
The Apex hunter

Every environment has an apex. A beast is perched atop the throne, watching every living thing below. They have no competition and can do whatever they want. No one could mess with the apex. However, there exist people who could hunt these invincible beasts. After achieving such a monumental task, they will be awarded the total of the Apex hunter. Bullied by his peers for being weak. Michael set out on his quest to become an apex hunter! 1 Chapter per days

Divichan02 · Kỳ huyễn
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92 Chs

33 Helping each other


Silvia's body flew off to the side. The impact made by the hammer dealt significant damage to her leather captain cloth.


Silvia's rambling has put him into a strange state where he is significantly more invulnerable to phycological damage. Layla's appearance is like a light at the end of a tunnel. She might not like MIcahel, he she still helps him.

"Run you, idiot!"

She shouts at Micahel, prompting him to get up however, his leg is not in a good condition to go anywhere. The cut wound makes it hurt to stand up.

"I...I c..can't"

Micahel stutters his word. Scared that she might yell at him to be stronger or something like that. 'If you were Boniha's kid this wound wouldn't be a problem! You're useless!' just thinking about it makes Michael terrified. However, Layla did not say anything to him and throw a herb bag at him.

It's the bag that he gave her earlier. She didn't use up all of the herbs to heal her wound. Because of the Boniha body, she only needs half the amount of normal people. Such as Michael.

He quickly opens the bag and reaches in for a light green leaf. This thing is called the honey leaf. It's a type of leaf that grows almost everywhere in the world. Its main feature is its high nutrient and healing properties. However, This plant only grows in small amounts so it's not ideal for farming.

while Michael is applying the herb a charming sound rang from behind.

"Looks like we got another musician. What type of instrument did you play? Fear? anger? depression? or all of the above? I like it when they can play all of the instruments."

"Run! I'll stall for her!"

"I...I can't!"

His wound is not healing at the same rate as hers so they have to wait a while for the medicine effect to kick in.

"Oh sweety, I won't let the lead instrument run away. That would ruin the show."

"Shut up!" Layla's word was accompanied by a swing of her hammer. The hammer has a face that is as big as her body. So If the hammer hit, she could deal significant damage.


It misses Silvai completely.

"You've done a great job sweety. The air must have been wailing on the ground by now."

"Your head will be next!"

She swung her hammer again in a downward motion this time she put all her force into it hoping it would kill her target. However, Silvia's body disappears the moment that hammer hits. The blow hits the ground making cracks.

"Wow, two times in a roll! You're killing it."

"Shut up!"

Layla did not wait for a second and started assaulting Silvia. Her hammer swung up down and sideways trying to hit the woman however, her effort is futile. She can't hit Silvia at all! and every time she misses, Silvia will taunt her. Although not annoying at first, Layla quickly grew frustrated from the consistent taunting.

"You're not gonna hit me at this rate... Your rhythm is too simple."

Silvia weave in a sword blow between Layla's strike and caught her off guard. Silvia that has been dodging her strike suddenly changes her stance and slashes her.


Layla backed off and touch her tummy. The whip sword weaves through her armor and struck at a weak spot where her armor doesn't cover it.

"I could hear your frustration now... HeHe"


As the fight goes on, Layla feels more and more like she's fighting with an illusional enemy. She couldn't hit Silvia no matter how hard she tried. the woman has been moving like a snake and dodging her blow at the last second. On the other hand, Layla has been consistently hit when she did her big move with a large recovery time.

Every single time!

Noticing her weakness she tries to adapt her stance and make it less obvious. However, her change is sloppy and Silvia notices it.

"Oh, trying to mix it up? It's not gonna work, your rhythm is a mess!"

She quickly changed her stance. This time Silvia is going on the offense.


Her blade works were explosive. Fast and menacing. Silvia's blade did not have that much force in it but, she could freely control her whip sword around like it was an extension of her own body. The more the swung her blade the more injured Layla is.

Other than the village chief and Gurara. This is the first person she could not face. while fighting with her. Layla could feel that she was not the one controlling the fight at all. Her mind is at a boiling point.


Her frustration turns into anger as she swings her hammer more aggressively than before. She didn't care anymore. At first, she only wants to repay Michael for the herb but, now this is personal. She wants to hit Silvia now. She wildly swung her hammer hoping that it would hit Silvia.

"Slow down little girl... You can't change your tune like that...."


"Let's end it here, your song is starting to get boring."

In mere seconds Silvia slashes Layla all over her body. Layla couldn't do anything. Even if she's the best hunter in her school, she couldn't match up with a pirate that has been active more many years. The difference in skill is too much.

"Look like that little guy got away. What a pity, It'd be fantastic if we could get you two together for a duet"


Looking around she could see that Michael has already left. She heaves a sigh of relief.

'At least we are even now.'

The only thing left to you is to win this battle. Her pride would be in shambles if she lose now. Pushing herself up she stared at The pirate with a burning passion. Her desire is to win! Even if it's meaning less she wouldn't give up now.

Layla ready her hammer to face Silvia. They both stared at each other, Layla with her aggressive eyes and Silvia with her playful eyes.


Before they both start another fight, a drop of rainfall from the night sky. It quickly turns into a downpour.

Suddenly a bush flies at Silvia from the forest. Upon contact with the rain, the bush expands to be extremely large blocking the woman's view. even Silvia is surprised by this sudden action.

Michael dahs out and grab Layla's hand bringing her away into the dark forest.