
"You've Stirred Up Trouble"

"Hmph, as long as that guy doesn't escape from Qingyuan, there's a way to make him regret coming into this world.

Thinking about the genuine work of Gu Kaizhi, Boss Tang couldn't contain his excitement. While there are many imitations of Gu Kaizhi's paintings, this one is an authentic piece. Once he handles the packaging and takes it to the auction, it can easily triple or quadruple the original value...

Business has been slow in recent years, and deals of this magnitude are rare.

However, just when Boss Tang was reveling in his success, his phone rang. Glancing at the caller ID, he chuckled and answered, "Hey, Second Brother, what's the occasion for your call today?"

An angry and deliberately lowered voice came from the phone, "What did you do today?"

Confused, Boss Tang replied, "I didn't do anything, what's wrong?"

The voice on the phone continued with fury, "Your underlings, along with two wanted criminals, were brought in together. Are you going to tell me you did nothing?"

"What?" Boss Tang jumped up, "What happened to Er Lengzi and the others?"

"Those two are Class A wanted criminals, didn't you know?"

"Of course, Big Brother, you know as well as I do. In our line of work, sometimes you need tough characters for certain jobs."

"Need my foot! Sooner or later, you'll drag me down. Can't you conduct legitimate business instead of getting involved in illegal activities? Damn it... Enough of this, you're already shielding serious criminals. If things go south, I might get implicated too. Go hide somewhere else quickly."

"What?" Boss Tang was startled, nervously asking, "Is it that serious? You're the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, are you..."

"Is your brain kicked by a donkey? Also, who did you provoke today? Besides Er Lengzi, those two criminals almost got annihilated..."

"How is that possible? They were just dealing with a college student..." Boss Tang was dumbfounded.

"Nonsense! Look at their techniques, ruthless and precise. A master is behind it, not something an ordinary person can do. Second Brother, you've offended someone you shouldn't have. Listen to your big brother, go hide."

There was a beep on the phone, and Boss Tang, stunned, put it down. For a moment, he couldn't wrap his head around it. His biggest reliance was his big brother in the city's Public Security Bureau, allowing him to almost walk sideways on the antique street. Now, his big brother's words left him cold.

After a while, he came to his senses and quickly walked into a room behind the counter...

Leaving the antique street with nothing to do, Ye Haoxuan decided to leave.

Suddenly, a voice behind him said, "Haozi, is that you?"

Turning around, Ye Haoxuan was surprised to see his dorm mate Zhou Ming and another young man standing behind him.

He and Zhou Ming were good friends from the medical university, both from wealthy families in Qingyuan, but usually low-key.

Ye Haoxuan smiled, "Brother Hao, what a coincidence. I'm just here to take a look today."

"Let me introduce. This is Lin Shao... Lin Jianye. He's my dorm mate, Ye Haoxuan..."

"Hello." Ye Haoxuan reached out his hand to Lin Jianye.

Lin Jianye nodded, touched Ye Haoxuan's hand briefly, and then withdrew.

Anyone who could hang out with Zhou Ming was either rich or noble. Apart from Ye Haoxuan, this Lin Jianye seemed extraordinary, showing refined manners and temperament unlike an average person.

While Ye Haoxuan and such people were on different paths, Lin Jianye, upon seeing the long package in Ye Haoxuan's hand, became interested.

"Brother, is this a calligraphy or painting?" Lin Jianye inquired uncertainly.

Ye Haoxuan chuckled, "Yes, just picked it up at a flea market. I don't really understand these things, bought it for fun."

"Oh, cultured person..." Zhou Ming teased.

Ye Haoxuan smiled without replying.

Lin Jianye, seemingly interested in calligraphy and painting, said, "Can I have a look?"

"Of course." Ye Haoxuan readily agreed and unfolded the painting.

Lin Jianye was genuinely intrigued by calligraphy and painting. Taking the scroll from Ye Haoxuan, he carefully examined it.

However, at a glance, his expression changed drastically.

Beside him, Zhou Ming, sensing Lin Jianye's expression, asked in surprise, "Jianye, what's wrong? Is there something amiss?"

Lin Jianye remained silent, but his excited hands were slightly trembling. He spread the painting on a nearby stone table and took out a magnifying glass from his bag, scrutinizing it.

Ye Haoxuan was surprised; he didn't expect Young Master Ye to be an expert. Judging by his excitement, it seemed he already sensed the extraordinary nature of the painting.

After observing for more than ten minutes, Lin Jianye put down the magnifying glass, murmuring, "Authentic work, this is actually a genuine work by Gu Kaizhi."

"Gu Kaizhi, authentic work?" Although Zhou Ming didn't understand calligraphy and painting, he at least knew who Gu Kaizhi was. He slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "That means it's an antique. Jianye, how much is this painting worth?"

Lin Jianye, excited and blushing, grabbed Ye Haoxuan and said, "Brother, can this painting be sold? How much do you want for it?"

"This..." Ye Haoxuan hesitated.

In fact, Ye Haoxuan didn't know the specific price of this authentic Gu Kaizhi painting, but he had a rough idea that it was worth no less than five hundred thousand. He just didn't want to ask for such a high price.

Seeing Ye Haoxuan's hesitation, Lin Jianye looked at Zhou Ming for help. Being close friends, Zhou Ming immediately patted Ye Haoxuan's shoulder and said, "Xiaoyi, if you don't want to sell, forget it. If you're willing to sell, Jianye will give you a fair price."

"Sure, we're all friends. Ye Shao, just give me a reasonable price." Lin Jianye patted Ye Haoxuan's shoulder enthusiastically. "How about this, I'll offer one million..."