
The Hollow Zone (Dropped)

A man dies due to a earthquake and gets transported to a place where he thinks is "another world." Here he discovers that his species of creatures in this new world gets stronger the more they hunt and eat creatures to the point where their physical and mental form are enhanced. A month in this new life he sees humans, discovering that he wasn't in a new world but in a area on earth that was revealed thanks to the earthquake. Will he turn on the humans leading swarms of creatures to attack them or will he side by them and help them in this new world. (Hi, this is the author as you probably can see this novel has been dropped due to a major reason that impacts this novel, I do not know much about animal biology. I'm keeping the chapters up so authors who wish to use my novel as a inspiration could do so.)

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Human town part 1

It has been about two weeks since Luke has been on the surface. Luke was currently sleeping in his cave on the grass bed that had some pillows taken from the facility homing area that they used for their workers that lived far away from it. There were also a few new items that were in Luke's cave. There were about five big rocks, on the right side of the cave wall, that held the liquid Luke made out of Thunder Hoove saliva and Dipo flesh.

On the left side of the cave, there was a wooden table that had dents and scratch marks on them. When Luke and the creatures killed everyone that was in the center of the facility, there were still people inside who saw the whole thing. They hid for days and took the food they thought was able to last them days. Sadly though the Stalkers were able to sniff them out and with nothing to defend themselves from the Stalkers they could only die a quick and brutal death. On the table, there was a notebook that Luke found in the facility that he found along with the table and a few tubes, medical items, and electronics that he was able to salvage and repair.

The reason why they were damaged was because of the new creature he discovered. He called this new creature the "TV Addicts" because of one reason, these guys love anything electronic. The TV addicts resemble giant centipedes that have a dark carapace with purple mixed with blue streaks going down their body all connecting at its head. Its head was a giant bird skull that had multiple sharp crooked teeth in its beak. The creature, when crawling, is the same size as a man. When it is standing it's as tall as a three-story house. The width of the creature is about two to three miles long, depending on how old they are. The ones Luke met were babies and they were still as long as a bus and as small as a German Shepard.

What makes them strange are three things. They love electronics, they be TV, phones, or computers. The second is that they release a strong electric wave that can fry a man's inside, they can only do this if two or more of them crawl around each other at a high speed. The more TV addicts do this the stronger and wider the electric wave becomes. The last thing is that they don't need to eat, but just need to absorb electricity from anything that gives off electricity. This is the main reason why they love electronics, but they mostly love TV even though they don't give off as much electricity as the supercomputers used to calculate the direction of the drill.

In the end, all he has to say about these creatures were that they were very creepy. They will look at you for no reason and they will do for a long period of time. Combine that with their bird skull head and you have a creature that came out of a nightmare.

Luke woke up when he heard something moving in front of his cave. He opened his eyes and saw a red and black Lion standing in front of his cave with an arm of a human in its mouth. The Lion gently put onto the floor of the cave before running away from the entrance.

Luke got up and looked at it for a bit before he began to eat the arm of the human.

{Human Vocals}

He felt his body change and knowledge flooded his head about the new body part. The Vocals allowed him to speak at the same wavelength as humans or at least close to it. He sadly needs to learn the language again due to him losing his previous one for the creature language.

Some might be wondering "why did the Lion give Luke a human arm" and the answer to that is servitude. When Luke roared at the bug and Lion, the Lion lost its hearing and was sparred by Luke. These Lions, or what Luke calls Hell Lions due to their ability to generate flames around their body, were the type to challenge one another for leadership. This is if their the leader of the pack or not and they will serve the winner with absolute loyalty. So when the Hell Lion fought Luke and was shown mercy, even though Luke wasn't his species the Hell Lion still served him.

"Where did he get this arm," Luke thought as he was confused about a fresh arm being brought to him. Luke walked out of his cave and reached the surface. On the surface, it was currently nighttime.

Luke looked around and saw several Shriekers and Stalkers eating some human parts or a full human. Curious about where they got the body parts from, Luke walked to a Stalker eating a human body. Seeing Luke walking up to it the stalker became full-on defensive not wanting to lose its food. "I do not need your food, all I want to know is where you got this from," Luke said to the Stalker. The stalker looked at Luke for a bit before raising its paw and pointing to the west side of the facility.

Luke began to walk in the direction the stalker pointed at. Once he left the facility ground, he continued walking in the direction the stalker gave him. He kept walking forward and could occasionally hear rustling leaves followed by footsteps.

