
The unlucky young master Lin

Lin Jianye's price was reasonable, and Ye Haoxuan nodded. "Ye, you're too polite. Since we're Fat Brother's friends, we're all in this together. I won't take advantage of you. Take the 800,000."

"800,000?" Zhou Ming chuckled, taken aback. "You don't need to be so modest. A million is just pocket change for him. He's a wealthy man. Let's make it a million."

"In that case, I won't fuss," Ye Haoxuan smiled.

"Alright, straightforward..." Lin Jianye quickly wrote a check and handed it to Ye Haoxuan.

In an instant, another million appeared, and Ye Haoxuan's face flushed with excitement, his hands trembling as he held the check.

"Come on, brother, it's just a million," Lin Jianye laughed.

Ye Haoxuan chuckled as he pocketed the check. "Brother, I'm not like you rich kids. A million could get me to sell a kidney."

"Haha." Lin Jianye, in high spirits from acquiring a valuable painting, laughed heartily. "With this painting, my luck is finally turning around."

Before he could finish, a strong gust of wind blew, and Lin Jianye hastily secured the painting scroll.

The painting was safe, but a pink object suddenly blew onto Lin Jianye's head.

Startled, Lin Jianye quickly removed it from his head.

Upon closer inspection, he found it to be a woman's underwear, light red in color with lace edges.

"Damn..." Lin Jianye angrily tossed the underwear aside.

"Haha..." Ye Haoxuan and Zhou Ming laughed uncontrollably.

"Having a woman's thing cover your head, brother, are you cursed?" Lin Jianye lamented.

Meanwhile, Ye Haoxuan glanced at Lin Jianye's forehead and noticed a faint blackness and a hint of blood color.

This guy really was cursed.

Impressed by Lin Jianye's demeanor, Ye Haoxuan remarked, "Lin, you've been having a rough time lately, haven't you?"

Taken aback, Lin Jianye sighed, "Don't even mention it. My luck is terrible. Investments went sour, got a flat tire while driving, fell into a ditch while walking. Seriously, my luck is so bad that even farting hits my heel..."

Pointing at his right hand, Lin Jianye continued, "This hand just got out of a cast, you know why? Because a mother duck was crossing the road with her ducklings, and I braked into the ditch."

Ye Haoxuan smiled, "Bad luck could also be due to Feng Shui. Why don't you consult a Feng Shui master?"

Lin Jianye waved it off, "My old man at home doesn't believe in that."

Ye Haoxuan glanced at a jade Guanyin ornament on a nearby stall, had an idea, and quickly bought one. He discreetly performed a blessing gesture in the air and waved it over the Guanyin, silently reciting a safety charm.

His actions were subtle, and even if the two saw them, they likely wouldn't pay much attention.

He handed the Guanyin to Lin Jianye and said, "I see you've been having a rough time lately, Lin. Take this Guanyin to ward off evil. Some things, you can't fully believe in, but you can't dismiss them either."

Lin Jianye was taken aback, then casually put the jade Guanyin into his pocket and smiled, "Sure, seeking peace of mind. Thanks, bro."

As Lin Jianye took a phone call, he apologized, "Sorry guys, I have something urgent to attend to. Let's meet at the Jinxiu Jiangnan Club tonight. I'll treat you well. See you at 8 pm."

Zhou Ming nodded, "Alright, you go ahead. See you tonight."

Lin Jianye got into a Bentley and sped away.

After chatting with Zhou Ming for a while and agreeing to meet at Jinxiu Jiangnan at 8 pm, they went their separate ways.

After parting ways with Zhou Ming, Ye Haoxuan went straight to a bank, cashed the check, and deposited the money into a bank account.

Holding a bank card with over a million, Ye Haoxuan felt like he was in a dream. Although over a million couldn't buy much in a high-cost city like Qingyuan, it was a huge sum for someone used to being poor.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, outside the Jinxiu Jiangnan Club.

Jinxiu Jiangnan was well-known in Shanghai, offering a variety of services including dining, entertainment, accommodation, and fitness facilities.

As they arrived at the club, Lin Jianye and Zhou Ming joined them, exchanged a few words, and then entered the club together.

Usually, a large club like this required a membership card for entry, but to Ye Haoxuan's surprise, the security guards at the entrance didn't stop them and instead respectfully greeted them.

Seemingly sensing Ye Haoxuan's confusion, Zhou Ming explained, "This Jiangnan Club is owned by Lin's old man, the biggest shareholder."

Ye Haoxuan suddenly realized that Lin Jianye was indeed a legitimate second-generation rich kid. No wonder Zhou Ming said a million was just pocket change for him.

Entering a private room, Lin Jianye said, "Let's eat first, then there's an antique auction on the sixth floor. Also, tomorrow at 10 o'clock, Wang will hold a jadeite trading fair here. After dinner, we'll go upstairs and have some fun."

At the mention of jadeite, Zhou Ming's eyes lit up. He said, "Great, my dad needs a batch of raw materials. I'll try my luck tomorrow."

Zhou Ming's dad was in the jewelry business, with chain stores across the country, and they often needed jadeite raw materials.

"Let's eat first," Lin Jianye waved his hand.

The dishes at Jinxiu Jiangnan were extraordinary, with the chef's skills exquisite. Even with ordinary ingredients, the dishes were comparable to delicacies.

Lin Jianye and Zhou Ming were both heavy drinkers. Despite being rich kids, they didn't have the demeanor of typical rich kids. They drank cheap liquor, each holding a bottle of cheap Erguotou, and talked loudly.

Ye Haoxuan wasn't much of a drinker, but he was forced by the two to down half a bottle of Erguotou.

Erguotou's potency was overwhelming, and Ye Haoxuan felt dizzy, with his stomach churning. He hurried to the restroom.

Activating the techniques he learned, he suppressed the urge to vomit. Cold sweat beaded on his forehead as the alcohol's effect subsided.

Feeling relieved, Ye Haoxuan washed his face at the sink and planned to return to the private room.

However, the restroom door was suddenly pushed open, and with a series of exclamations and screams, a waitress was pushed inside by someone.

A young man with a smirk entered, followed by a group of hooligans who blocked the restroom door to prevent the girl from escaping.

"What do you want?" The girl's face turned pale as she looked at the young man in terror.