
Chapter 4

We ended up accepting to stay in the same room, but isn't this like really embarrassing for Ignea, and also for me. I wouldn't be thinking too much about it if she was in her fairy form since I'd be able to pretend that she's a doll or something. Why did I have to agree to this???

{Our dear demon king here, despite being the grand ruler of the demon kind for almost 10 years is still an unbelievable pure and innocent young man.}

Common, say something, anything....

-Hey, are you ok Draco?

-Yeah, of course I am ok, why wouldn't I be ?

-Uhh, you're sweating, a lot.

-I am not.


-I am not.

-If you say so, Draco?

-Call me Seiji. That's my real name.

-What....What do you mean by that? Is Draco not your name.

-Draco is my name as a demon king, Seiji is my birth name.


-All demon kings receive another name when they are crowned, a name that has something to do with their personality or something they've done.

-And how did you end up with Draco?

-During the crowning ceremony I got in a fight with a dragon deity.

-...Are you freaking serious?A dragon deity?Aren't those said to be able to destroy the world or something?

-Yeah, it was a tough fight for a 10 years old. His magic power was overwhelming and the brute strength he had was incredible. I still wonder how I survived.

-You became a demon king at age 10?

-Yeah, since my father was killed during the fight with the former hero Alastair, there was no one else to take his place. The demon generals were either to scared to fight either dead, my father had no other relatives besides me and my little sister and as such I had to take the power to ensure mine and hers safety.

-I...I'm sorry to hear that, it must have been tough for you.

-Managing the kingdom was easy since I was already feared as the son of the legendary demon king Zagan, the hardest thing was raising my sister as to not to be affected by the absence of our parents.

Thou I think that is enough about me, what about you?

-I was raised in the capital of the human kingdom of east, my family was one of scholars and as such, in these times of war between nations, we were quite poor so i grew up aiming to become an adventurer and ensure that my parents and my younger siblings would live a good life. And when I finally reached A-class and took a nice paying quest, I ended up lost in this stupid forest.

-Must be hard for you.

-Not as hard as for you.

-What did the quest ask for?

-Some special purple plant that is supposed to have amazing healing properties.

-Do you mean the draconic bloom?

-Yeah, that one, any idea where to find it?

-It should grow on the wyvern's mountain.

-You're kidding me.

-We'll since it's morning we should go do our shopping, and I also promised to treat you.

-Sure, let's go.

As soon as we were about to leave, someone knocked on the door, I expected it to be just that rude counter girl from before but to my surprise it was a small ogre boy who told us that a mister told him to bring us outside to talk. It seemed suspicious but whatever, let's go with the flow.

When we got outside there was a tall man that couldn't fit trough the door,he had a small horn in the middle of his forehead.He wore a long coat made out of tiger pelt and a green loincloth, however, the most surprising thing was the color of his skin which was the color of magma, a bright fiery red color, the man was an oni, and from the look in his eyes, the talk he wanted was not a peaceful one.