
The God of the Undead

How would you feel living a life of absolute misery and pain? What would think when the sister of a girl you were falsely accused of killing breaks into your home and kills you by accident. Even the Gods are unsettled with what humanity has become, so what do they offer John? A: Reincarnation B: Power C: Revenge D: The choice to start apocalypses throughout the three universes. or E: All of the Above You know where this is going.

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64 Chs

Chapter 04: Difficult Situations

How does one tell their children and their grandchildren that they killed a man who might or might not have been a murderer? The answer is simple; you sit them down and explain your side of the story and hope they understand and worst-case scenario they still love you.

This was what Alexia hope for as she sat down with both Alice and Lana as she told them about John and how he was convicted at the age of 10 for the murder of her little sister. She explained how she broke in and took a quick look around his house before she sat and waited for his return, and how she questioned him for why she did it and for him to only say he was innocent.

Alexia's hands shook as she then explained how her anger got the best of her as she didn't mean to pull the trigger and that it had just happened by mistake. She also tells them about the safety deposit box key he had pointed out to her before he died.

When she finished explaining her story, she looked back up at both Alice and Lana to see both of their faces stricken with shock and sadness. She wondered if her daughter and granddaughter would hate or be afraid of the now 76-year-old woman that sat before them confessing her sins but was shocked by what happened next.

Alice had grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes and said, "Mom, please tell me what were you were thinking. You can be locked up for the rest of your life. Did you think about the repercussions of what you did and how they could affect your granddaughter or me if this leads back to you?"

Alexia knew exactly what Alice meant as she was being scolded. Alice could be made to arrest her all the while Lana could be scrutinized, or worse, be told she couldn't attend Quantico because of her affiliation with her (Author's Note: It's the place FBI agents are trained for those that don't know).

"Alice, I noticed that I wouldn't have had the chance to ask him why he did what he did. I'm old, darling, and I didn't want to leave this world without knowing why. I didn't mean to pull the trigger, but in all honesty, it was on accident." Alexia pleaded as she looked back and forth between Alice and Lana seeing how they both look like her and her twin, who was supposedly killed by John.

Lana rose up and hugged Alexia she fully understood her grandmother and sat back down and said, "Ok... We're gonna need to know a couple of things first before anyone any finds any links to you. I'm not letting my grandma be locked up for taking a monster off the streets. First, did you leave anything that could lead to you."

Alexia and Alice looked at Lana with shock as they didn't think she would say such things, but Alice nodded as she loved her mother too much to let her die in prison.

Alexia knew that both her daughter and granddaughter loved her greatly, but not this much to risk everything for her. She swallowed her spit and thought back to Johns house. She had worn typical boots from a random dollar store along with black gloves. Then it struck her, She never picked the shell casing.

Alexia facepalms as she realizes she left a crucial piece of evidence, and that was gonna be the key. She looks both in the eyes and say, "The shell casing. I forgot to pick it up before leaving."

Alice sighs and says, "Ok, I'll see what I can do about that. I'm guessing that's it since you didn't say anything else. Ok, do you know where the safety deposit box that the key opens is located."

Alexia taking the key out of her pocket, takes a closer look at it. On the front of the key, it was imprinted with MidSouth Bank of America. Alexia then looked back at Alice and Lana and said, "Its a key to a safety deposit box in the bank on Allen street in the middle of downtown."


John and his 20 undead dogs had finally reached the edge of the forest the bordered the cemetery that John had landed in before running into the woods. Flashing blue and red lights emanating from the area in which John had killed the poor groundskeeper let know John know that his body had been found.

John knew that they'd eventually follow his boney footprints into the woods. So he knew this was a perfect opportunity for John to test the capabilities of his zombie dogs. So he snuck back into the graveyard with the zombie dogs spread out, making a semi perimeter around the cemetery on all sides except the south, which led to the street that also led directly to the city center.

John crept around a crypt that was the size of a large shed and peered out to where he landed to only see police talking to men in black suits. John knew the men and women in black weren't here for the dead groundskeeper but for the crater that he'd left when he landed. Overall John saw 36 law enforcement in all, 23 police officers, and what John thought was 13 FBI agents.

