


I and Yvonne got dressed and according to the plan, I positioned my self at the dark alley beside his house while Yvonne stood at the front of his door.

Yvonne staggered and knocked on his door and I think she heard footsteps . He opened the door as I walked out of the alley crying . Yeah fake tears.

"Uh excuse me did you knock?" He asked

"No I didn't a drunk lady did shes walking down the road" I said admist tears pointing at Yvonne who kept on staggering on the heels she was putting on.

"Uh alright, I know you, for some reason you seem familiar " he said looking suspiciously at me

"Yeah I came with my assistant to do a search " I said trying to clean the tears, these things are burning my eyes.

"Yeah I remember now so what you doing here dressed like this?" He asked

Perfect now is the time to tell him my gake sob story.