
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Great Two Grinning Idiots

Everybody was getting jittery, looking at Aizawa expecting him to clearly point at Izuku to expel him from the school, however, in the next moment, he openly told the class "I was lying" as he turned around to walk off.

I was already walking off whilst every one of them were still busy heaving in relief knowing that they wouldn't be expelled. Funnily enough, I didn't hear Momo tell the class that she already knew he was lying. I just hope she doesn't have such a naive mentality in the future.

As Dylan got farther from the group, two people were actively looking for him, one couldn't be seen and the other wanted to complete complain about losing a bet. Nevertheless, In the end, they both happened to spot him walking off, but only one of them dared to walk after him.

Whilst the other one noticed that Dylan had spoken to another girl throughout the quick training, she felt herself becoming jealous, but she didn't understand after all they had only just met.

In addition to the end of his speech, he walked around the building to find a big muscled bound blonde grinning, and staring onto the training field, "All might what do you want?" as Aizawa looked at him like a dead fish.

"Nothing, nothing, but you were lying about expelling the students weren't you" All might said through his big grin.

In an absolutely monotone voice, "No, I was planning on expelling them" he said whilst he walked past All might.

All might looking at him with a deadpan expression, but still holding his grin "What...

A sweet voice came from behind me, twisting my head, I saw Momo walking towards me, causing me to stop listening in on Aizawa and All might's conversation. Greeting her with a simple hello, caused her to go off on a rant.

"You think leaving will make me forget about the loss I just went through and that I now owe you a lunch" I looked at her a little perplexed mostly because I didn't want to cash that bet in yet, so I clarified, "Where did I say in the bet that it had to be as soon as possible?"

I watched as she slowly turned a brighter shade of red, to which I tried to clarify "We can do it tomorrow if you want it so soon and besides, I need to get home to shower after a long day like this"

With that done, I had thought she would leave me, after all, I did say I was going to shower, but no I expected her to split from me sooner, but I was wrong and it looked like she was expecting me to leave the school grounds when.

Seeing the way she looked at me when I didn't go towards the main entrance, but instead when we started to walk towards the dorm, was when she started to show pity for me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I am not looking at you like anything" whilst she darted her eyes across the sky trying to act like she wasn't just caught out.

Looking at her solemnly I said "I am going to shower and going to try and I am also going to get in some sleep, if you want, you can take me to lunch tomorrow" seeing that she focused back on me.

I waited in the middle of the path as she looked at me whilst I waited for her to reply to which it never came, instead, she simply nodded then said "What time?"

"We can do it after school, after all, that's when we can spend more time together" I answered as I started to turn around trying to indicate the end of our conversation. However, I heard her say, "Do you think it's a date?"

In a lazy tone, I just replied to Momo with my back to her as I continued to walk "Only if you want it to be" waving her goodbye with back still to her as I continued to walk, not really caring what she thought about my reply.

As I walked off, I found it strange that I saw Toru watching us from afar, but I paid it no mind and went towards my dorm. After taking off my clothes I got myself into the shower, mostly out of habit because now that my body is in fact invulnerable it doesn't in any way suffer from overheating.

With the shower over with, I walked out of the bathroom with my dried hair and throw the towel that was covering my body at the foot of my bed and went to sit on my bed sighing as I thought about how I was going to take over the world.

The only reason I decided to talk to Momo was that she was rich, and her ability could be somewhat useful to me in the future, whereas Toru's ability is really quite useful to me mostly for infiltration purposes, but in order to bring her to my side, I need to first corrupt her enough so that she trusts my every word.

Luckily, her quirk gives me a good opportunity to corrupt her, as with something like that it would naturally causing her to be anti-social and feel like to be normal she would have to put her foot forward in order to be detected. I shall see how it goes, but right now seeing how she reacted to me talking to someone else brought a smile to my face.

With Momo though, I would say I am still on the fence about whether it would be beneficial to have her under my wing.

With my thoughts over with I placed my head down on the pillow, I folded my arms behind my head as I enjoyed the feeling of the sun hitting my still unclothed body as I closed my eyes.

My eyes opened calmly listening to my alarm going off, and I simply got out the bed to get myself changed, first by putting on my Kryptonian suit that I left hanging in the cupboard to put the UA uniform over it.

Leaving, I made my way into the classroom and when I walked in I saw Nezu standing next to Aizawa who happened to be early for once, but it was only my second day so what do I know.

Looking at Toru as I stepped past her giving her an innocent smile as I found my chair which was at the back one space to the left of Momo literally as close to the window as I could get.

Everyone in the room had serious expressions hanging over their faces for whatever reason. But as I started to get comfortable in my seat Aizawa spoke as he lifted up a bunch of paper "Here you see that I am holding paper I want all of you to start designing your superhero costumes" with that said everyone burst into cheers.

After seeing that all the paper had been handed around Nezu spoke, "I would like everyone's attention, as you know Dylan is a new member of your class and as such, I would like for you all to congratulate him for breaking most of our school's records" as he looked at me solemnly whilst he clapped.

Cheeky shit trying to make me feel proud for breaking records that literal children set, of course, had to play the part and put on a proud face with a hint of embarrassment, but deep inside I wanted to throw him out the window.

However, that's when he said "Since everyone is busy with their hero costumes, Dylan can I pull you out of the class for a bit?" I nodded as I sighed getting up from my chair and heading towards the door.

Seeing him outside, he had a smile "You remember what I said at the beginning?" as he gestured for me to follow him some more

"Yes, where I needed to fight a teacher as I missed the assessment" following him through the corridors of the UA building Kezu asked, "Yes we are going to the training room to do your assessment. Do you know what will happen if you fail?"

Following behind such a small and slow dog was driving me insane and listening to such obvious words that were trying to get me spooked for the upcoming bout, but I merely ignored his attempt and spoke, "I can't wait to miss a bed that's not even big enough to fit me on it"

Nezu was a bit surprised by my reply feeling as his speech had failed for its intended purpose, but he let Dylan be arrogant as when he falls that arrogant side soon follows, "I see well, let's just go pick up the other teachers who are free and are going to watch the fight"

Along the way, we picked up All might, Midnight, Cementoss and Power loader, now all 6 of us made our way towards the training ground, it wasn't that far, but with all these heroes in one place really made my ears bleed with their achievements.

Thankfully All might was being quiet for a change as I think he was probably paying, more attention to keeping his form than worrying about his achievements like these loud-mouthed idiots. Nezu leading us finally arrived in front of the door which caused me to sigh out of gratitude because they finally stopped talking.

All might seeing the sigh patted Dylan on the back "It's ok there is nothing to fear" and Dylan looked at him, then looked away, making All might think that, Dylan was saying thank you in his own way.

When the doors to the training ground finally opened there was a bold blue head standing their with a hardened grin just like All mights.