
The journey of a simple man that wants to save the world

A boy,after discovering how wide the world was decided that he wanted to save all the people who were suffering.

Oliver_Reeves · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


The news made his parents incredibly happy.

Having a son capable of using magic meant that his path in life will be a hundred times easier than theirs.

They congratulated him and told him some basic knowledge they had about big cities.

Since he never went out of town they were afraid he might get bullied or something worse might happen.

The boy said his goodbyes and went towards the mage that was waiting at the village entrance.

"Are you ready boy?"

The mase seemed to be alone, he was the only one from his village.

"Yes, sir!"

He answered with a smile on his face and eyes like crescent moons.


For less than a second he sensed danger from behind but when he looked nothing was there.

With his danger scanning always active such a thing wouldn't be possible.

"Must be my overextension from mana consumption"

The man blamed his constant mana use throughout the day.

"Anyways. let us go. We don't want you to be late."

With a wave of his staff, the man conjured a cloud, and using it they flew towards a certain direction.

After flying for 2 hours they began to see a gigantic city in the distance.

With mighty walls and tall buildings, this was clearly the capital.

Standing on the cloud, the boy looked at the city and wondered

"How many people can I save here?"

His mouth formed a smile that would terrify anyone who saw it.

When they passed the walls one could see paved roads and well-dressed people walking the streets.

Soldiers patrolling and occasionally one would see robed youngsters going in and out of shops.

The cloud was getting closer and closer to an immense castle.

It was the second biggest building in the capital.

The cloud landed right in front of the building where a maid was waiting.

"This is the maid that we assigned you and she will show you the building."

The boy looked curiously at the bowing maid.

After the mage departed the maid took the lead to show the boy around the building.

While walking through the halls I felt the coldness of this place.

It seems a lot of people died on these grounds.

Examining the place while my maid talked about its history took about 2 hours.

She only showed me the base locations, such as the cafeteria, dorms, and library, and how to find my class.

In the next 2 years, however, I will get guidance from her on everything besides magic.

When we got to my dorm I noticed it was a generous space for a free room.

It makes sense since from what I learned this kingdom was severely lacking magicians.

Entering the dorm with me she went directly to the bathroom to prepare some warm water to wash.

After sniffing myself it made sense, I was stinking.

I walked around and examined some objects around the room.

My room had two other, smaller rooms.

In right there was the bathroom and on the left part was a study room.

On the wall, there were some paintings of different locations throughout the world.

One captured a frozen lake inside a white forest.

Another is a waterfall with a rainbow and some birds flying.

"Sir, the bath is ready, please"

She bowed and stretched her hand towards the bathroom.

"Do I strip here?"

I asked with an innocent face.

"Wherever you like, I will provide you with a new set of clothes and a haircut."

Hearing that made me curious about the state of the kingdom since the king provided so much for free.

Maybe war was coming and he was hurrying to train a mage army faster and faster.

While I was taking a bath and the maid cut my hair I was thinking.

Are there people that need saving?

And how will I save them?

The second question was more rhetorical than anything since I knew everything about what I had to do.