
"The Regretful Antique Shop Owner"

Ye Haoxuan didn't want to continue being pursued by the three individuals behind him. Without hesitation, he turned and entered a dead-end alley, with the three following closely.

As they entered, Ye Haoxuan stood at the entrance, wearing a cold smirk. He asked, "Gentlemen, you've been following me for so long. What's your purpose?"

The three were momentarily surprised; it turned out Ye Haoxuan had known about their pursuit. The bald leader glared menacingly and said, "Hand over what you have, leave the antique street, and never show up here again. I might spare your life."

Ye Haoxuan sneered, "Tell me who sent you, and I might consider making your punishment less severe."

The three hesitated, showing a hint of a sinister expression. Another one with short hair said, "Boss, don't waste time with this guy. We have plenty of lives on our hands; one more won't make a difference."

Ye Haoxuan sensed danger as the bald and short-haired individuals exuded a bloodthirsty aura. Suddenly, he realized the bald one resembled a wanted criminal recently publicized by the police.

At this point, each of the three thugs brandished a shiny knife. The bald one menacingly said, "The ancient painting is on him. Kid, since you don't know how to behave, we won't let you off easily."

The bald one lunged forward, his knife aiming for Ye Haoxuan's abdomen, while the other two surrounded him to prevent escape.

For ruthless individuals like them, Ye Haoxuan felt no need to hold back. He swiftly moved forward, seized the bald one's wrist, twisted it with a crack, and kicked him into the wall. With a loud bang, the bald thug's sturdy body hit the wall and bounced back, slumping unconscious on the ground.

Before the remaining two could react, Ye Haoxuan leaped into the air, executing a graceful spin and landing a precise blow to the side of the short-haired thug's head.

The short-haired thug grunted, his body soaring into the air before crashing to the ground, blood oozing from his nose and mouth, clearly unconscious.

Seeing their companions incapacitated, the last thug trembled with cold sweat, nervously clutching his knife. Ye Haoxuan shouted, feigned an attack, and the thug stumbled backward, slipped, and fell flat on his back.

Ye Haoxuan couldn't help but shake his head and laugh, "Is this your courage?". Without further words, he approached and lightly tapped the remaining thug on the back of the head, rendering him unconscious.

Pausing to contemplate the three lying on the ground, Ye Haoxuan noticed bloodstains on the bald one and another, indicating their involvement in violent activities.

Ye Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat; he took out his outdated phone, considering calling the police. However, he thought twice, realizing that reporting with his phone might lead to unnecessary questioning. Could a university student easily defeat several seemingly blood-stained criminals? That wouldn't sound normal.

As for these individuals, someone would discover them soon after the alarm was raised.

Meanwhile, inside the antique shop, Tang, the owner, sat eagerly awaiting news. The bald thug had been out for quite some time now, and updates should be arriving shortly.