
The girl I saved

I am the capo of the mafia empire, Maximus marchetti And she was the girl I saved, The girl who was even afraid of her own shadow. How can I have her when she was not meant to be found. but I will have her for revenge, her father helped to escape what's mine, so I will capture and break what's his. I will have her! "I maximus the capo will marry Carmella."

thrizhaf4 · Urban
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15 Chs

How about something strong?

"Carmella?" finally her name rolls out of my tongue in disbelief,

"Yes, it's me" she clears my doubt.

The time slowly ticks, the blood roars in my ear.

No no not today.

Without a second thought I throw the receiver back to its place and walk out of the mansion, my shoulders still stiff from shock.

How did she find the number?

Weird girl, I shake my head in amusement.

"Why are you late?" Calvo looks at me suspiciously, I know I am giving away too much.

"Nothing." I shake my head, I slide into the car and buckle up.

"It doesn't look ok...…." Nobody, literally NOBODY can convince Clavo when he feels something is wrong,

"Will you please shut up?" I say impatiently, I can't believe I am going to see my future wife for the first time with these morons next to me and with a weird girl's voice ringing in my brain.

I sigh very hard and immediately the car moves.

My eyes turn to all the stores on the road and even sometimes wonder about the lifestyle of the people walking on the road.

Slowly the world starts to dim around me,

"Max wake up" Bee jiggles my shoulder gently.

The car is standing in front of some door, I look back at Bee with a frown.

Not a single word flew out his mouth, just unspoken frustration….

"We are here to meet your future wife, will you just wipe the sleep out of your damn face and can you please look smart, at least make sure you look like a Capo rather than a scared puppy!!!??" he sounds so exhausting, sorry bee.

"Puppy? You are comparing me with a puppy? Just wait until I see the girl, you will soon get to know about the lion sleeping inside me"

I brush my suit and walk to the door, The door bursts open even before my knuckle meets the hard wood.

"Welcome, welcome!! Luna, look who has arrived, our son-in-law!" already!? Out of nowhere I choke on my own saliva.

Mr.Berlusconi gets hold of my fisted hand and shakes it loose to get me a warm handshake, I hate people touching me without my permission.

When the command from my brain to pull the hand back half way through the body, my eyes caught the intense stare of my father behind Mr.Berlusconi's head.

I sigh, then I give a firm and professional handshake after that he just pulls me to a hug. WHAT THE FRESH HELL IS THIS!?

I immediately pull back, his face becomes pale, his eyes study my face.

Stepping back I walk to Mrs.Berlusconi, she was once my mom's old friend, they used to talk once in a while when she was alive.

"Hello Maximus, nice to meet you after a very long time" I give a curt nod, her pleasant smile brings me unwanted memories before my eyes.

Moving away I give some space for Clavo and Bee to greet, after all the formalities we walk further into the house.

Their place is very much different from mine, The house smells of freshness and cleanliness. I smirk internally, this girl is going to take many days, maybe years to adjust to my atmosphere.

"You are doing great, but please drop this 'piss off' face when you see the girl" Calvo's voice pleads behind me.

I sigh and I nod my head, It's really hard to change into another personality for just a girl!

The living room arrives, surrounded fully by couches and….bean bags….My eyebrows cock in amusement,

This place doesn't really look like a mafia capo's home but...more like a...some girls hostel, every single thing in the room is either pale or light color even the walls are painted like that.

That's the moment when it hits me really hard that I am just going to make the biggest mistake in my life.

And guess what, there is no turning back, my father really loves these people and if I hurt them…. He won't do anything to me because I am a capo and nothing can be done against my decision but the thread line relationship we have will surely break.

And that's not what my dead mom will like...wish she was here.

Miss you mom.

Behind me Clavo takes a sharp breath and Bee eyes meets mine with regret, BANG! I knew it, I mentally slap myself for falling into the pit with the full knowledge of the after effects.

"Please sit down son" Mr. Berlusconi points the single high back chair, god it is in green color! Not even dark green but very light one...even a small dirt will be highlighted.

I reluctantly sit on the chair, I sigh again deeply after sitting.

"You want a drink, son?" Mrs.Berlusconi offers,

"Ah… just tea will be enough for him" My father interrupts, stop making decisions for me old man!

I clench my jaw and nod, I desperately need to talk with my father before leaving home.

"What about you guys?" Mrs. Berlusconi turns to Calvo and Bee,

"Something strong" Clavo says for which her head pulls back.

Oh t-t-t-t I say under my breath

"He meant a strong tea" Bee clarifies I clearly can see that's not what he meant! Chaos….

She smiles, "And what about you Beto?"

"Nothing ma'am, I am good." Bee clears his throat,

"But you have to drink something dear, how about something strong like Calvo said..?" Clavo looks at her immediately, she gives a small wink at calvo and lets out a heartful laugh.

For some unknown reason my mom's laughter comes before my eyes, I close my eyes immediately and open again.

Not now Max….

After all the drinks and boring talks about the business and stuff finally Mr.Berlusconi suggests calling her precious daughter.


"Please Mr.Berlusconi, call the beautiful young lady" Father says happily.

Mr.Berlusconi sends some message to his wife through eyes, immediately she stands up and walks towards the door.

Few minutes pass by before Mrs.Berlusconi walks back to where she went.

My eyes follow her elegant steps she makes with those pointed heels, behind her legs another pair of legs follows.

She is here.

My heart starts to breathe, a rhythmic beat.

I lift my eyes before seeing her face. My eyes lands on her eyes and the air left my body.

Light brown,


Hi dear ones!!! since my grandmother passed away I was taken by the sudden loss and I didn't get time to write due to the choas around me...I am really sorry for the late updates:'(

and tq for waiting for me!<3

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