
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

A Different Perspective

Going back about a day to when Dylan first appeared.

Toru was having the day of her life after knowing she was finally accepted into UA, with it being one of the most prestigious school to get into within the country and at the same time Toru being new and all didn't know anyone, but still stayed held hope for the future.

It didn't take long before she struck a conversation with one of the other girls and began to hit it off, she found it enjoyable to be spoken to like a normal person or at least people didn't find her being invisible a problem.

Even after a few minutes, she really enjoyed the fact that talking to someone was fun, making her beam a bright smile that only she knew she had.

However, that smile quickly faded when she heard the door to the classroom open, quickly she thought that the teacher was entering into the classroom and in the panic, she scurried to her designated seat that was at the front of the class.

She soon found that everyone was doing the same, and when everybody was seated, the room quickly fell into silence.

With the whole class in silence, they waited for the teacher to enter, but they all quickly noticed a man, no a student, enter through the door wearing the same uniform as them.

Every step he took shook the ground, and everyone present could even feel the shaking run up their legs, and luckily he soon come to a stop just a few feet away from the podium.

The way he carried himself showed that he was a strong, proud person, and that was only heightened by the muscles clearly seen trying to escape from his clothes. He began looking around when Tenya asked him if he was in the wrong class.

Not a word escaped his mouth from the beginning, he just kept looking around the room like he owned it and if you dared to look into those eyes, you would feel like your soul was going to break if you looked at them for too long.

However, one thing caught them off guard and that was when he stared in the direction of the invisible girl, everybody thought he did it out of interest, but it soon went on for a little while before he looked away and after he was done a visible smirk could be seen on his face confusing them.

Yet out of nowhere, his head twisted to face the door whilst his body stood there like a Greek statue and afterwards the door could be heard opening. Revealing their teacher, and whilst all of this was happening, a single girl was having existential crises.

Lost in her own thoughts as she constantly asked if "He saw me, no, no, no, that's impossible" was one of the many things she asked herself "But what if he did, no, no" as she remembered those eyes that defiled her body mere moments ago that scanned over her very being, caused her to shudder.

Later on in the same day, she came to a simple answer she needed to ask him and see if he did. She was over the moon when he gave her the answer she was looking for. Which caused her to cling to him for the next 20 minutes as she guided him around, and also asked him for any little detail about the way she looked.

Astonishment crept over her mind, finding out that he paid that much attention to her, which also brought her a huge amount of embarrassment, as she felt practically naked in front of his eyes.

Afterwards, when they reached the group and when Turo spotted them, embarrassment hit her hard thinking that if she was seen with a boy they might ask her if they were going out, causing her to freeze in her tracks.

However, when she glanced to the left where Dylan used to be and spotted him walking away, leaving her standing here, she reached out her hand to say something, but no words reached her throat.

All she wanted was to continue following him and ask him more, but seeing him enter into the group she felt lost, and it also didn't help that was when Aizawa spoke to start the quirk tests.

Toru was planning on finding him, and after searching around, she found Dylan, but he was next to Momo and what seemed to hurt her was that they were talking happily and openly. She found herself wanting to be Momo at that moment and just listen to his voice alone.

Each and every time she thought she had the courage to go over and talk to him, she would find him standing next to Momo causing her to finally snap, telling herself to just go over there. When she got closer enough, she heard Momo say "Is it a date?" destroying any confidence and heard Dylan reply, "Only if you want it to be" breaking her down even more.

Frozen in place, not knowing what to do, she simply stood there looking at the both of them. This carried on through the whole class, causing her to lose focus and gradually her spot on the podium lowed until the end where Aizawa said he wouldn't expel anyone, ending the tests and breaking her out of her stupor.

Darting her eyes around, she found Dylan but also saw Momo walking after him and that was when she broke, asking herself why she can't be that confident chasing after something that made her happy for once.

Going back to when Dylan saw the doors open.

My eyes scanned around the empty room that only had six little chairs off to the side and glancing to the centre of the room there was a blue-headed, bold man standing there almost staring me down with his white-toothed grin.

That's when Nezu spoke up, "Your test will be to fight Ectoplasm you do not need to defeat him, he will simply test your capabilities" I simply nodded to his words.

Whilst the rest of the heroes who came, they all started to head towards the seats, Nezu stood by my side to quickly tell me something, "You can go get changed in either your training suit or your superhero suit" and again I nodded at him.

Stepping towards the six heroes, I began taking off my uniform, the first thing to come off was my blazer, which intern revealed the smooth engraved Kryptonian symbols running along the sleeves of my suit, that fit me so perfectly the veins on my arms were able to be seen bulging through the fabric.

With me folding my blazer and placing it on the ground, I pulled off my tie to start to unbutton the school shirt, which also began slowly revealing my family's crest in all its glory, covering most of my chest.

Whilst I pulled the shirt off I stood tall and proud knowing that they were all looking at me, I didn't need to push my chest out or tense my back as I had enough muscle which already looked menacing without me needing to try.

With having my upper body on full display, I moved on taking off the rest of the clothes, so I get my suit on full display for them to see.

Nezu sitting down with the rest of the heroes asked Cementoss "Can you raise a platform for them to duel on" in saying that Cementoss agreed to his request and went to walk away from the group to get his hands onto the floor to activate his ability.

In the next moment, I watched as a 10 by 15-meter base raised from the ground by about a meter, with steps also slowly climbing up the sides to which as Ectoplasm slowly stepped up to the platform and took his position.

Folding up the last bits of clothing, I looked over to the steps and paced over to them, making sure to not break eye contact with Ectoplasm who was waiting for me on the platform. Taking my last step onto the platform, I took my position whilst my eyes looked onto his.

Which was when Midnight stood from her chair with a smile, "I have been told that Dylan would duel a UA teacher, and his test is to prove his worth and to prove that he belongs within the walls of the school." with her being done she looked over at the rest of the heroes

"with all of us present, we are here as proof to the fight and as referees, all please say I" after she said that she looked again to them.

"I...!" they all said in unison

A clapping noise came from beside her, and that was Nezu. With Midnight sitting down, All might simply said loudly "Let the fight begin"