
The Bloody Countess

“Bloody Mary… Bloody Mary… Bloody Mary…” Waking up in a void is never fun, especially when you don’t remember a thing about anything. Not how you looked, not your life, not even your own name. Would having power you never asked for help? Maybe a clichéd System, or maybe a woman who seems strangely familiar? If only you could remember your name. •Female Lead (Female POV) •Not a Harem •Overpowered •System that doesn’t hinder the host •System isn’t the main focus •Morally Ambiguous MC •Loosely Connected to Jörmungandr, another story I am writing. **Potential triggers in this story** •Blood and Gore •Assault •Mentions of SA •Suicide •Language •Extreme Violence •Sexual Content (Potential R18 Scenes in future) Monthly Updates

Vargr_the_Skald · Phim ảnh
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Quest Added


Objective 1: Answer the summons [ ]

Objective 2: Mark Cassie Andrews [ ]

Hidden Objectives: 



Quest Completed


Objective 1: Answer the summons [✔️]

Objective 2: Mark Cassie Andrews [✔️ ]

Hidden Objectives: 

Drain at least one of the three summoners [✔️]

Escape without being spotted by anyone else [✔️]


5,000 Exp. 


Gacha Token x 1

Anthony James Killed

Soul Absorbed 

Stat recovery boosted by 1%

Quest Added


Objective 1: Escape from your domain [ ]

Objective 2: Learn about the world [ ]

Objective 3: Gain a new identity [ ]

Hidden Objectives:




I was taken back by the amount of stuff I was reading. If I didn't have Gamer's Mind I would have been sick at the reminder that I had killed someone. Despite the fact that I was a 'Gamer' this wasn't a game at all. I had taken a life and I had enjoyed it. I could deny it whichever way I wanted but in the end I had gotten aroused when I had killed that boy. 

"Am I evil for the way I think Eris?" 

You are not at fault, this was a-

"Eris, I enjoyed killing that kid. I got aroused seeing the light leave his eyes." 

Would you be evil if you're having thoughts like this?

"I- I don't know, nothing makes sense." 

I suggest you move forward Elisabeth, that is the only way to know definitively of your alignment. Just know that whatever it may be, that you will not be judged for acting on your instincts. 

"I need some time to think about this." I sighed in resignation. 

Take all the time you need, you have all the time you could ever want in your own domain. 

"What does that mean?" 

Time flows differently here, you can be summoned at any time in any era so long as they perform the ritual correctly. 

"Chant my name three times in front of a mirror in a darkened room?" 

Correct, though that is one of the many different ways they can summon you. A medieval knight could summon you just as easily as a teenager in a house party. 

"T-that's will be a strange thing to get used to." 

You do not have to answer the summons after that first one. You will still hear them trying to summon you but you need not respond.

"Will there be any consequences?" 

None that I can think of.

"Alright, I think I'll take a nap. This day has been long and very strange." 

I bunch up my skirt and sit down leaning against a tree, closing my eyes. I attempted to drift off into sleep but found that I couldn't. Sighing in exasperation I began to recount my actions since learning my new name.  I felt a tingling sensation when I thought about the girl I had grabbed and apparently 'marked'. Focusing a bit more on the tingling I sat up with a gasp when I realized that I was now looking through Cassie's eyes. She was speaking with the police about what had happened. 

While I still felt terrible about what I did, a part of me also felt a sense of smugness. I was practically untouchable considering what I was and the power I held.

They could search for me all they wanted and they'd never find me, much less catch me. I closed my eyes again and focused on the connection to Cassie.

It was like I was a passenger in her body, I knew I could take control of her at any time but I waited until the police left and she was being comforted by her mother. 

'I wonder…' 

I focused some more and felt Cassie's arm grow warm. I smiled when I realized that I had just found my ticket to leave my domain. 

"Eris will I be able to return to my domain if I leave it?"

You can return to your domain at any time by walking through a mirror or any reflective surface in the mortal world after placing a drop of blood on it. 

"Thanks, I think I'll go for a walk." 

Be careful Elisabeth, there are still people who can hurt you in this world.

"Now that I think about it, what world am I even in? Being the Bloody Countess doesn't narrow anything down since I'm pretty sure she exists in nearly every world, fantasy or not." 

I thought you'd never ask, you are currently in the world created by JK Rowling.

"I feel like I should know that, like my memories I can't seem to recall anything about it." 

Right, I forgot. Let me implant the memories in your mind then. 

I felt like I just dunked my head into ice cold water. Memories of the Harry Potter world filled my mind and I frowned.