John at first doubted that his zombie dogs could handle them, but he knew that he'd needed to take them out to increase his army. So before he sent his dogs in to ravage the group of law enforcers, he had an idea. 'Why not send one to see how it does in combat and then send in the rest,' He thought as he as command one of the dogs that were on the east perimeter to send out a ghastly howl.

The howl could be heard for just over a kilometer scaring the birds into a midnight flight. The police and FBI all turn to the east in a synchronized manner as they all look in shock and horror toward the disturbingly odd howl.

They all look at each other to confirm who searched that area earlier. A young female police officer in her early 20's says out loud, "I'm sure there was nothing over there 15 minutes ago. I'm positive."

Most of them looked at her as she raised a flashlight toward the area the howl came from. She looked back at her partner, who said, "Ok, Megan, I'll follow and watch your back, just be careful."

She nodded back at her partner, who was a little shaken from the howl. She knew Jake had a fear of dogs since he was little but found it attractive that he'd get brave and try to impress her by having her back.

They walked by several tombstones and head markers on the ground that were knocked over on the ground by the impact of the crater until they reached the ones that still stood still and firm. As they looked and flashed their lights, they found nothing and looked back at each other in confusion.

Jake turned and looked at Megan, who was still confused and said, "I guess it was just a random doACKkk..."

Megan, who had only seen a blur tackle Jake to the ground, had blood sprayed on her face as she stood in shock. She stood there, staring at an empty space for a second to see Jake's struggle as he finally went limp while having his through mauled by a bloody dog. In an instant, she pulled her gun out and shot two bullets into the dog's side, making it hit the floor.

The shots rang throughout the cemetery, causing the other officers and agents to run over to see Megan over Jake, pointing a gun at the dog they thought was dead. Oscar, the sheriff of the district, ran next to Megan, who was still pointing her gun at the dog and said, "What the hell happened here?"

Megan remained quiet as the sudden attack of the dog left her in shock as everyone spread out, leaving a few to surround Megan, the dog, and the now-deceased Jake. Sheriff Oscar didn't know what to make of the situation as he stared at the dog as it twitched.

The five agents and officers, along with the sheriff and Megan, jumped at the sight of the dog as it rose back and just stood still. They all knew to point the gun at the dogs Megan kept hers pointed towards it since they arrived. It frightened them, even more, when they saw the gaping hole on it's back where John had held it in the air with his {Dark Spear}, but they didn't know what caused.

Without warning, Megan shot three more times, hitting it in the side, but the dog only jerked from the impacts and regained its posture. At this point, the five officers and agents, along with Sheriff Oscar and Megan knew something wasn't right with this dog.

At closer inspection, seeing as the dog didn't even budge and was still standing despite having been shot five times now, one of the FBI agents yelled, "We need back up asap!"

As the dog was now surrounded by the 35 agents and officers, it sprinted towards one of the police officers at full speed. Seeing how the dead officer was killed quickly, everyone wasted no time filling the dog with hot lead until their clips were empty, and the dog fell on the ground once again.

Fear flooded throughout the officers and agents as the dog struggled to raise back up with its front right paw dangling from a strand of flesh and it's jaw missing. It's glowing right eye dangled on the side of its face as it looked back at Megan who reloaded and her gun and delivered the final shot to its head.

Everyone stood silently and watch the dog as if it was going to rise back up again. Everyone wore a face of shock and horror as they looked at each other for an answer to what the hell was wrong with the dog. Killing the silence, one of the commanding FBI agents says, "Terry go report this and..."

Before the commanding agent could finish giving his order, several ghastly dog howls roared around them. Out of the shadows, 19 zombie dogs appeared from behind tombstones and crypts as they growled and snarled at the agents. Remembering how difficult it was to kill one of the blue-eyed monsters, despair washed over the officers and agents as they loaded their weapons. They formed a circle to cover each other's backs in the hope their defense could hold off these unnatural animals.

