
Chapter 6: Meaningful

Rays Pov:

We take him to the couch and i cant help but feel bad for them. Were they scared? Was it something Charmie or i had said? As the thoughts raced through my head all i could think of was what would have happened if we hadn't found them. What would they had done? Its not uncommon for people like us to kill themselves. Is that the path they were headed down?

Charmies pov:

As Ray laid him on the couch i went to get snoofles from my room to sleep on Alexander's chest as a way to help relieve their anxiety, and got 2 small foam mats for Ray and I to sleep on so we could be there for Alexander. "ok snoofles lay on their chest, oh and ray i got us some foam mats to sleep on so we can be there for alexander!" I signed at ray and started setting up the foam mats and laid a blanket over alexander so they wouldn't get cold as they slept.

Rays Pov:

"Thanks… What do you think they were thinking about Charmie? Something bad? I haven't seen someone cry like that in a while… since i left mama in District 2." i sign sadly to Charmie and sit on the mat she brought out. Just talking about home and what Alexander must be going through… it made me sad.

Charmies pov:

"probably many do get scared like that with those thoughts…" I sign as i accidentally zoned out remembering my twin brother, Forrest james luna who passed away during last years games, he never even got so much as a funeral, "i wonder how my brother was last year, when he was in our shoes." i solemnly signed as i got back to reality.

Rays Pov: 

I hug Charmie and hold her close all night and we practically sleep sitting up all night next to Alexander. The next morning Alexander is crying again and we just hold him close. "Everything will be alright we are gonna get out of here all of us. They will not be killing our kind today or in those games. We will get through this, i swear on my life!" I sign and say.

Charmies pov:

"I too swear on my life, we are NOT gonna end up like my brother who didn't even get so much as a funeral." I sign very determined to ensure that the 4 of us get out of these games one way or another, hopefully one of us is one of the foretold Lumas as they get to decide who makes it out alive or not, if one of the 2 or both end up being found during these games.

Rays Pov:

I hold Alexander close as they sob and say words i cant make out. All i know is it feels like my heart is breaking watching them cry and not being able to do a damn thing about it. Suddenly i break down as well crying softly holding them close feeling absolutely hopeless and vulnerable.

Charmies pov:

"They are scared of US getting hurt or dying" i write on Rays back as i hug the weeping pair and tell Snoofles to lick their faces to try and cheer the 2 of them up.

Alexanders Pov:

"I-I-Im s-s-sorry f-for m-making y-y-you s-sad!!!" I felt like a baby crying in front of them. But i wanted to keep them safe at all costs and i cant to that like this. I obviously cared about them but the question was as friends or more?

Rays Pov:

I hugged them tightly so as to let them know i would always be here no matter the struggle and nothing would change that. I would fight for a thousand years and a thousand years more to protect them.

Charmies pov:

"I would never go down without a fight, if i have to fight for a thousand years, then trust me, i will" I sign determinedly to my new friend. "why dont we go get some food smells like breakfast is ready" I sign to Ray and Alexander before heading to the dining room to eat.

Rays Pov:

"Yeah ok… lets go Alexander." I sign and say. I was still feeling down still. I hadn't been away from my mother since my father had custody and that ended badly. Still i just felt like i wanted to go home, but i also knew that my friends needed me now. So i wiped my tears and headed to the dining room.

Charmies pov:

Ray still looked pretty upset, must be missing her mom, shes an awesome lady.

"Ray they have your favorite, Flapjacks!" I happily sign trying to cheer up my best friend. I also snuck a couple of the flapjacks under the table with whipped cream for Snoofles.

Rays pov:

I wasnt happy at all. I tried to fake a smile but i kept thinking about was how mom was all alone and didn't have someone to cheer her up. Sadly before i knew it i could barely see cause tears clouded my vision. They started so suddenly i didnt even have time to not make a fool of myself.

Alexanders pov:

I stared at Ray as tears fall down her face and i cant help but feel like my heart may break right then and there. She seemed like such a happy go lucky cheerful kind of girl. So for her to cry like that infront of Charmie and I. It shocked me to say the least but i hope that she is thinking of ending it all. It would be a waste of a very good… NO STOP YOU CANT THINK THAT!!!

Charmies pov:

"snoofles initiate cuddle attack" i sign under the table to snoofles who was facing Ray in an attempt at making her feel better because i saw the tears well up in her eyes.

Rays Pov:

I cry harder and harder as they try to comfort me. I hate feeling this way. I move closer to Alexander and Charmie and practically cry my eyes out. I hate missing Mom. I hate her being all alone like that. I want her to be safe and happy without having to worry about me.


Thanks to Retoole We got another chapter done sorry for the long wait.