"Fresh meat," a giant bird-like creature said as it came out of a tree and landed in front of Luke. The creature Luke was facing is called a Tree hugger, as the name implies, they live on trees. The creature resembled a pelican that had two more extra wings, was the size of a dog, had spiral eyes, and had a long tail with a lot of feathers. The only noteworthy thing about these creatures would be their ability to camouflage with the trees. It isn't anything special like it releases gas into the air to disorient one's sight or it can shrink its body, all it does is blend in with the leaves with its green leaf-like feathers.

"I don't have any quarls with you, so just tell me where I can find-" the tree hugger launched towards launching several attacks using its beak at Luke not allowing him to finish his sentence. "I didn't want to do this because it makes my neck feel dry, but you made me do this" Luke said before he let out a mighty roar. The roar soon amplified and caused the Tree hugger's ears to bleed. "Stop please, I'll do anything" the tree hugger yelled out loud while covering its ear with its six wings and putting its head on the ground.

Luke stopped roaring and looked at it "good, now tell me where creatures are getting the intoxicating food." The tree hugger looked at Luke in fear and said: "over there just go a couple of days and you will see a river, once you see it go right, and there you will see a town full of creatures that taste good."

"Thank you for your help," Luke said before walking in the direction the tree hugger pointed at. "Oh, I might need food if it's a couple of days, do you mind if I take two of your wings," Luke said as he launched his two weapon tails at the tree hugger wing. Two of the tree hugger wings were torn off and instantly brought to Luke. The tree hugger yelled in pain as blood began to pour out of the ripped-out wings.

Luke ignored the tree hugger yelling and continued walking in the direction where the tree hugger pointed at.

"Man, I wonder how the other creatures discovered the human town," Luke said as he continued walking.

Several minutes passed and Luke was feeling tired and sleepy. Luke looked up and saw the sun was setting and that it would be night soon. "I should set up a hole to sleep in," Luke thought as he walked a bit forward until he felt so soft dirt and began to dig into it.

As he dug, he had to move small pieces of rocks, the bones of a human, and dirt.

Once he finished digging the hole, he looked around to make sure no one saw what he did. After making sure no one was around he hopped into the hole and used his two weapon tails to put the dirt he dug up onto his back.

If one looked on the outside one would see a giant mound of dirt with a few white spots sprouting out of the ground.

Luke fell asleep and only left his white eyes open and would make clicking noises every twenty to thirty seconds. It didn't disturb his sleep doing this, in fact, it helps him sleep for some odd reason.

As night fell the sounds of the forest became lively as many screeches and roars could be heard from all over. If a normal person were to try and sleep in these woods, they would most likely pee their pants and leave in a heartbeat.

But not Luke as he was sleeping like a baby underneath the pile of dirt that covered his entire body.

Minutes passed and soon hours passed until it was morning. Luke began to come out of his dirt mound. He sniffed the air and looked in direction the opposite him. "Blood," Luke said as he began to run in that direction.

He ran for several minutes before stopping when he saw something he didn't expect. It was a town that was near the facility. The more shocking part was that there were still people in the town who were doing their everyday things.

When Luke looked at the town closely, he noticed wires on the outskirts of the town and several creature bodies on top of these wires. Luke looked at the wires more carefully and saw some frequent sparks coming out of them. "They electrocuted the creatures to death, but how much electricity are they using and where is it getting that much electricity from?"

Luke began to walk around the town while still in the woods so no one could see him. When he almost did a full one-eighty around the town he saw a facility not far from the town that had multiple wires on the road that lead to the town.

"So is this where they are getting electricity" Luke moved closer to the facility.

"Over there, a monster" Luke turned around and could see several men with guns charging at him. He wasn't scared of the guns because he knew he was sort of bulletproof. What scared him was what one of the soldiers was holding in their hands.

The item the soldier was holding resembled a canon that would be used in the past. What's different about this one is that there were some metal spikes at the mouth of the weapon and wires at the end of the canon. He didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know the purpose of this weapon.

"Shoot," Luke said as he turned around and ran into the forest. He could hear bullets flying past his head and several hitting the trees in front of him.

"It's best to retreat and plan again before attacking this town," Luke said as he ran back to the facility.


At the base of the organization called 'The Hunt' several men and women, wearing bullet vests and holding guns, could be seen lining up in front of several helicopters.

"We received a call that a town is currently under attack by those damn creatures. They were able to hold against the creatures by using their nearby power plant as an energy source to make an electric based trap that surrounds the town. The downside of this is that they can't use electricity and they can't get resources out of their town, so that is where you come in. Every two weeks we will be transporting food and water to them via helicopter as well as weapons to arm themselves with. While you are there you are to also make a base in the town am I clear" a man wearing an army uniform said to the group.

"Yes sir" they all shouted out in unison.

"Good then let's get ready to kick some monster butt," the man said as he enters a nearby helicopter.