While I now had the knowledge of what world I was in, there was still no telling if I was in the original book world or if I was in some sort of alternate world. Shrugging I decided that I'd figure it out eventually. 

"Before I go out there, what's the date?" 

It is currently March 26, of the year 1979.

'Mmm, I have a few years until the official story actually starts. Should I even interact with the world and change things or should I just leave everything be. It all works out in the end anyways.' 

Be aware, this world may also be tied with another world you are familiar with. 

"What do you mean Eris?" 

I can not disclose this Elisabeth, I have already done more than I should by giving you information on Rowling's world. 

"You weren't supposed to tell me that?" 

I bent the rules a bit seeing that you have no memories of your past.

"Thanks Eris." 

You're welcome Elisabeth. 

Nodding to myself I went back and focused on my connection with Cassie. While I could take over her body, that wasn't my goal. I had already made this girl suffer enough.

I used the connection to pull myself to the mortal world and gasped when I appeared in Cassie's room. The teen was fast asleep with tear stains on her cheeks. She had cried herself to sleep. 

A pang of guilt came over me and I pushed it back with the aid of my perk. Looking around the sparsely decorated room I glanced outside her window and noted that it was dark out. I opened her window and transformed into a raven before flying out onto the night sky.

Thankfully my new body had the muscle memory of flying or else I'd have been spending a good amount of time trying to figure it out myself.

I soared high enough to catch some wind under my wings so that I didn't have to flap them as much. 

Flying was as liberating as you could imagine. I took in the sparking city lights and familiar skyline. I flew past a few different buildings noting the lettering.

I already knew I was in the late 1900s. I just needed to figure out where I was. The knowledge Eris gave me had come with information about the different countries and continents.

Judging by the license plate numbers on the few cars I saw I figured out that I was in America. Thinking about it now, neither Cassie nor her friends had an accent while they spoke in English. 

I landed on a rooftop and shifted back while balancing on the ledge. I looked down at my extravagant dress and decided that I'd need new clothes so that I didn't stick out like a sore thumb. 

'Eris, is there a store built into the system or anyways I can get some money to buy clothes from actual stores?'

The system does indeed have a store that you will be able to access once you reach a certain point. You also gained 20,000g from completing that quest. Each g will be converted into whatever currency is standard to where you currently are. 

'That's a nice feature, bummer about having to wait to get into my own store though.' 

The Gamer Store has an assortment of useful items. The restriction to unlock it was placed so that you can not accidentally break a world mechanic before understanding how things work fully. 

'So there's some powerful stuff for sale?' 

Very powerful, the shop is connected to the entire multiverse. You can buy just about anything you think of. 

'What about this Gacha thing?' 

The Gacha is a lottery of sorts. Like to the store, it is connected to the multiverse. Though what you get from it is completely random and can either be trash or a legendary item. 

'Sounds like glorified gambling… whatever,' I sighed, 'Can I spend the token that I got?' 

All you need to do is break it in half, the system will do the rest. 

'Right, how do I get the stuff that I got? I'm guessing I have some sort of storage space?' 

Your inventory can be accessed simply by thinking of it and visualizing what you want. The item will usually appear in your hands or in front of you depending on what it is.

'That's really convenient then. Thanks Eris.' 

You're welcome Elisabeth. 

'Here goes nothing,' I called the Token to my hand, 'hopefully my painfully low luck stat doesn't screw me over.'

Snapping the token I flinched away from the sudden burst of light. Blinking away spots in my vision I read the notification that popped up after I had snapped the token. 

Restorative Potion added to inventory

I noticed a menu tab on the system screen and mentally clicked it. The screen changed and displayed more options like; Status, Skills/Abilities, Inventory, and Map. 

I didn't really need a reminder of what I had become at the moment so I clicked on inventory and watched as a list of items were displayed. 

Player Inventory

1x full set of casual clothes

1x formal dress (equipped)


1x Restorative Potion

1x Steel Dagger

Overall I didn't have much in my inventory, just a few bits and ends. I was surprised to find a dagger and a change of clothes though. First I clicked on the apparent currency and read the only option that popped up. 

20,000g Available



(Rate: 1g = 100,000G or $2.5M)

"Holy shit! Eris why is this stuff worth so much money and how did I get so much of it?" I exclaimed. 

'g' is the currency used by the system. It was implemented by the First and is mainly used in the Gamer Shop. You actually got an average amount seeing that money generally doesn't matter to Gamers.

"So I can be filthy rich?" 

