
The God of Pirates With Naruto Ninja System

A young man named Kaminari inadvertently traveled to the world of One Piece, and accidentally obtained Naruto Ninja System. -This is Translation- Source: https://www.zhaoshuyuan.com/b/58932/#gsc.tab=0

AbsoluteCode · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs

[OP]Chapter 18: Odama Rasengan!

Gathering such powerful chakra, it could only be said that Anderson's time was up.

Kaminari smiled faintly, "With this attack, there's no way you can escape."

Seeing the terrifying swirling sphere, Anderson, whether to mask his inner fear or for some other reason, shouted, "Stop talking nonsense! Next, I'll tear you to pieces!"

Without wasting any more words, Kaminari swiftly launched the swirling sphere...

"Odama Rasengan!"

Faced with this powerful vortex, Anderson's initial reaction was to flee. However, just as he took a couple of steps, the energy in Kaminari's hand suddenly erupted.

With Kaminari's right hand as the center, a tremendous burst of energy erupted, spreading in all directions. Accompanied by a tremendous roar, the Odama Rasengan not only created a powerful shockwave but also blasted a semi-spherical crater of over ten meters in the ground.

When looking at Anderson again, he was already a mangled mess, with hardly a patch of intact flesh on his body, except for his face, which was still recognizable.

This was intentionally done by Kamianri to smoothly exchange the corpse for a bounty with the Marines.

In other words, Anderson was now nothing more than a lifeless body.

Kaminari took out the second sealing scroll—a scroll that had been prepared for him in advance—and sealed the corpse inside.

The previous attack not only killed Anderson but also wiped out a group of pirates. The remaining pirates, wailing in anguish, scrambled to flee to their ship, while Kaminari dashed into the midst of the pirates, swiftly and decisively dealing with them.

Being merciful to others is being cruel to oneself. Leaving behind these people, who enjoy plundering and pillaging, would always be a source of trouble. It was better to eliminate them all.

In the face of this, the villagers were all dumbfounded, their jaws dropping to the ground in astonishment.

"This guy, he's not an ordinary kid, right?"

"What was that ball on his right hand just now?"

"I never expected that such immense power could be contained within this slender body."

"We underestimated him before..."

Who is this guy, exactly?

These words were not spoken out loud but rather thought silently in their minds...

Meanwhile, Vierdan bit her lip, her thoughts in turmoil.

The first person to break the silence was the little girl, Jenny. She excitedly threw herself into Kaminari's arms, tightly hugging him with both hands. "Brother Kaminari, you did it! You're so strong, truly the deserving hero of our two villages!"

Jenny held Kaminari in a particularly tight embrace, almost making it difficult for him to breathe.

Seeing this scene, for some reason, Vierdan felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart.

Kaminari managed to say with difficulty, "J-Jenny, please let go first... I... I can't breathe properly."

Jenny then realized that she had exerted too much force and sheepishly released her arms.

As she let go, she stood face to face with Kaminari, and when she saw his eyes, her face flushed with a blush of infatuation. (: Loli in Heat xD)

Amid Kaminari's bewildered expression, Village Chief Famu led the others, surrounding them. Famu patted Raion's shoulder with a smile, saying, "Well done, young man. I knew I didn't misjudge you."

At this moment, the villagers chimed in, speaking all at once.

"Mr. Kaminari, you're truly amazing."

"We didn't recognize your true abilities before."

"Please forgive our ignorance and impoliteness in the past."

"Regardless, you are the hero who saved us from disaster."

"Yes, a hero!"

In response to this, Kaminari scratched his head, feeling a bit embarrassed.

He was the type of person who responded better to kindness than force. If someone was confrontational with him, he would fearlessly face them, but when others were kind to him, he didn't quite know how to handle it.

The villagers were filled with joy. With the "Evil Wolf Pirates" around, it could be said that the villagers lived in constant fear every day. Any resistance would only invite more terrifying reprisals.

By killing Anderson, Kaminari had effectively rescued the villagers from this terrifying ordeal. How could they not be excited? How could they not be grateful to this young man standing before them?

Everyone lifted Kaminari overhead, throwing him into the air, catching him, throwing him out again, and catching him...

At this moment, in the hearts of the people, Kaminari had truly become their guardian deity.

Watching this scene, Vierdan's eyes never left Kaminari. She pouted her lips and muttered to herself, "Really, what's with him..."

When the people finally put Kaminari down, they still surrounded him, and some villagers began discussing his prospects.

One villager said to the deputy village chief, "I think Mr. Kaminari and your daughter get along well. Why not betroth Jenny to him?"

"Yes, yes." Several villagers echoed in agreement.

The deputy village chief couldn't hide his joy at this suggestion. Naturally, he hoped for Kaminari to become his son-in-law.

Meanwhile, Jenny blushed and looked at Kaminari with eager eyes...

In this village's customs, when a man is strong, parents are more than willing to marry their daughters to him...

Moreover, Kaminari was a hero who saved lives from peril.

There are many people here who also want to marry their daughters to Kaminari, but when they see him playing and frolicking with Jenny every day, they assume that Kaminari is interested in her. The villagers naturally wouldn't want to ruin such a beautiful thing.

So the clamor for a wedding grew louder and louder.

"Marry him!"

"Deputy Village Chief, congratulations!"

"Oh, not at all, haha..."

What's even more exaggerated is that an old lady in the village directly asked Jenny, "Would you like to marry Mr. Kaminari?"

Jenny, with shining eyes and a blushing face, glanced at Kaminari and shyly nodded.

As for Jenny's response, Kaminari felt a chill running down his spine, and a cold sweat broke out.

From childhood to adulthood, Kaminari had never been afraid of anything, but this time, he truly felt scared for some reason.

Then, the old lady turned to Kaminari and asked, "Mr. Kaminari, would you like to marry Jenny?"

Kaminari's expression froze on his face, and he stammered, "I... I..."


A discordant voice broke the silence.

Everyone turned to see Vierdan.

Vierdan also blushed and walked towards Kaminari.

The villagers asked her, "Why not?"

Vierdan looked stubborn and said, "I said no, so it's no!"

After saying that, she turned and ran without looking back.

A few seconds later, everyone suddenly realized what had happened and burst into laughter.

They all looked at Village Chief Famu and said in unison, "Chief, it turns out your daughter also likes Mr. Kaminari."

Earlier, when the old lady asked if Kaminari was willing to marry Jenny, Vierdan's reaction was so strong that even an idiot could figure out what was going on.

And at this moment, the most difficult position belonged to Kaminari. He only saw Jenny as a younger sister and had no romantic feelings for her. If he rejected her, Kaminari was worried about hurting her...

PS: Polygamy is the best answer.