
The Great Black King • Volume 1

She has fallen in love with a character from a book she has read a thousand times and after an incident, has awakened in her arms, but who knew that one's opinion could change so much upon seeing the actions of such a being up close. Even though she no longer sees him romantically, she wants to save him and his little son, she wants to give everyone a happy ending, but... what if they are right in the middle of THEIR happy ending? It should be okay, right? After all... This was never a story about King Callisto.

ElliotAvaritia · Kỳ huyễn
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55 Chs

Chapter • 53

♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Asmodeus ⋅• ♱

They were there, I could see, even if neither Asra nor Callisto noticed me, I watched them.

"It's different" that nosy demon muttered "I couldn't understand."

"Of course not" I thought "you're too dumb for that".

Asra stared at Elaine, who was on the floor, practically drooling in pain. The infant body of that thing the God of angels called "holy" was writhing as he thrust more and more divine power into that nearly dying body.

What was wrong with that bastard? He was always cruel, always ruthless - no matter what plan we were talking about, what existence it was about, he was always a fucking asshole full of himself.

"She'll die if she stays that way" the little demon in my earring muttered "her human brain will burn."


"Is it going to be a barbecue... or is it pâté? I've never tried a human brain pâté, it should taste good with spices and a garlic toast. Everything looks good with garlic" I said as I played with my index finger on my lips.

I wouldn't mind if that lying saint finally died, that would get me out of that endless loop, right? That would let me go home.

To... to her.

"I know what you're thinking, stop being so cruel," he growled practically screaming in my ear.

I should definitely kill that damn pet demon, but soon Asra had my full attention.

She was leaning over the saint, her fingers touched her face as if caressing her and while Elaine drooled and grunted like an animal trying to escape a leash, Asra invaded her mind.

"Interesting..." I muttered and my eyes shone in the darkness.

She cared, even after all, she cared!

Asra was there, trying to help.

The convulsions of the lean body gradually stopped and in a long sigh the crimson-haired demon stared at the king as he slipped one of his hands throwing the messy strands back.

"What did you do?" Calisto stared at her with a mixture of fear and surprise.

"No big deal" Asra said looking back at the unconscious body "just helped her breathe."

"She was trying to hurt you."

"No. I was not."

"How not? Did you not feel the waves of divine power? If not for the handcuffs, you might..."

The redhead laughed, a laugh of pure derision.

"Frankly, have you really forgotten what I am made of? It would not be a divine power like the one that would take me to the ground."

There it was!

It was her, not that child, but the phoenix.

Smile with pure satisfaction.

"Still, it doesn't change the fact that..."

"She's scared, didn't she?"

"Tch..." I grumbled.

"Scared?" Calisto looked even dumber when she looked at her like that.

"Yes" Asra whispered "It's a frightened child."

"Whatever..." he muttered "child or not, she's an enemy."

The king's fingers snapped and part of me felt satisfaction when the guards came to take her to the dungeon.

Maybe it was because those hair and eyes reminded me of "her", but... I really didn't like the "saint". He did not want her around, her presence was unpleasant and cloying.

He was like an angel.

"No" Asra's voice made me turn quickly towards her and her hand was over the girl.

"What?" Calisto and I spoke at about the same time.

"She's not going back to that place."


"No, Calisto" the redhead stared at him "and if you refuse, I will ask Asmodeus to take it off."

No fucking way!

I wouldn't do that! Who the fuck did she think I was?

I grunted as I sank into the shadows I hid from.

"Are you really trying to create a conflict over this... thing?"

I sighed deeply, couldn't believe I was agreeing with that ass.

How did Asra do it?

"I'm wanting her not to die once and for all in a dark and cold place, can't you see? She's malnourished!"

"And what do we have to do with it?"

The grenade eyes shot the king.

"Better not repeat that phrase."

Azrael blew his head off.

"I don't believe I'll say it" he muttered "but I agree with the duchess."

Asra snitched on me.

She herself knew why he was at her side, so... why?

That couldn't seem plausible to me.

"She's... really trying to help you, how cute..." the demon in my earring muttered and without patience I slapped the silver ball where he is imprisoned.

"Shut up" growled.

I didn't need him talking shit at the time. I needed answers.

"That shouldn't happen," I grumbled, it wasn't what I had planned.

"Azrael" Calisto scolded him "this is no time for jokes."

"I'm not kidding, Your Majesty."

"How can you agree with Asra about something like this? Are you trying to put the safety of all of us at risk?"

"I will return to my palace" Asra said harshly and her words were now cold as ice "if it is about your safety and that of Loren, I will return to my palace and take the saint with me."

"It's not about that! It's not just about that!! And you?"

"I can defend myself very well, Calisto" she shot him "I hope we don't have to talk about it again."

There it was.

The line.

The red line she had drawn between the two of them - the line the new Asra had created that had made it impossible for that idiot to do anything but feel guilty and cry.


How could he be so useless at such a crucial moment?

I sighed and slid my hand across my face as Asra said.

"What the hell are you waiting for? Walk? Help me take the saint to one of the guest rooms and call a fucking doctor" the grenade eyes shone as they settled on Azrael "and you... commander, stay away from the saint."

"What is it?"

"You heard" she said in an almost authoritarian tone "if I see you surrounding my palace, I will turn what you have left of brain matter into nothing but pate, a sour and bitter pate that not even Mammon would be able to eat."

My stomach got sick, that's what I called a threat.

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