Yes but it would not matter, regular money is easy to come by for most Gamers. It will even drop in certain dungeons. 

"What do I need to do to unlock the Shop? You said I just needed to get to a certain point but that's really vague." 

Instead of replying, I was given another quest. 

Quest Added

'Grand Opening'

Objective: Reach Level 25 [ ]


Gamer Shop Access

'That doesn't seem too difficult, I start planning that out after I finish going through my stuff.'

I clicked the potion I got and read its description. 

Restorative Potion (U-R)

An ultra rare potion that restores something lost. 

(Warning: can not restore lost souls.) 

'What the hell?' I thought. "Eris, this is too convenient. Did you have a hand in this?" 

My last direct gift to you, I will no longer interfere with your life after this aside from assisting you normally. 

"I- thank you either way, you've done so much for me." 

Succeed Elisabeth, for us both…

The last bit Eris said was ominous. I felt that she wanted to say something but seeing that she was already giving me an opportunity to regain my lost memories I wasn't going to push any further. If she got taken away from me somehow I didn't know if I was going to be able to find anyone else to talk to and I didn't want to risk that. 

I looked around for a reflective surface and pricked my finger with a nail. Smearing the blood on the window I watched it go opaque, my reflection disappearing from its surface. 

"It worked…" I muttered as I stepped through. 

Shuddering at the strange feeling I emerged back in my courtyard and sat underneath a tree before popping the cork off the potion and drinking it in one gulp. 

"Surprisingly tasty, not at all what I was expecting from a-

Pain split my head making me double over. Biting my lip so I didn't scream I closed my eyes and took deep breaths trying to fight through the pain. It was too much and despite my efforts the world faded around me as I lost consciousness. 

[Scene Break]

"Well, what do we have here?" 

"Looks like we got us a little bitch wandering alone…" 

"FUCK! She had a knife, she cut me!"

"Get that bitch!"

"I'm sorry ma'am, your daughter… what happened to her, what happened to her was an atrocious thing. She managed to bring down two of her attackers before they finally got to her." 

"Isn't there anymore you could do?" 

"I'm sorry, we've done all we could. Elisa is a strong girl whether she wakes up is on her now." 

"Lizzie? I know you can hear me, just know that mommy is always here for you sweetie. Always." 

"Lizzie, if it hurts too much you don't have to hold on anymore. You can let go." 

"Time of de-

The memories swirled around me in a cloud, I would have been crying had I been in my physical body. My sadness gave way to white hot rage. I had hardly turned nineteen when I had been assaulted, I still remembered the men's faces clearly. One of them had been my stepfather's so-called friends. I had stabbed two of them to death before the rest managed to disarm me. 

My mother had been filled with so much guilt, she confronted my stepfather only to find him dead. Turns out he had debts to people he couldn't pay back. They were supposed to take me as 'payment'. Only I fought back ruining their plans when I delayed them enough for a neighbor to call the cops. 

Seeing my body laid up in a hospital bed was surreal, I hadn't put much thought into how I looked back then but now that I was looking at myself from an outside perspective I could see that I looked like a much younger version of Elisabeth Bathory, the body I now owned.

'Maybe she was my descendant? No, that doesn't make any sense, why would I be related to her? It's only a coincidence that our names were identical… isn't it?' 

I thought of ways I could have been connected to the infamous woman. I came up short so I resigned myself to watching the rest of my memories playback in reverse up until I was a baby again. 

I watched as a woman obscured by shadows entered the nursery I was in. I was too curious to really panic at the fact that this clearly supernatural creature was in a room alone with baby me. The woman picked up the baby version of me and smiled. I couldn't see her face but I just knew that she was smiling and that she had fangs. 

The woman pricked her finger and drew a strange symbol on my head. The symbol glowed red for a second before disappearing. The woman set me back down on the crib gently. 

"You will be the instrument of my rebirth, little one." 

She spoke in a language that definitely was not English. Somehow I still understood it, and I mentally shuddered at the fact that the potential reason for my current situation was being revealed to me. 

The woman had clearly done something to me that resulted in me becoming something else. 

'It makes no sense… who was she? Was she the original Elisabeth?' I thought to myself. 

The memory wasn't over though, the woman looked up to where I was watching from and I froze. That shouldn't have been possible. This was a memory, she couldn't have seen me.

The woman pulled down her hooded cloak revealing her face. Even without a body at the moment I felt a chill crawl down my spine as she turned to face me. She spoke, this time in English. 

"Its time to wake up Elisa."