
The girl I saved

I am the capo of the mafia empire, Maximus marchetti And she was the girl I saved, The girl who was even afraid of her own shadow. How can I have her when she was not meant to be found. but I will have her for revenge, her father helped to escape what's mine, so I will capture and break what's his. I will have her! "I maximus the capo will marry Carmella."

thrizhaf4 · Urban
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15 Chs

The checking.

First comes the engagement and then the wedding. I am in no state to get engaged to a girl nor in the correct mental health to marry a girl, all the risky steps I am taking have only one answer - my empire.

This wedding will be a great strength not only to the walls and gates but also for my power, the borders are going to expand and I will be having a lot in hand. Calvo and Bee are there to help me but there are certain cases I have to take into my own hands , for example, the casinos and the clubs.

If I inform Calvo or Bee about visiting these casinos and clubs they will inform the guards and from the guards to the keepers of the place, when I say keepers of the place, they are the ones who take care of everything even the accounts, the employees and also the important customers.

You may ask me, then who I am. I am the owner. Call me the silent owner, these casinos, clubs and pubs are the only reason I am this rich. Killing people profits me nothing, but loyalty is everything to me.

Somebody breaks my trust I will suggest they kill themselves before I come for them.

As a train of thoughts passes in my mind,

Ring ring! My phone screams from my pants pocket, I pull out to see who, Calvo.

"Hey calvo," I say.

"Man…where are you?" he drawls,

"On the road, why?"

"Road to where!?" grrrr….he is not getting the cue!

"Somewhere which is none of your concern." I grunt.

"Oh it will be when you stop breathing, I will be questioned day and night till I die. Let's leave that part, what I called to say is that…I don't know if it's important or not but I am telling you this since it already happened twice…no no thrice after you left and it is confusion—--" he keeps on talking but still hasn't landed on the point.

"Cut the carp Calvo tell me what the fuck is wrong!" I say impatiently.

"Fine, a girl has been calling the mansion asking for Bee."

So what can I do!!!??

"Then give the fucking phone to Bee! Did you hit your head?" damn this guy.

"I gave the phone to Bee, this may confuse you but don't scold me. Bee doesn't know that girl and that girl doesn't know Bee."

My head pulls back in confusion, after a nanosecond my eyes widen in realization and the car comes to a screeching halt.

"Did the girl sound…..little?? Maybe soft?"

"Yes!" I sigh in frustration.

"Next time this call comes, tell that girl it's the wrong number. Got it?" my hand is gripping the wheel so tight that my knuckles are turning white, what does this girl want?

"Ok, do you know her?" what can I say…..

"Yes, I do."

"Who is she?"

"Nobody." I kill the call before he gets a chance to reply.

"This girl doesn't give it a rest, have to inform Leonardo." I mutter under my breath and start the car again.

Today I am going to visit only one place.

It's a club, rosemary.

Named after my….maternal grandmother. Weird, I know.

I park the car about five streets, the club has cameras till the 3rd street. If I park my car anywhere near the keepers will be informed and the purpose of my visit will be wasted.

The sun is already down, it's Saturday night the customers will be higher and earlier than usual.

I have two jobs now,

One - to blend

Two - to observe.

My feets slowly march toward the back door of the club, the backdoors are secured and only staff can pass through it. Lucky I have one.

To avoid grabbing attention I am wearing a dark green shirt and black jeans, my hair is not in place. To be honest I feel normal today.

Opening the back door, my steps falter.

Who is the keeper of this place? I try so hard to remember, there are many clubs and pubs so all of these memory parts are done by Calvo.

closing the door behind me I walk further inside, the kitchen is to the left.

The kitchen first? No, let's check the office first.

I quickly stride across the dancing area, and climb two flights of stairs.

The elevators are always monitored, the stairs are easy. The hallway on the second floor is mostly empty, but loud.

Today the customers have just started to arrive so it is quiet, the sound of laughter and music is faintly heard.

To avoid the unwanted sound of my steps I walk to the last door calmly.

There are cameras here, but I don't care. I place my ear on the door to check whether I can hear anything, but nothing reaches my ear.

I punch in the passcode and open the door, it's empty. Good.

Walking into the room, the big black desk invites me to sit on the chair next to it, without a second thought to fall on the chair and pull myself closer to the desk.

"Hm…let's dig." I switch on the computer on the side of the desk, the password?

I sigh and lean back on the chair, god dammit!

"Let's check the books then."

First I open the ledger which was kept inside one of the drawers, I slide my hand to my pocket to find it empty, where is my phone?

In the car.


Everyday the data of the previous day will be mailed to me before 8AM, and usually I cross check it. Looks like now I can't…..I sigh and check the other drawers, no bad signs.

Pushing my feet on the floor I stand upright and walk around the room.

There is a picture of our crest above the desk, I walk closer and examine.


The room is a bit dark and not glowy, so I look around to find a switchboard. There is one next to the door, I should have switched on everything, my bad.

Moving to my left my hand crashes into something really hard, a clattering sound echoes.


There was a small flower pot next to the dest on a stand. I push the broken pieces of the pot to the side by my legs, argh. my shoes, it's getting dirty.

I leave the mess before I can lift my head. But there is something shiny under the mess, so I sit down to pick it up.

A key.

For what?

Suspicious, a key under the pot? Maybe inside….where will it go!?

My eyes scan everything, the walls, the table, the drawers. Nothing. Nothing.

No no there must be something, pushing the chair aside, I crouch down in front of the desk, my plam travels through the wood, trying to feel some kinda bump.


At the far end of the desk there is a little bump, peering deeper I see a hole.

A key hole.

Inserting the key I twist it open, *click*

All I can hear is an opening sound, some safe is unlocked.

Wait, the sound is different...

No, no not safe, IT'S THE DOOR. my lungs stops intaking the air,

Minutes pass.

"Maximus, what are you doing there?"

I lift my head.