was protecting her that day in the woods, and Jeremiah brainwashed everyone's memory including mine. She held her stomach and looked at Shandor, "Am I even pregnant? Or is that a mind trick as well!"

"I am not sure, Athena, now you know what I know and who actually killed my mother right?"

"I just can't believe he did this all to me, he pushed Eddy away killed my mother, probably my father, and covered it up. Shandor, please help me, and you should be king!"

"No it can't work like that, the Lunar Maiden must be in love with the other person in order for them to be king. You were in love with Jeremiah, there would be an imbalance."

"Fine, but please Shandor help me set this all right."

He grabbed her hand and squeezed in ever so gently and smiled "of, course I will help."