
The Apex hunter

Every environment has an apex. A beast is perched atop the throne, watching every living thing below. They have no competition and can do whatever they want. No one could mess with the apex. However, there exist people who could hunt these invincible beasts. After achieving such a monumental task, they will be awarded the total of the Apex hunter. Bullied by his peers for being weak. Michael set out on his quest to become an apex hunter! 1 Chapter per days

Divichan02 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

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Michael glace over and see a dark figure looming around the floor. He panics and tries to climb up the pitfall. Although Michael couldn't see clearly, he quickly backed off and tried to climb out of the pit. He doesn't want to take the chance of finding out what it was.



A soft voice sounded from the cave. A figure quickly approaches him and reveals that it's Layla!

"!?" Michael is shocked! out of all the people, he didn't expect to find this girl in a pitfall trap. Seeing her Michael has a complex expression. He should be celebrating, on the other hand, Lyala seems to be unfavorable toward him. Like other Boniha people.


They both stared at each other. They don't really have the happiest interaction together. However, Michael also notices that Lyala is in bad condition. Her side stomach and arm have been heavily injured and the blood spilled all over the place.

The injured don't appear to be the result of this pitfall trap. Michael considers the metal object he earlier noticed.

'It's most likely from that...'

The unknown thing could shoot out projectiles faster than the eyes can see.

'That must have been an artifact or something.'

However, that's not the most crucial thing at the moment. The pitfall is not that deep. He looks around and recognizes that this must have been dug out by him. His first trap.

'What are the chances!'

He fell into his own trap and Layla also falls into it too. Michael feels lucky there's not a monster down here but, it also isn't the safest place.

Michael plans to climb out by using the spike from the trap.

Remaining in the pit is suicide since there's blood all over it. Layla's injuries plus his own make for a sweet smell of blood for any monster to follow. He would be a sitting duck and a free meal to the monster. Michael look at Layla, with her injury she couldn't have the power to climb up. The moment she exerts force, her wound would open wider making her condition worse.

Michael has some healing herbs with him but, he did not want to share them with her. She could just go die for all he cares.....No... Gurara still cares.... Micahel brings out the herb to heal his wound while Layla watches him.

Michael didn't speak. He pulls the spike out of the ground and starts to climb. The herb has to be applied externally. More specifically on top of the wound to heal them so, the effect is not immediate. However, it's still enough to stop the bleeding and close the wound. And that's the only thing he needs right now.

A while later

He's finally out o the pit. Michael scouts around the place and heave a sigh of relief. The monsters haven't been attracted by the blood yet. Michael makes his way to find a safer place. Ideally, a tree hole where he could hide in. Even if it's not much safer than the bit, at least it doesn't have all that blood to attract monsters.

However, before Michael could disappear into the forest he look back into the pit and see Layla lying at the bottom of the pitfall trap. Michael tosses a bag of healing herbs into the pit. Thinking back again he would be kinda sad if she dies.

Even if he doesn't like her that much. It's not to the point that he would leave her to die. Especially if Gurara knows that he left Lyala to die. Michael can't imagine how sad Gurara would be. After giving the healing herb, he turn around and left.

Layla did not make any sound.


In the dark, Michael quietly walks around the forest. He's pretty sure he was on the south side thanks to the mountain in the middle. Michael has been walking for hours. The strain on his leg is beginning to add up so, he takes a moment to rest.

Surprisingly Michael did not find any monster at all. The night forest has been awfully quiet. He doesn't know if it was a blessing or a curse. Thinking about it for a second Michael could feel that it was a curse.

The silence either means that all the monsters are asleep or they've already been killed. If it's the first scenario then it's Ok but if it's the second, he would be in danger of facing the apex monster. And he wouldn't want to be in that position.

Now that he thinks about it maybe being with Layla is safer.... shaking his head. No that would be stupid... Michael doesn't know that Lala would help him. Judging from her attitude, she wouldn't hesitate to use him as bait...

Suddenly Michael could feel a sharp pain in his back. Follow by an upward scaling motion.


Michael screams. He's accustomed to this feeling however, the cold steel sliding through his body is new to him. It's not like Graha beating or the Alma lizard water attack that do only blunt damage. His body fell over and Michael try to close the wound however he only got hit on his back and couldn't reach it.

The pain overwhelm him and he fell over. He grips his finger tightly. He was down again. Helpless on the floor. without knowing why. He doesn't like this feeling at all. why is he so weak?

"Hi, there sweety. Do you have fun running around?"

A sweet voice sounded from behind, it feeling like a voice of an angel but, Michael didn't feel safe at all. In fact, he felt like he was in the presence of an apex predator. Not like he ever faces one but he knows it. The feeling of being hunted!

look behind Michael could see a familiar figure. It's the woman who hunts him at the house! How unlucky is this! Why did he run into her again?

"Do you think you could run? I could hear your fear from miles away. Your rhythm has gotten quicker. Hehe, I could hear the sound of desperation from you." She said while having the most delightful expression on her face.

'Oh, my apex!'

This feeling again! Michael starts to cry...

"Oh? Adding more layers to your music? You're quite generous. I only hit you once... You're really committed to this piece"

She slash Michael in the leg to ensure that the kid couldn't run again. Michael cries more as his leg bleed.

AHHHHHHHH WHY WHY WHY He felt like he was useless! He asks the same question over and over while Silvia approach close with her whip sword.

"HEHE" She laughs "You are really useless. By far you're the weakest human that I've ever seen. So pathetic... HEHE.... even a flute that doesn't have holes has more meaning than you...."

She kept talking about what a loser Michael is, which for some reason only serves to deepen his sadness. His mind is unable to concentrate on enduring the emotions he is experiencing. Her charming voice keeps going on and on...

"What a great performance... Maybe I should keep you...."


Before she could finish her word and hammer slam into her face!