
Chapter 5: Your Place

Rays Pov:

I laugh quietly as i see Charmies angry face. Then i put the chips away and within a few moments its my turn. I slowly walk to the stage with a determined facial expression. I was not about to let these people trample all over me or my friends new or not. I slowly sit down next to the speaker.

Speakers Pov:

Great this is gonna be good all i have to do is break her spirt and it will be over!!! "So Miss Morningshine please tell us, why did you volunteer in your district?" Shes gonna be so broken she wont know what hit her.

Rays Pov:

"Well you see i have this very dear friend that got picked and i wanted to protect her at all cost so i volunteered knowing the risks. Now i have another friend to protect as well and no one not even the capital can stop me from protecting them." I see whats shes trying to do but im not as weak as she thinks. Just watch me walk off this stage with my head held high proud to be who i am.

Charmies pov:

Ray is so stubborn, and i LOVE IT its my turn so i walk up. "hi my name is Charmiane! I am Rachaels very dear friend, and this is my service dog King Snuffles the 2nd." I enthusiastically sign "Oh and i wont let this be an easy win for others." after i sign that sentence i walk off stage, out the doors, and into the car with Snoofles following me.

Rays Pov: 

I sit there laughing with Alexander and Charmie on the way back to our suites. "Oh god did you see the looks on their faces when i said not even the capitol could stop me? I wish i had a picture of that." Tears fall from my face as i picture it in my head again.

Alexanders Pov: 

"You guys are really something. I mean i would never have the courage to stand up to the Capitol let alone everyone in that interviewing area. How do you guys do it?" I honestly admire them for what they have done but what if they get hurt or die and i have to survive on my own.

Charmies pov:

"because we are stubborn thats why."  I sign to them. Then i reach my suite, head inside get dressed and head to bed. With dreams of any other world but mine.

Rays Pov:

That night i couldnt sleep either so i just sat there thinking of ways for us all to be free. At any cost. In Charmies district people like us would only be used for reproduction and then get killed. I wont let that fate be theirs. Not while im still breathing. I sit there as they dance happily in the square without a care in the world.

Charmies pov:

I wake up at 2 in the morning, and see people still dancing happily in the square, and i cant help but wonder why they choose to put us through this, if only i could escape from this cruel unforgiving world.

Rays Pov:

I get up and head to the kitchen to get a drink of water were i see Alexander crying in a corner all alone in the dark. I quickly run over to them and hug them tightly whispering "Everything will be alright no one will be able to touch you i wont let them. You will be ok… i promise"

Charmies pov:

I walk out of my room to get something to drink from the kitchen, and see Ray and alexander in the kitchen its fairly obvious that Alexander was crying so i got both them, and i a glass of water and kneeled down on the ground, and signed "its going to be a-ok Ray and i wont let them touch you, here have some water itll help you feel better" and i handed Alexander their glass of water as i begun to drink my own.

Alexanders Pov:

I look at them and cry even more hugging them. Its not me that im afraid of getting hurt but them. They are to nice to me and their curves… wait no stop i cant think like that. But no matter what i think they are the only thing i care about i would do anything for them. I lay my head down on Rays lap and eventually fall asleep.

Rays Pov: 

"This is getting out of hand Charmie… Nightmares i can handle but people crying… you know how well i do with that." I sign as i try to stay quiet as Alexander has just fallen asleep.

Charmies pov:

"poor Alexander, why don't we see how we can best help them in the morning? And why don't we head over to the couch, since i HIGHLY doubt either one of us knows where their room is." I sign to Ray concerned for Alexander since there seems to be a lot on my new friends mind.

End of Chapter 5

Thanks for the help Retoole for helping me wright this story.