
The Great Black King • Volume 1

She has fallen in love with a character from a book she has read a thousand times and after an incident, has awakened in her arms, but who knew that one's opinion could change so much upon seeing the actions of such a being up close. Even though she no longer sees him romantically, she wants to save him and his little son, she wants to give everyone a happy ending, but... what if they are right in the middle of THEIR happy ending? It should be okay, right? After all... This was never a story about King Callisto.

ElliotAvaritia · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter • 54

♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Elaine ⋅• ♱


I was used to the darkness - but I could still feel that cold in my spine.

Then my eyes opened and it was not the usual darkness that struck me, but the sight of an emerald room.

"No... no... no..." I felt my whole body weigh.

Calisto was looking at me with disgust and contempt... so why? Why the hell put me in that place?

"Let me come back..." I wanted to beg Azrael who should be at my door right now, but it wasn't like I could.

I didn't want to be there, I didn't want to see Calisto, and I didn't want it to happen again. It was changing, it had finally changed something after all this time... so why?

"Ah... you woke up" a feminine and gentle voice smiled at me, but although I recognized all the maids of the castle, I did not remember this.

They didn't dress like that, they didn't behave like that.

Something was different then.

His eyes were covered by a seal, his hair was dark in a purplish tone and his lips were black - just like his clothes.

"Should I prepare a bath? Or would you rather eat something light before changing?" She fired and there was something in her tone that made me thank her for not being able to see her eyes.

I felt that look would destroy me.

"Why am I here?" It was probably what would come out of my mouth and then take how many minutes for Azrael to appear?

I sighed.

"Bath..." I heard the word graze my throat, coming out almost like a cry for help and my eyes widened.

Did I mention it?

The maid smiled, a smile full of sharp teeth.

"I will prepare" was all she offered to say and before my thoughts were coherent, she had already gone away.

I blinked, my fingers seemed hard to move, but still moved them, my body seemed numb and yet I could at least turn around.

"Child... what do you think you're doing?" That familiar voice screamed in my mind, but for some reason - I was not afraid, at that moment, I did not.

"The bath is ready" the maid said as I looked at my fingers and caught me by surprise completed "when you finish bathing, call me, I will help her to dress, after all the duchess is waiting for you for dinner."

What? - I wanted to ask, but how could I?

Asra was waiting for me, is that what that demon had just said? No, she must have been wrong. It was Asra, probably that she only spoke of Azrael with a different nickname - since the duchess would never come to me and would never accept me in the palace.

My hands that seemed almost petrified joined in fists. It was tiring, very tiring...

I was there again, so why did you keep thinking about the damn creature that would soon die because of me?

The maid had barely finished talking and soon rushed out - leaving me alone with all my damn thoughts.

Did demons really have fun with our pain? Was that why that being had done it? Had you told me?


I had my body, I could still feel those grenade eyes staring at me.

"Sweetie" is what she called me.

Not "filthy human" or "half-life prototype".

All the disdain in his being was directed at something I also hated, so... what had changed?

"Maybe she remembers..." I thought as she forced me to get up and as if it was too much for me, my body faltered.

Was it weak? How could it be?

It was the body of a saint, a saint who lives for eternity for her thanks and faith.

Wasn't there enough faith?

"You betrayed me!" the voice roared in my mind and before I could reach the bathtub, my body fell into a deaf thud to the floor.

So that's it - I snitched.

Even without the handcuffs against the divine power, I still felt breathless, still seemed about to faint.

"How can my child?"

I didn't want to answer and didn't even want to think - I hated him screaming in my mind and controlling my body, but now I hated that feeling even more.

The sound of the door opening made me want to turn around - turn around just enough to see.

"To the nine hells!" A familiar voice screamed and as the crimson heels touched the dark wood floor in front of me, I felt I had finally lost the air left in my lungs.

"Cursed succubus" Asra growled and without the slightest sign of the proud noble's existence, she crouched and her warm hands touched my skin.

I shuddered.

"Don't dare!" God cried out - like a spoiled child who is afraid that they will finally steal his favorite toy.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? You're bleeding"

What was that? She was worried? It couldn't be - there wasn't that possibility, right?

Where was Azrael at?

Where was Calisto at?

"Ca... Calisto?" came out of my throat as if now my mouth accompanied my thoughts.

The grenade eyes stared at me and her rosy lips contorted into something that should have looked like a smile.

"Calisto? Since when did you become so close to the king?"

Right. She wasn't... she was a mistake.

I set my eyes to the ground, that's all I could do.

She hated me now, right? Asra would always hate me.

I felt her hand squeeze on my arm and then she pulled me up.

"Don't waste your time thinking of the king, he's not exactly someone who desires his presence unless he's in a coffin."

Asra had told me cruel things before, but if that was an attempt to repeat the deed, why did it seem so real to me?

I lifted my face and stared at her.

I didn't hate the idea of dying..., I wouldn't hate for Calisto to finally kill me by simply telling me that everything would be okay, but that would never happen.

"No... King..." I dropped the words like a child who learns to speak. It was difficult, too difficult.

"Yes" the redhead agreed as if she understood me "better not to go near the king."

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