
Cahpter 4: New Friend?

Charmies pov:

After i finished eating i went to go train for the games, specifically the lever action rifle, and bullwhips. After a couple of hours of training i finished, took a shower, and got dressed in an outfit that was laid out for me, which were a black crop top, black mini skirt, and some black heeled boots that went up to my thigh for the interviews. After that i put my hair up in a pony tail( authors note: it was Ariana Grande style) and headed out to the living room with snoofles who somehow got put in a suit AGAIN.

Rays Pov:

I went back to my room to find one of the most disgusting things laid out for me so i went to Charmies room with it and tried it on. It was a skin tight high cut tank top that leaves little to the imagination along with purple mini skirt that almost showed my underwear and a pair of the most slutish shoes i have ever seen. Not to mention the undergarments they had with it. They were almost see through like you were headed to a strip club type of see through. It almost made me want to puke.

Charmies pov:

I glanced at Ray and saw the outfit she was wearing, and it made me want to puke. "Come on, we dont want to be late for the interviews!" I signed to her, and started walking out not waiting for a reply, and hopped into the car that was waiting for us.

Rays Pov: 

I feel dirty like a slut being bought and shipped to her buyer. I sit in the car next to Charmie and Snoofles and try to fix the damn skirt i have on. Its to no avail though. I groan in frustration and sign curses in frustration. What i want to do more than anything is rip this hideous thing off me but i cant for 2 reasons, the first being i would be naked, and the second being that i would be severely punished for not wearing what they laid out for me.

Charmies pov:

"Language" i sign to ray because of how many swears she just let loose. I feel the car slow to a stop in front of a large building, must be where the interviews take place. The way they do the interviews is from the last district all the way to the 1st, so i have some waiting to do, hopefully no one tries anything. Once i get to my seat snoofles lays himself on top of my feet in a protective manner but manages to disguise it as him being anxious.

Rays Pov:

I slowly get out of the car and when i do i sense all the huger filled eyes on me. The boys from all the districts and even our so called "sponsors" i am not comfortable with this and want to claw at my skin. Then suddenly what looks to be a girl walks by and heads for the stage. They must be from district 5. As i listen closely to what they have to say it mesmerizes me.

???s Pov:

I make it to the stage scared for my life. I have seen what they do to people like me here but i still remain as calm as i can. When the speaker asks me personal questions i tried to avoid them but somehow we always came back to them. Finally i gave in and exposed myself. "Im Alexander Rain Moonshine from district 5 and my preferred pronouns are they/them, in other words im non-binary." Suddenly i hear gasps from the audience and some of them talk amongst themselves and i know im done for.

Charmies pov:

From what i gathered from lip reading (authors note: alot of us can lip read even me, it helps us understand our world better, and its a fairly neat party trick) The person from District 5 just said they were non-binary. Hopefully nothing too bad happens to them during the games, it might be crucial to form a trio with ray, them, and I. After the shock wore off a boy from district 4 went up to get interviewed.

Rays Pov: 

As they walked off the stage to sit down i walk over to them and tap their shoulder. "Hey do you want to come sit with us over there its a lot safer than sitting by yourself. Unless you want to get eaten alive by most of these creeps."

Alexanders Pov:

I look at the girl who spoke to me from head to toe. She really was not making that outfit look any better than it should it almost made me sick that they would make her wear something like that. I must admit though i see why they made her wear it. She had natural beauty one that made my stomach want to do summer salts. I nodded and she led me over to where they were sitting.

Rays Pov: 

"This here is Charmiane but i just call her Charmie and this good boy…" I say as i pet Snoofles. "Is King Snuffles the 2nd but we just call him Snoofles~ he is Charmies hearing dog cause shes deaf also i have seizures and im Pansexual"

Charmies pov:

"Hi! Nice to meet you!" I happily sign to the new member sitting at our table. "if you need any help with training i'd be more than happy to help, i specialize in all 3 forms of fighting, which is Shooting, Stabbing, and Punching. Did you know that it only takes 7 pounds of pressure to push a nose into the human skull, but it only takes 2 pounds of pressure to break it!"

Rays Pov:

Alexander looks and me confused so i teach him all the sign language i know. "Its how Charmie communicates she cants hear us but she can read our lips when i was 3 i wanted nothing more than to have a friend so i learned sign language just so i could speak with her. Its like my second language only unspoken." I smile at Charmie and sneakily feed Snoofles a cheeto puff(not sponsored) under the table.

Charmies pov:

"STOP GIVING HIM CHEETOS (not sponsored) HES LACTOSE INTOLERANT" i angrily sign at Ray who know FULL WELL not to feed my service dog chips, because he gets addicted to them.(authors note: Just like my mother and Takis, not sponsored, we have had to YANK them out of her hand several times during my scout meetings)

End of Chapter 4

Thanks for waiting everyone Retoole is feeling much better and we hope that she stays that way.