Megan wondered what could make dogs into creatures that horrifying. Just as she said that blue eyes appeared from all around them, showing them they were surrounded by about 19 more of these monstrous dogs. Megan looked at the agent who was supposed to run to the nearest police cruiser to radio for back up, but like the rest, he was frozen in fear. She looked around to see that she was the only officer to have bothered to have brought her portable radio and tried to radio for back up, but she noticed that the wire to her radio was cleanly cut. As she saw this, it was like a signal, and all the zombie dogs laid siege upon the 35 police officers and FBI agents.


[Bang] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

The police officers and FBI agents put up a good fight for the first five-second. Still, it was all for naught as two agents went down got their throats and intestines shredded, then five officers went down similarly soon afterward their circle defense was broken. Noticing their defense was broken, several officers and agents tried to make a break for but was only caught by the zombie dogs who were done feasting on their peers.

At this point, there remained 12 officers and FBI who stood their ground. Along with them were Officer Megan, Sheriff Oscar, and the commanding FBI agent from before. They all scared shitless as they saw no way out of their predicament, and John was delighted.

John saw this as an opportunity to add more fear in the mix by making an appearance so as soon as they were out of ammo, and there were only four left: Officer Megan, Sheriff Oscar, and the commanding FBI agent and one of his last surviving subordinates.

John ordered his zombie dogs to corner them by the wall of a crypt and await further orders as he walked with a dignified manner to them. He saw their faces as they wondered why the zombie dogs weren't finishing them off. Their face turned damn near white as they saw the skeleton with an ominous red glow from its eye sockets walk through the 19 dogs that just obliterated their friends and co-workers. John felt immense pleasure in seeing they're confused and horrified faces as he walked past his small horde of undead dogs.

John thought hard as to what he was going to do with, and an idea struck him. Why not use these four to send a message that humanities time is up. He walked up next to the scared and frozen Officer Megan and rest his boney skeleton hand on her cheek and cocked his head and used magic to conjure a ghastly grated voice and said, "You all... let the world know... that humanity's time is at an end... and that the dead now walk the earth."

Their eyes all go wide as the talking skeleton before them delivered his frightening message before backing away with his arms raised to his sides. John knew it was a bad idea to let them know of his existence, but he felt it would be more fun if they struggled, so he laughed while walking backward. John wanted them to see what they were up against while he increased his army so they would be even more afraid when they report what they've seen tonight.

John, in an instant, channeled his mana through his body and throughout the entire graveyard. He established connections with all that was dead withing the cemetery and raised his arms back down and stared at the frightened and bewildered law enforcement before him.

Megan was scared at what she was seeing before her as she silently prayed to the gods she didn't know were the ones that unleashed such horrors upon them. She stopped praying as her fellow colleagues and FBI agents began to twitch and jerk around as if they were having intense seizures. Megan, Oscar, and the two remaining FBI agents looked on in even more horror as they bent and contorted in ways the human body wasn't meant too.

Their undead colleagues now on their feet and shambling behind the zombie dogs stood still waiting and staring at the last four survivors as if waiting for the order to sink their teeth into their former friends. All around them explosions from the ground around them and the crypts behind and from the surrounding area, as the dead punched and clawed their way out of the caskets in which they slept by the command of their master, John.

Megan dropped to her knees at the sight of hundreds of undead that now surrounded them. She didn't even care for the fact that she had just pissed herself in front of her superiors because she knew they wanted to do the same, but she had just beat them to the punch. She swore to on her granny's grave, which luckily wasn't here that she was going to be torn asunder like her partner who stood in front her with a large portion of his throat missing.

John felt that his goal was finished here and spread a shadow around the ground under his horde that now spanned just over 150 zombies. They all began to sink into the large shadow under their feet and completely disappeared.

Megan didn't know how to think or explain the horror that had just happened before them, but something within her mind broke, and she let out a small laugh as she could hear sirens in the distance. Probably backup responding due to the large amount of gunshots from earlier.

Megan continues to laugh, which turned into crying as Oscar tried to comfort her while the commanding FBI agent and his subordinate stood looked around at the now-empty graves around them in shock. Not because they survived the night but because they didn't know how to explain what the hell had just happened to them all.

Hi guys and gals tell me what you think so far and leave a stone to fuel the hordes of the undead.

-Also shoutout to sacredyeti for the outstanding support.

ThatFroggyBastardcreators' thoughts