


The plan had been constructed, I'll get into motion when I get back from work.

I'm at work already and I must say Zeke is acting weird, yeah we had told Shawn about the result of the search and as expected zeke told him we didn't find anything suspicious. A format I know but I'm gonna calm down and wait till the end of the day to do my search.

I just need to do a little search about who he is or rather who he is to the humans. I think MK can help me with that .

Speaking of MK I haven't seen him in a while.

I walked out of my office in search of MK , I met MK talking with another worker of ours , yeah I havn't spoken to her once cause she doesn't look friendly , MK is a friendly person so how the hell is he talking with her.

"Uh MK can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked interrupting their discussion.

MK looked up at me from his sitting position

"Huh ok sure " he replied

"See you later " he said to the brunette girl, dont even know her name .