
The Demon Lord Walks Among Us

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dropped. Will be rewritten at some point, but with much more focus on the plot and character development, rather than the "plot" and character "development". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A world in which humans and demons live near, but separately, divided by hatred, fear, religion, and a long canyon. A war, begun by the human lands, that ended with the assassinations of several of the demon generals and the Demon Lord. A retaliation by the demons, poisoning a river without thought of the consequences. That is the most recent continuation of the cycle of hatred, war, death, and fear. A girl, orphaned by the war, fed up with the cycle of hatred, crosses from the demon lands to the human lands. Witness her journey as an ordinary adventurer to end the cycle of war and death, as she gains her own harem and accepts the fact that she's the new Demon Lord. Witness the Demon Lord as she gets into all kinds of situations that she shouldn't have gotten into unless the goddess of fate felt miserable and wanted to distract herself. ** Note: please, for the love of everything good, cute, and fluffy, THOROUGHLY read the long-as-hell author's note (and the later edits/postscripts, which I have separated FSR) that I made be its own chapter. It's just that long, sorry. I ramble in those somewhat often, okay? It does, however, have a lot of useful information scattered around in it... ** Upload schedule... None. Finally, two things. First, this is written in the style of Japanese novels, but without the honorifics... though, every now and then, I might put them in and not remember to remove them. I'll try to keep them out, just because of my personal preferences. Second, I'm sorry about the chapter naming system being screwed up and hard to follow. It ended up as stuff like "Chapter 6: Chapter 1 (3): [slight spoiler], part 2" which can be confusing. To break it down, it goes something like this: [release number] (in this case, "Chapter 6:") [chapter number the way I wrote it in a word processor] (in this case, "Chapter 1") [part number after I split the chapter to upload on this site] (in this case, "(3):") name ("[slight spoiler],") and then a potential further split due to the name, if the name applies to several parts (in this case, "part 2")

CaTastrophy · Kỳ huyễn
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72 Chs

Chapter 9 (6): Dealing with Sangen (3)

***** Normal PoV *****

"Haa... Who wants to stop him? Wait, no, I'll do it. I could use the exercise" (Ryuu)

I stood up, Ver still clutching my body, so I peeled her off of me before I started jogging after Sangen, my massively oversize breasts bouncing wildly with each step. After a minute of that, I decided that that wasn't helpful or needed, so I shrank them back to normal... well, the size I normally kept them. I then followed after the tracker I'd put on his contract, which he still carried with him. He was actually heading deeper into the palace, an area that was mostly deserted, fortunately and unfortunately both. Three minutes later, I was just a dozen meters behind him when I ran into someone when they opened a door as Sangen turned a corner.

"Ow! Watch where you're going! Wait... Who the fuck are you? What are you doing in the palace, little girl? Don't bother answering, you're under arrest for-" (Man)

"That's a problem... huh..." (Ryuu)

"Are you even listening to me?" (Man)

"I wouldn't have thought that I'd be unrecognized in my own palace" (Ryuu)

"Eh?" (Man)

I had spoken such that he could hear, but would think I was talking to myself, until I finally recalled the man's name.

"Baron Horthersheimel, kindly remove yourself from the Demon Lord's path. I am presently chasing after someone under arrest for high treason, so I'd recommend avoiding obstructing that pursuit further" (Ryuu)

"Urk... Sorry, your majesty" (Baron)

I took off after the noticeably slower Sangen, and caught up within a few minutes. At that point, I grabbed him by the wings and dragged him to the prison, explained what was going on to the startled guards, as they recognised Sangen but not me, and locked him up. I then had my aides put out notices on all of the bulletin boards in the capital with the announcement of Sangen's execution date, which was three days later at noon in the central square, as well as ones saying that a few other important pieces of information would be stated at the same time.

Three days after that, there was a massive crowd blanketing the square and much of the roads leading to it, such that not a glimpse of stone could be seen through the crowds. The executioner's block, a one and a half meter high and six meter wide circular pedestal, had a thin, three meter high pillar sticking up from the middle of it, to which Sangen was chained. Behind it was a large fountain, and then a wall, such that the crowd was forced into a half moon formation around the executioner's block, if you will. Exactly at noon, I flew in on Ver's back, before jumping off and landing on the pillar. Ver, meanwhile, landed on one of the buildings nearby and stayed in her wyvern form, for a while. I spoke, my voice amplified with wind magic, and the crowd quieted instantly.

"Welcome, one and all... wait, that makes it sound like a circus attraction... uh... Oh, right, many of you might not know who I am. I am the Demon Lord Miryuu Maou, and as you probably heard, we are gathered here to watch the execution of the traitor Edward Sangen for his crimes. Those include, but are not limited to, gross misconduct, extortion, bribery, murder both attempted and successful, and high treason. He plotted to sow discord between the human and demon lands for the sake of selling more weapons to both sides, and he did this by creating the Church of Lars in the human lands, so that, if the plan fell through, he could shift the blame to the first seat of the demon generals. Levia Leviathan obtained this information, and was almost killed because of it, and his forces chased her across the border and halfway to the capital of the human lands to continue their attempts at burying her and the information she carried. With all of that, there's no way he could escape this execution. The method has been selected, and it is death by the new national anthem" (Ryuu)

My magic billowed out of my body flashily, and I rose into the air with it, before it turned into hundreds of lightning bolts that just hovered in the air. My hand rose and then dropped, and the bolts started falling onto Sangen, getting increasingly more powerful as time went on, with people, one after another, recognising Shocking Sonata in the rhythm of the thunderclaps. Six minutes after the music began, Sangen died, and the bolts stopped falling, the remainder turning into wisps of mana that spread throughout the area.

"Now, onto the information that was promised would go along with the execution. The first and second, you've already heard, the parts about Sangen's plans to cause strife between the two lands of this continent. The second was the national anthem being decided to be Shocking Sonata. For the new information, there are... several pieces" (Ryuu)

Another short one... sorry. Also the only one for now, as the next part is currently incomplete... I'mma get right on that, so hopefully you can get more soon.

I am NOT dropping this, not at all. If and when I do decide to do so, I will make a post stating as much... unless the reason I'm dropping this is because I suddenly died or went into a coma. I'll also try to make there be a good ending to the whole thing, to leave as few loose ends as I can.

CaTastrophycreators' thoughts