


I had just gotten to the front of mums house when they both walked out the door

"Welcome Nessa" Yvonne suddenly exclaimed

Yeah something is definitely up, cause Yvonne is acting all nice… I mean she is nice but yeah this is too much .

"Thank?" I replied as a question.

"Come on inside " mum said as she placed her hands at the small of my back while ushering me inside.

"Would you like anything to drink ?" Yvonne asked . Okay this is getting out of hand

"Nah " I replied

"You need to feel at home Nessa come on what would you like to take?" Mum asked again

"Okay juice would be fine " I replied .

Mum stood up and went to the kitchen

"I'll go let mauvie know that you are her , you know she has grown fond of you. " Yvonne said

"Oh okay " I said chuckling as Yvonne went up the stairs

Then I heard tiny footsteps running down the stairs. Awwwwwn

"Welcome aunty….." mauvie said as she hugged me

"How are you mauvie?" I asked