
The girl I saved

I am the capo of the mafia empire, Maximus marchetti And she was the girl I saved, The girl who was even afraid of her own shadow. How can I have her when she was not meant to be found. but I will have her for revenge, her father helped to escape what's mine, so I will capture and break what's his. I will have her! "I maximus the capo will marry Carmella."

thrizhaf4 · Thành thị
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15 Chs

Fix the date!

"Gentlemen, meet my beautiful daughter Melissa."


Thank goodness.

Calvo clears his throat, "please sit, Miss."

She nods slightly and sits like a lady, born and brought up in submission. Perfect!

Her gaze travels around everyone and finally stop on me,

"Good evening Melissa" my father greets but her eyes stays firm on me, Mrs.Berlusconi noticing the silence of her daughter she nudges Melissa's shoulder.

Her eyes startle, awakes and travels to my father, "Good evening, Mr. Marchetti." Her voice is feeble but bold, definitely not a kitten, she is a lioness disguised as a kitten.

I lean back and give myself a permission to scan her from the top to bottom,

She is a blond girl with a slender figure but what catches my attention was her sharp nails, her nails are everything she needs to tear a baby apart.

Hmm…have to be very careful, I give myself a few more minutes to drink her.

"Your daughter has the beauty to kill the made men." My father keeps on praising her beauty which I think is inappropriate.

she starts to shift on her seat just like I thought, she is really uncomfortable under these intense gazes, I clear my throat.

"I want to talk to your daughter alone."

She instantly intenses and she closes her fingers into fist. I know not a single person in the room is comfortable with the request but I am very sure they will not deny it.

I straighten my legs slowly and walk out of the house, immediately there was a commotion, I shake my head in amusement.

What will I do!? Eat her? Actually I intend to do it later but not right now.

After about half a minute later she stumbles out of the house like she was thrown out.

I nod, expecting nothing in return I walk to my car, opening the passenger door I motion my hand asking her to enter the car,

Her eyes blooms a bit, afraid it might pop out. She rested her eyes upon my face, silently pleading with me to ask her something other than this but sadly I have no other choice.

"Get in." My voice comes out more ruder than I intend to.

She quickly scrambles inside, folds her hand.

I shut the door and walk to the other side to start the car.

We didn't talk with each other till we were very far from her home,

"Where are we going?" she asks meekly. Barely audible.

"Somewhere peaceful" where Max? My brain instantly questions me, home?

It is a long ride, but I hope it will comfort her.

I stop the car in front of the mansion, getting out I open her door.

She obediently takes my hand and steps out of the car, her fingers are already freezing.

The story just started, already?

"This is my home, where you will spend the rest of your life."

Her eyes lifts up and scans the whole place,

I can feel her body tremble and shiver, why!?

"Calm down, we are just going to talk" I assure her,

She nods and looks at the door, should I take her inside?

Maybe I should. "Please come in"

I open the mansion door, she lets out a small gasp.

Why is she shocked?

She looks at me, I walk further inside the mansion to the living room.

"Please sit, want something to drink"

She shakes her head,


Again she shakes head.

I sit opposite to her and rest my hand on my knees,

"I know you are nervous, but I don't care a dime. It's going to be your home so make yourself comfortable. Look, I have been with many women…" she winced, oops…. I continue

"No judgment, I don't think you would have any past even if you have yo-"

"I will marry you" she shouts, closing her eyes, now it's my turn to widen my eyes.

What!!! I quickly mask my shock and straighten my face, after which it feels like hours she slowly opens her eyes.

"So quickly?" I smirk,

"Because you are handsome." out of nowhere my breath catches in my throat, well….that was unexpected.

I laugh out loud,

"Since you answered, do you want to talk about any other stuff?"

She shakes her head, does this girl know something other than that!?

I stand up and sigh,

"Come I will take you home"

"Right now?" Does she want to stay?

"I will be more than happy if you spend the day here but I don't think your father or my father will approve that arrangement."

"Please don't tell it to my father."

"Tell him what?"

"That I said you are handsome,"

"Oh kid, the whole universe knows that."

"But still…are you ok with marrying me?"

"Of course I do" I chuckle

"But please don't say that to my father…" she again pleads

"Ok ok, now walk out of the house."

She half runs out of the mansion, I walk behind her and without any command she climbs inside the car.

The journey back to her house carried dead silence,

Her cheeks were red. Oh my….I chuckle again.

"What…?" her lips curl upward,

"Nothing" I shake my head, trying hard to keep a straight face.

I don't think living with her or spending the rest of my life will bore me…..I am happy that once in my father's lifetime he made a good choice other than marrying my mom.

"Come let's face the family." I say to her when I stop the car in front of her home.

Like a rat out of the trap she gets out and runs inside her home, no begging?

She already did Maxi!

I shake my head, this girl's guts….. handsome! me? Oh man….I laugh again.

I march inside the home, the whole family looks at me eagerly,

"Son?" my father walks toward me

"Start the wedding preparation" I said with a straight face.

Immediately joyous sounds erupt like a volcano.

"Let the wedding bells ring!" Calvo shouts,

"Hahahaha" Father laughs on top of his lungs, his eyes gathering all the tears of joy.

Without my permission I smiled.

Making others happy is something I rarely do, I will cherish this forever.

And the word wedding sounds so nice to my ears.

Time to fall in love Max…